Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 307 Popularizing Chinese Medicine, Can Chinese Medicine Cure Diseases

Chapter 307 Popularizing Chinese Medicine, Can Chinese Medicine Cure Diseases
Because Manston School is run by foreigners, it is absolutely rare to have a popularization class of Chinese medicine knowledge.

The students in the second and third classes of junior high school were all interested. When He Jincheng arrived, the class was already full of people, and all of them had curious expressions on their faces.

Of course, He Jincheng could tell at a glance that among these little brats, those were thorns and those were more obedient students.

When Ma Xiaoling saw He Jincheng, her face was somewhat surprised, and she thought of what her brother told her yesterday, feeling a little weird.

Could this brother's friend just want to use this Chinese medicine knowledge popularization class to vent his anger?
The four or five students sitting in the last row all looked playful at the moment, without hesitation that He Jincheng was already standing on the podium, chatting there on their own, as if this was not a classroom, but their own home living room.

He Jincheng frowned, but didn't say anything.

"Students, everyone, I am a Chinese medicine doctor. I am very happy to give you a course on Chinese medicine knowledge today. Through today's course, you can learn some basic knowledge about Chinese medicine. I also hope that it can arouse your interest in Chinese medicine. Because of my love and understanding, maybe some of you will engage in this industry!"

He Jincheng smiled.

However, soon there was a burst of unabashed laughter from below.

"Hahaha, teacher, our family is very rich, you doctors, how much money can you make a year?"

A student asked with a laugh.

"Practicing medicine is primarily about curing diseases and saving lives, and making money is secondary. However, although the profession of doctors is very hard, many people may only be on the line of food and clothing, but as long as you are really good at medicine, you will definitely not lose money!"

He Jincheng was not angry either, and said with a smile.

"That's so tiring. Who would do this? By the way, I heard from my family that Chinese medicine is a lie, and it can't cure diseases at all. Then why are you here to popularize these things?"

Someone asked with a smile.

"Whether Chinese medicine can cure diseases, is it a lie? I think many people will have different opinions. In my opinion as a Chinese medicine doctor, Chinese medicine can definitely cure diseases, but there are also many fake Chinese medicine practitioners. The so-called ancestral secret recipe that can cure all diseases is to be bluffed and deceived!"

"This kind of thing is not only in Chinese medicine, but also in Western medicine. In other words, this kind of thing exists in all industries, and it is unavoidable!"

"Because of this, we need to learn more about Chinese medicine. This will not only increase our knowledge, but also help us distinguish quack doctors from genius doctors. Does what I said make sense?"

He Jincheng explained patiently.

When he came here today, he really wanted to help Ma Xiaoling vent his anger, and secondly, he wanted to popularize some traditional Chinese medicine, so that the younger generation can also have some interest in Chinese medicine, and attract some talent reserves for future Chinese medicine. Bar!

"Really? Since the teacher said that Chinese medicine can cure diseases, can you see what disease I have and how to cure it?"

At this time, a student sitting in the last row raised his hand and asked with a smile.

He Jincheng smiled lightly, and glanced casually at the last row.

Su Dacheng, who bullied Ma Xiaoling, sat in the middle, and the person who raised his hand to speak was Su Dacheng's deskmate. Obviously, this was deliberately trying to make things difficult for him!
"Of course, please come to the front first, how about I give you a pulse?"

He Jincheng said without haste.

"Okay, I hope teacher, you are a genius doctor, if you don't see anything, then you are a quack doctor!"

The student hehe laughed, and then walked to the podium with a big grin.

This remark immediately caused the whole class to laugh.

"Put out your hand!"

He Jincheng didn't care, just nodded slightly towards the student

After feeling the pulse for a moment, He Jincheng withdrew his hand, and then looked at the student with some pity.

"You are only 14 years old this year. Your stomach gas is so weak at such a young age. If I read correctly, you will have stomach pains every night, and you often can't sleep because of it!"

He Jincheng said slowly.

The student was taken aback for a moment, because what He Jincheng said was not wrong at all.

I started to suffer from stomach pain last year, and it was better during the day, and the pain was not so bad after eating a little food, but at night, the stomach pain continued, and he couldn't sleep because of the pain.

Sometimes, before going to bed, I have to take a steamed bun and put it on the bedside, and take a bite when I am hungry, which can relieve a little.

"No... that's right, how did you know?"

The student stammered, he just felt that He Jincheng was amazing, and he stretched out his hand to feel his pulse, and he could even see this.

"When you were young, you often stayed up late and drank alcohol. You didn't eat well for three meals a day. You even ate some junk food. It would be strange if your stomach could heal! You should have a gastric ulcer. You will have pain when you are full. It is relieved, as long as you have an empty stomach, the pain will be unbearable!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

The student's face turned pale immediately.

Isn't that the case, I often go to dance halls with Su Dacheng, and with their family background, there is no need for any so-called age restrictions to enter those dance halls.

His parents don't care about him, so no one asks him when he drinks normally.

It's only been less than a year, and I have become a little alcoholic, that is, since I started drinking, my stomach has always felt that something is wrong, and in the past half a month, it has become even more painful!
"Teacher, how should I treat this? Please help me, teacher!"

The student immediately changed his attitude and looked at He Jincheng obediently.

"According to Western medicine, you need to take medicine for two months, first to repair the ulcer, then stop the medicine for a month, wait until the ulcer no longer recurs, then take some antiseptic medicine, basically take another month, and then you will be able to recover." There is a certain probability that this stomach problem of yours can be cured!"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

"Huh? So, four months!"

The student immediately became unhappy, and he couldn't be hurt to death in four months!
"If you use Chinese medicine, I can make you feel no stomach pain after one session, and you will be completely cured after half a month. Are you willing to accept it?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"I would like to, of course I would, half a month is just right, and four months would kill me!"

The student nodded repeatedly, like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Okay, then you lie on this table first, and then lift off your clothes to expose your belly. I will give you acupuncture first, which can relieve your symptoms quickly!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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