Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 314 Unscrupulous Boss, He Jincheng Kindly Invites

Chapter 314 Unscrupulous Boss, He Jincheng Kindly Invites

"Doctor, your medical skills are amazing! It's only a few injections, and my spirit has improved a lot!"

The man looked surprised and said excitedly.

"Don't get excited, your current situation is still very serious, wait a moment, I'll make you some medicine, after you take the medicine!"

He Jincheng's face did not relax, but he said seriously.

The man nodded slightly. He Jincheng just showed his medical skills a little, and he was convinced. Naturally, he didn't have any objections.

He Jincheng had nothing to do, so he started chatting with the man while grabbing medicine and decocting it.

After chatting like this, I found out that the man's name is Zhou Qingyuan, and he came to work in Nandu from Shanchuan, another province.

It's just that he was unlucky. His wallet was stolen when he first arrived in Nandu, and he was cheated by the boss when he found a job.

"It's the first time I've heard of the part-time worker's money to accompany the boss. Brother Zhou, did you break something belonging to the boss?"

He Jincheng put the prepared medicines into the casserole one by one and prepared to start decocting them. Hearing Zhou Qingyuan's description, he couldn't help laughing.

"Where, I was on duty in the warehouse that day, and some workers were smoking and playing poker inside. I didn't like it, so I went out to patrol by myself. As a result, not long after I left, the warehouse caught fire, and those workers ran out. I desperately fetched water to put out the fire, but I didn’t even think about how much reward I would get. I just thought it was my responsibility. In the end, I risked my life to save half of the goods. The boss didn’t appreciate me, so he even said I was the one who lit the warehouse with a cigarette and put all the responsibility on me and made me lose money!"

Zhou Qingyuan said bitterly, it seemed that whenever his boss was mentioned, his teeth itch with anger.

"Then your boss really has no conscience, brother, don't worry, let me heal your wounds and let's talk about it. The man's ambition is everywhere, and there will be opportunities in the future!"

He Jincheng couldn't say anything, so he could only comfort him.

"Oh, I'm a little discouraged now. I saw the country's economy getting better and better, so I went out to work to make money. Who would have thought that those rich people are simply black-hearted..."

Zhou Qingyuan shook his head with a wry smile.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

He Jincheng frowned.

"What else can I do? This time it's my luck. I met you, Dr. He. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my little life. After the injury is better, I'm going to go back to my hometown. It's better to farm in my hometown." Comfortable!"

Zhou Qingyuan was really disheartened and didn't plan to continue working in Nandu.

"Brother Zhou, what did you do before?"

He Jincheng was somewhat interested in Zhou Qingyuan, so he asked with a smile.

"I, I have to do everything, such as delivery and storage, purchases and so on. I have studied for a few years before and know a few words, so I can basically do it!"

Zhou Qingyuan said.

"That's good, brother Zhou, if you don't mind my small business here, you can come and help me, I just need a purchasing manager!"

He Jincheng said immediately.

Zhou Qingyuan knows how to read and has relevant work experience. More importantly, he has a relatively good character in the past half a day. If he can help him, it will definitely be of great use.

"Ah? I don't know Chinese medicine either, how can I help you here!"

Zhou Qingyuan was startled, and asked in surprise.

"Haha, Brother Zhou, you misunderstood. It's not here at the medical center. I also have a clothing company. It has just opened for a while, but the business is not bad. It will definitely grow bigger and bigger in the future. I urgently need a buyer. , To be honest, I also went to the labor market to recruit yesterday, but there was nothing suitable!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"This... Dr. He, I naturally believe in your character, but I used to do relatively simple purchases, I'm afraid I can't do it!"

Zhou Qingyuan hesitated.

"It's okay, everything is practiced little by little, I believe you will be able to fully master it soon, Brother Zhou, so how about this, the position is tentatively designated as the purchasing manager, and the monthly salary will be... 200 yuan, Do you think it is okay?"

He Jincheng thought for a while, then stretched out two fingers.

"Ah? 200, Doctor He, are you kidding me? My previous salary was only 40 a month!"

Zhou Qingyuan was taken aback. Even if it was 40 yuan a month, it was still a lot of income for him. He couldn't even think about 200 yuan a month!

"Not too much, not too much. If the company grows bigger in the future, it's okay to add another zero!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

This is also true. In this era, 200 yuan is indeed a lot, but as time goes by, everyone's wages will gradually increase, and this 200 yuan is nothing.


Zhou Qingyuan was still a little hesitant, worried that he would not be able to do the job given by He Jincheng.

"Brother Zhou, in fact, I value you more. I believe you must be a hard-working and hard-working person. Purchasing is one of the most important positions for a company. I also have to find a Reliable people will do it!"

He Jincheng grabbed Zhou Qingyuan's hand and said very sincerely.

Zhou Qingyuan was moved. He Jincheng healed his injuries, and now he was given a job with such good conditions. He really didn't know what to say.

"Thank you, Dr. He, oh no, you can call me the boss later..."

"Okay, brother Zhou, don't be so polite. Since I think you are worthy of friendship, then we are brothers. From now on, you can just call me Jincheng. I am not in the company on weekdays, so please be sure to support me in the future. Check out the other employees!"

He Jincheng interrupted Zhou Qingyuan and said very modestly.

As a boss, he doesn't have the habit of being superior, especially for these employees in the initial stage, they need to build a good relationship.

"Okay, Jincheng, you trust me so much, I will definitely do this job well!"

Zhou Qingyuan was both happy and grateful, and secretly vowed that he would not disappoint He Jincheng.

The two chatted for a long time, and Zhou Qingyuan still needed to recuperate these days, so He Jincheng simply sent him to the guest house to rest for a few days, and at the same time showed him the house, planning to rent it for Zhou Qingyuan to live in temporarily.

The house search went smoothly. Three days later, Zhou Qingyuan moved in, and at the same time officially went to work at Qingmeng Clothing.

Now Qingmeng Clothing has only one clothing store, and He Jincheng has packed up an office behind the store, and all kinds of office equipment such as telephones have been prepared.

For the time being, this is the office of the Purchasing Department. After a while, Qingmeng Clothing will really have a larger scale, so we will buy another one to use as an office.

(End of this chapter)

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