Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 318 Reached an agreement, heart disease still needs heart medicine doctor

Chapter 318 Reached an agreement, heart disease still needs heart medicine doctor

Hu Jinshan and Peng Xiaopeng looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

The price of [-] is already the cost price, so they can't make any money at all.

"Mr. He, this price is really too low. How about it, the price is 5000 yuan, so we should make some money!"

Peng Xiaopeng said with a wry smile.

"Four thousand and six, I think this is definitely not the last time we cooperate, our goal of Qingmeng Clothing is to be number one in the country!"

He Jincheng thought about it and raised it by 100 yuan.

"This... please allow us to discuss it!"

Hu Jinshan pondered for a while, and said with some embarrassment.

"Feel free, this business is not small, take your time to think about it!"

He Jincheng nodded.

The two went to the side to discuss it. There seemed to be some arguments, but they finally reached a consensus.

"Okay, this is the first time we've cooperated, and we don't plan to make any money anymore. I sold [-] to you. Mr. He, you've got a great deal!"

Peng Xiaopeng said with a wry smile, his face full of helplessness.

"Don't worry, I will never treat you badly. After all, we are all friends! I brought 1 yuan in cash today. After the sewing machines are delivered, I will settle the rest on the spot. This should be no problem!"

He Jincheng took out 1 yuan in cash from his briefcase, put it on the table and said.

"No problem, no problem, Mr. He is so straightforward, what else can we say!"

Hu Jinshan and Peng Xiaopeng said quickly.

So the two parties signed an agreement, and Zhao Dabao paid a deposit of 1 yuan, and the deal was considered completed.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the few people chatted and became familiar with each other.

After learning that He Jincheng was cured by a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, Hu Jinshan and Peng Xiaopeng were quite surprised.

"I didn't expect that Mr. He is still a doctor at such a young age. Why don't Mr. He take a look for me? I just feel a little uncomfortable recently!"

Hu Jinshan said with a smile.

Although he doesn't think He Jincheng's medical skills are so good, but since he knows that the other party is a doctor, asking the other party to show him his medical skills can be regarded as acknowledging the other party's medical skills. Chatting from the other party's field of interest is also a kind of communication s method.

"Mr. Hu, actually, I wanted to talk about this when we first met. Do you feel dizzy from time to time recently? When it's serious, it's like being drunk, and you can't walk?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.


Hu Jinshan was taken aback.

He didn't say anything, how did He Jincheng see it.

Three months ago, he presided over a meeting. As a result, the meeting went so-so, and suddenly he felt very sick, his face flushed, and he felt dizzy, just like he was drunk.

After finally making it to the end of the meeting, after returning to his office, he immediately vomited violently, almost dying, and later even called an ambulance to take him to the hospital.

Although this kind of situation did not happen much later, it still happened occasionally, which also made him very worried about his body.

During this period of time, he also went to the hospital for a very detailed examination, but all the indicators of his body were very normal, and the hospital did not see any problems.

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng was able to explain his symptoms clearly just by meeting him. This is amazing!

"Mr. He, how do you see this? It's as if you have experienced it yourself, and what you said is not wrong at all!"

Hu Jinshan asked curiously.

"When I first saw Mr. Hu, I felt that Mr. Hu's complexion was not very good. When I shook hands, I simply took a pulse. It seems that there is nothing wrong with my speculation!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Oh, it seems that I really met an expert today. Then Mr. He, is my illness serious? Can it be cured?"

Hu Jinshan asked quickly.

"It's serious if you say it's serious, it's not serious if you say it's not serious, and the treatment is pretty fast, but the most important thing is you need yourself."

He Jincheng said, "Your illness is actually more of a psychological problem. You have always wanted to make your career bigger and stronger, but you have repeatedly hit the wall. To be precise, it is because you have more energy than you want. If you are too persistent, after a long period of time, it will make your heart more impetuous, and your blood will attack, which will lead to a series of situations!"

"That's right, Mr. He, you are really a god. I am in such a state now! Please, Mr. He, help me cure it!"

Hu Jinshan said quickly.

Zhou Qingyuan and Peng Xiaopeng on the side were a little dumbfounded.

Zhou Qingyuan was better. He Jincheng had seen him before, and he knew that He Jincheng's medical skills were very good.

Peng Xiaopeng had never met He Jincheng, and he and Hu Jinshan had a very good relationship and were often together, but even he didn't know about Hu Jinshan's illness, yet He Jincheng could tell it at a glance, it was amazing Its skills ah!
"My treatment method is mainly bloodletting therapy. Taking blood from the center of your eyebrows can relieve the pain, but if you want to truly recover, you still need to open your heart. Don't be so persistent. Looking up at the starry sky is a good thing, but Always watch your feet."

He Jincheng nodded.

"Mr. He, just treat me, you can do anything, as long as you can cure me!"

Hu Jinshan did not hesitate at all.

Just because He Jincheng can see his condition at a glance, he has [-]% confidence in He Jincheng's medical skills.

"Okay, you sit down, the process is still very fast!"

He Jincheng got up and took out the needle bag, took out a three-inch long silver needle, stuck it between Hu Jinshan's eyebrows, and twisted it gently.

A few seconds later, a little black-red blood appeared between Hu Jinshan's eyebrows, and then slowly flowed out.

Both Zhou Qingyuan and Peng Xiaopeng were dumbfounded and didn't dare to disturb them.

The whole process lasted about 3 minutes, and the dark red blood flowed out from the center of Hu Jinshan's eyebrows. It was not until 3 minutes later that the color of the blood changed to normal red, and He Jincheng took off the silver needle. A kind of ointment was applied, and soon the blood stopped.

"How does Mr. Hu feel now?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"It's comfortable, it's so comfortable. My head was still a little groggy just now, but now it's as easy as lifting a heavy burden. I haven't felt so comfortable for a long time!"

Hu Jinshan was overjoyed, and his whole body became a little excited.

"This is just to help you alleviate the condition, and you need to figure it out for yourself. Heart disease needs heart medicine, but after the bloodletting, basically there will be no life-threatening!"

He Jincheng nodded and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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