Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 312 Recruiting Employees, Young Shopping Guide Zhu Lanlan

Chapter 312 Recruiting Employees, Young Shopping Guide Zhu Lanlan
The business of Qingmeng Clothing was booming, and He Jincheng couldn't do it alone. At first, Gao Ziqiang and Du Fei helped, but after all, they still needed to take care of Shanbaozhai's business, so they couldn't help here all the time.

Moreover, He Jincheng did not do this by himself, he still needed someone to help him with the work, and he only needed to manage it.

He Jincheng knows very well that if you want to make a business bigger and stronger, you don't need to be on the front line all the time when you are a boss. Even better.

A week later, the stock was almost out of stock, so He Jincheng temporarily closed the door for a day, and then went to the labor market to prepare to recruit some employees.

The labor market is very lively now. With the opening up of the economy, more and more people are coming to the city to work, and everyone wants to find a suitable job.

He Jincheng came to the labor market alone.

The recruitment method here is also relatively simple. If you want to recruit workers, you can rent a booth for ten yuan, then write down your recruitment needs on the sign, and wait for people to ask.

The booth was quite tight, He Jincheng waited for an hour, and finally rented a booth.

A table, a chair, and two pieces of cardboard, this is a booth worth ten yuan a day.

He Jincheng wrote down his recruitment needs on a cardboard, and then placed it in front of the table, waiting for someone to come for an interview.

He plans to recruit three people, including two shopping guides and one purchaser. Such a configuration can barely cope with the current work of Qingmeng Clothing.

The monthly basic salary of the shopping guide is 60 yuan, and then a commission is made according to the monthly sales, and a commission of [-]% of each item can be obtained.

Purchasing is a fixed salary, 150 yuan per month.

This kind of salary was considered a normal level in Nandu in 83.

In fact, because the business of Qingmeng Clothing is relatively good, the actual salary of a shopping guide can basically exceed 200 yuan a month, which is definitely considered a high salary.

Soon, many people were attracted.

A young girl looked a little shy. After looking at He Jincheng's booth for a while, she was too embarrassed to speak. Instead, He Jincheng took the initiative to say hello to her.

"Little sister, are you looking for a job?"

He Jincheng smiled very kindly.

"Yes, what kind of workers do you want to recruit?"

The girl asked shyly. Although she saw what was written on the cardboard, she didn't seem to know how to read.

"I'm recruiting a shopping guide to sell clothes. Do you want to try it? The job is very simple. It is to guide customers to buy clothes, and you will get a commission if you sell them!"

He Jincheng did not discriminate against little girls, and said patiently.

"I don't have much experience. I can only wash clothes and cook at home. Can I do this job?"

The girl said hesitantly.

"That's hard to say. If you want to be a qualified shopping guide, you must first be more enthusiastic. I think you seem a little shy. Why do you want to come to the city to find a job?"

He Jincheng thought about it and said the truth.

If the girl is very introverted, then this position of shopping guide is really not suitable for her.

"My father is sick, my mother is not in good health, and my brother is still young, so I just want to make money to see a doctor for my father..."

The girl lowered her head and said softly, with tears in her eyes.

"Well, what's your name, how old is this year?"

He Jincheng felt a little sympathetic to the little girl, thinking that if possible, he could train it by himself.

"My name is Zhu Lanlan, I'm sixteen this year!"

The girl said hastily.

"It's sixteen, but it's okay. The shopping guide in our store costs 60 yuan a month and works 26 days. If you sell a piece of clothing, you can get a commission of [-] cents to [-] cents. Do you think it is acceptable?"

He Jincheng told Zhu Lanlan about his treatment.

These days, too many 16-year-olds come out to work and earn money. There are no perfect rules and regulations for so-called child labor.

"As long as the boss wants me, I can accept it!"

Zhu Lanlan nodded and agreed without hesitation.

"Well, you're my employee today, so you can help me recruit people here, it's your first day at work!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

He also wanted to observe Zhu Lanlan again, so he wanted her to help him here. If he was too introverted, he still couldn't have her. Giving some money at that time would be considered as helping her.

"Good boss! What do I need to do?"

Zhu Lanlan nodded immediately.

"Just sit here, and I'll tell you about our recruitment requirements. Then, if someone comes for an interview, you can ask some questions. Whether you can become a qualified shopping guide depends on your performance!"

He Jincheng said.

"Boss, don't worry, as long as you give me a chance, I will definitely do this job well!"

Zhu Lanlan said immediately.

Next, He Jincheng told Zhu Lanlan about the recruitment conditions and some knowledge about shopping guides.

Although this little girl was a bit shy, she was very smart, and after just telling her once, she remembered almost everything, which made He Jincheng feel that the little girl was a malleable talent.

"Okay, remember what I said just now. When someone comes later, you can just ask. I'll watch from the side, so don't worry!"

He Jincheng handed over the recruitment of shopping guides to Zhu Lanlan.

"Good boss!"

Zhu Lanlan took a deep breath, as if she had made a big decision.

After a while, someone came for an interview.

Zhu Lanlan was obviously a little nervous, and he stuttered when talking to people, but the interviewer felt that Zhu Lanlan was a little unreliable, and left halfway through the interview.

This made Zhu Lanlan very anxious, her eyes were red and she blamed herself very much.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I didn't do a good job!"

She lowered her head and apologized to He Jincheng.

"It's okay, it's just the beginning, you just need to exercise, just take your time!"

He Jincheng didn't blame her either, and encouraged him with a smile.

Next, several people came to interview, and Zhu Lanlan's side gradually got used to it, and he spoke a lot more generously. He Jincheng nodded repeatedly as he watched from the sidelines.

Although this little girl was a little shy at the beginning, she learned things very quickly, and she became proficient in a short while, and she was not so nervous when talking to people. She was indeed a malleable talent.

Finally, He Jincheng finalized the second shopping guide.

This person is an elder sister in her 30s, named Chen Mei, who speaks and does things very neatly, and is also a native of Nandu. Her family lives not far from Qiangu Street, so she is very suitable for this job, so He Jincheng followed her. She signed a labor agreement and asked her to come to work the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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