Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 313 Get out, Chongzhang Medical Clinic

Chapter 313 Get out and return to the clinic for consultation
After the two shopping guides have been recruited, it is time to recruit a purchaser.

Buyers have higher requirements.

In addition to being quick-witted, you also need to know how to read and write, and you have certain experience in this area.

The two waited here for a long time and interviewed several people, but they couldn't find the right one in the end.

In the end, He Jincheng had to give up first.

"Lan Lan, do you have a place to live here?"

After closing the stall, He Jincheng asked Zhu Lanlan about it.

"I... it's my first day here, and I haven't found a place to live yet!"

Zhu Lanlan's pretty face turned slightly red.

"You are quite courageous. You ran to Nandu without preparing anything. Aren't you afraid?"

He Jincheng was a little surprised.

Those who come to the city to look for a job are either introduced by acquaintances or have relatives in the city. How can anyone come here without any preparation like her? This is really a bit of a tiger!
"Well, you go back with me first, I'll arrange a place for you to live in, don't worry, you live alone, I'm not a bad person!"

He Jincheng thought about it, and let her live in the hospital, anyway, there is room to sleep there.

And Gao Ziqiang lives nearby, so he can take care of him.

"Thank you boss, I believe you must be a good person!"

Zhu Lanlan immediately bowed happily to He Jincheng.

"Don't, don't, I feel sorry for you alone. It's not easy for a little girl to work in the city. I hope you can work hard in the future. If you can't do well, I can't let you stay!"

He Jincheng waved his hand.

Zhu Lanlan was recruited out of sympathy, but if she was really not suitable, He Jincheng couldn't possibly be a living Bodhisattva.

Taking Zhu Lanlan to the medical center, He Jincheng greeted Gao Ziqiang, and then the three of them had a meal at a nearby noodle shop before returning home.

The next day, He Jincheng came to the store early, and Zhu Lanlan and Chen Mei were already waiting at the door.

He Jincheng quickly opened the door, and then introduced the situation of the store to them, including the style, price, fabric and so on of the clothes.

They don't need to be very proficient on the first day, as long as they can help guide the guests, help people get clothes, try clothes and so on.

Fortunately, both of them learn relatively quickly, and when the guests come, they do it in a decent way, but sometimes the price and materials are not well understood, and He Jincheng needs to introduce them.

That being the case, He Jincheng also felt a lot easier all of a sudden.

In this way, in at most three to five days, the two of them will be fully qualified for the job, and then I won't have to stay at the clothing store every day.

As for the supply of goods, with the help of Zhao Qianlan, it will not be a problem for the time being.

In this way, after three days, He Jincheng felt that the two of them were fully qualified for the job of shopping guide, so he got out and went back to work in the medical clinic.

Although the clothing business can obviously make more money, He Jincheng still likes to stay at the medical center.

Treating illnesses and saving lives has become an indispensable part of He Jincheng's life. If he doesn't see a doctor for a period of time, he feels itchy in his heart. After sitting in the medical center again, he finally feels more at ease.

Because the medical center has not opened for several days, many patients came one after another after opening the door.

After working all morning, He Jincheng was not idle, but he also had fun while he was busy and enjoyed it very much.

After eating at noon, He Jincheng was about to take a nap when a man walked in, his face was pale, and he seemed to be in serious condition.

"Excuse me, are you a doctor? I want to see a doctor!"

The man was a tall man who looked to be in his 30s. When he walked in, he was still clutching his stomach, his face pale as paper.

He Jincheng frowned slightly, because he already smelled a bloody smell, it was obvious that this man was injured, and the injury was serious.

"Sit down first, is it a sharp weapon injury?"

He Jincheng said directly.

The man was obviously taken aback, obviously he didn't expect He Jincheng to see that he was injured at a glance.

The wound has been treated briefly, and the bleeding has been stopped, but recently it suddenly started to become inflamed, and the medicine didn't work, so he had to come here to let the doctor take a look.

"That's right, it was pierced by a steel bar. It happened yesterday. I bandaged it myself and stopped the bleeding, but today it hurts a little. It's very uncomfortable!"

The man sat down and said weakly.

"Let me see the wound, it will be a little troublesome if it is infected!"

He Jincheng nodded.

The man took off his coat, then lifted his clothes, revealing the gauze on his stomach.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the gauze has been soaked with some yellow liquid, obviously the wound has not been treated very well.

He Jincheng quickly took off the gauze for the man, and then saw some hideous wounds on the right side of his stomach.

The wound was relatively narrow and long, with a depth of three to five centimeters by visual inspection, and a length of more than ten centimeters. It didn't look like it was pierced by a steel bar. It must have been caused by a sharp weapon such as a knife and dagger.

"The wound is inflamed. Presumably there is a lot of rust on the steel bar. When you treated it yesterday, you didn't disinfect it thoroughly, so it started to inflame!"

He Jincheng didn't expose him either, he only needed to cure the disease and save the patient, and there was no need to ask about these things.

"The white wine I used for disinfection may not be done properly!"

The man said in a low voice.

"I'll give you a pulse first!"

He Jincheng murmured.

"Do you still want to feel the pulse? Help me eliminate the inflammation, and then re-bandage it!"

The man is a little puzzled, his situation is clear at a glance, why should he take the pulse?

"This is my rule. Sometimes this injury is not just what we can see in front of us. I need to confirm it again!"

He Jincheng smiled and stretched out three fingers to feel the man's pulse.

After a while, He Jincheng's expression turned ugly.

"Lie down right now and don't move around!"

he said immediately.

"What's wrong? Is my condition serious?"

The man was also frightened by He Jincheng's serious expression, and asked quickly.

"It seems to be fine, but yesterday's stab wounded your intestines, and now part of your intestines has begun to be infected. Do you feel a little hot all over and have no energy at all?"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, I feel very weak now, and I'm even in a trance!"

The man nodded quickly, indicating that He Jincheng was right.

"You can't procrastinate in this situation, lie down first, and I'll give you a few needles!"

He Jincheng immediately took out the needle pack, and stabbed them near the man's stomach wound one by one.

Soon, the man felt that he recovered a little, not as listless as when he first came.

(End of this chapter)

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