Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 308 Chinese medicine is not medical treatment, He Jincheng's theory of persuading learn

Chapter 308 Chinese medicine is not medical treatment, He Jincheng's theory of persuading learning
The student immediately followed what He Jincheng said, lay down on the table, and opened his clothes.

He Jincheng didn't talk nonsense, took out the needle bag directly, and pricked a few needles in the student's stomach.

Soon, the student cried hot and cold for a while, and finally fell asleep comfortably.

This shocked the students present. They didn't expect to make them fall asleep. This is too amazing!
"Don't worry, everyone. This student didn't sleep well during this period of time because of a stomach problem. That's why he fell asleep. He will wake up in a few minutes!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Teacher, you are too amazing, can you show me?"

With this student's precedent, others also raised their hands one after another, wanting He Jincheng to show them their own body.

He Jincheng did not refuse anyone who came, and basically told their symptoms quickly.

Most of the students basically have some minor problems. They just need to pay more attention and do some adjustments.

"Teacher, if you can see what kind of disease I have, I will really convince you."

At this time, a student raised his hand and stood up and said.

"Then come here."

He Jincheng waved his hand at him and told him to come over.

As a result, the student had just taken two steps when He Jincheng stopped him.

"Okay, you don't need to come here, I already know what's going on with you? Your leg should have been broken once playing football."

The student immediately froze when he said this.

"Teacher, how did you find out? My legs are already healed, don't they usually look lame?"

The student's face was full of shock and disbelief.

"Although your recovery is not bad, you can still see some incongruity. It should be the steel plate. If you could find a good Chinese medicine doctor to help you set your bones, I believe you can recover better."

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"Ah, then can I still set the bone again?"

The student asked quickly.

Although there is basically no major problem with his leg, and it is not in the way when he walks, but sometimes, when it is cloudy and rainy, he still feels a dull pain that is very uncomfortable.

"I really can't do anything about it. You have had this leg for more than a year, and now the bones have grown well. Unless you break it again and put it back together again, as long as you want it, I have no objection."

He Jincheng's words caused a burst of laughter in the classroom.

That student scratched his head in embarrassment and sat back, feeling remorseful in his heart.

"Okay, now, do you have any other questions about whether Chinese medicine can cure diseases?"

Seeing that everyone didn't raise their hands to ask for medical treatment, He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"There is no doubt. I really took Chinese medicine this time. I didn't expect that Chinese medicine can not only cure diseases, but also the effect is so fast. I think I have fallen in love with Chinese medicine. When I go to university, I will definitely study medicine."

Some students said very excitedly.

Many people also nodded repeatedly to express their approval.

"Don't be too happy so early. Although Chinese medicine is good, it is not that simple to become a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner."

He Jincheng smiled lightly, but poured cold water on everyone.

"Today, I am giving you this popular class. I don't want to persuade you to learn Chinese medicine or become a Chinese medicine practitioner. My main purpose is to let you know that Chinese medicine can indeed cure diseases."

"If you want to make money from Chinese medicine, I think it's better to give up this idea as soon as possible. Because if you only want to make a lot of money to learn Chinese medicine, I can be sure that you will not become an excellent Chinese medicine doctor, let alone reach my goal. current level."

He Jincheng said slowly.

"Traditional Chinese medicine has been passed down for thousands of years, and its knowledge is vast and profound. It cannot be acquired overnight. Compared with traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine is easier to learn systematically. This is why there are generally more western medicine than traditional Chinese medicine, and the people are more I like to go to a Western doctor."

"Due to the complicated learning process of Chinese medicine, an ordinary person needs to study ten levels or even more than 20 years to become a qualified Chinese medicine doctor, and even more time to become an excellent Chinese medicine practitioner."

"If you want to learn Chinese medicine well, in addition to great interest and enthusiasm, you need to persist and learn. In fact, this kind of thing can be established in any thing. If you only rely on temporary interest to learn, what? Things can't be done at their best, at best they are so-so."

"So, here I also hope that through this class of mine, you can clarify some principles of life and strengthen your inner goals and directions."

Speaking of this, He Jincheng's class today is coming to an end.

Of course, he has not forgotten what the main goal of coming here today is.

He raised his eyes and saw Su Dacheng sitting in the middle of the last row.

Almost all the students in today's class were very interested in his class, but this Su Dacheng was disdainful the whole time, and he didn't listen to his lecture at all.

He Jincheng knew that Su Dacheng must be a particularly self-centered person on weekdays. This kind of person happens to be a rich second generation, and if he has a little money in his family, he won't put others in his eyes.

If you want to teach him a lesson, you really need a strong dose of medicine.

"Okay, due to time constraints, our course is coming to an end. Before the end, I want to give you a very interesting acupuncture experiment. Do you want to try it?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.At the same time, he glanced at everyone, as if he wanted to find a volunteer to cooperate with him.

"Teacher let me come, let me come!"

The students were all attracted by He Jincheng's medical skills, and they all raised their hands to express their willingness to cooperate with He Jincheng in this acupuncture experiment.

"Let me choose a classmate to cooperate with me, that is the classmate in the middle of the last row."

He Jincheng pointed to Su Dacheng.

Su Dacheng was obviously taken aback for a moment, then shook his head.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I don't have time. I'm not interested in this acupuncture experiment. You should find someone else."

How can the trumpet have such thoughts, go to do this acupuncture experiment with this teacher.

Now he was thinking about finding something to entertain after class, for example, whether to tease that policeman's sister again.

The woman Su Dacheng fell in love with had never been rejected before. If Ma Xiaoling didn't give her face so much, then I must make it difficult for him to get along in this school.

"Don't refuse so quickly, it's very interesting to come up and play."

He Jincheng was not angry either, he just continued to invite with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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