Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 319 Flourishing day by day, the biggest difficulty in building a factory

Chapter 319 Flourishing day by day, the biggest difficulty in building a factory

"Thank you Mr. He, I know what to do in the future!"

Hu Jinshan said gratefully.

"No thanks, it's just a little effort!"

He Jincheng waved his hand.

"Mr. He, show me too. Why do I feel that I'm not feeling well recently!"

Peng Xiaopeng quickly looked at He Jincheng and said.

"Hahaha, Mr. Peng, you don't need to look at it. It's just that you are thinking too much and have insomnia. I will give you a prescription for calming the nerves. Once you take it, it will be effective. I guarantee you will sleep until dawn!"

He Jincheng laughed.

Peng Xiaopeng was taken aback for a moment, then gave He Jincheng a thumbs up.

"Genius doctor, you are really a genius doctor. I have really improved my knowledge today. It seems that we don't need to go to other doctors when we get sick. You are enough!"

Peng Xiaopeng laughed out loud.

After that, everyone chatted for a while, and it was almost ten o'clock before the show ended.

Today, we successfully purchased a batch of sewing machines at a low price, and Qingmeng Clothing has made another step towards its goal of becoming bigger and stronger!

The next day, He Jincheng went to the labor market again. He specialized in recruiting workers with tailoring skills. The wages were calculated on a piece-by-piece basis. The overall wages were higher than those in the market, so twelve tailors were quickly recruited.

On the third day, Hu Jinshan and Peng Xiaopeng sent all the sewing machines to a shop that He Jincheng had rented a long time ago.

This is a small two-story building, the location is a little bit out of the way, but the advantage is that the rent is cheap, and the place is spacious. After tidying up the sewing machines, purchasing fabrics and the like, and finally hanging a sign, this small clothing workshop is officially established. .

With the addition of small workshops, a lot of pressure on the source of goods has been relieved.

And He Jincheng drew some sketches, and after being modified by professionals, he launched several best-selling products in a row, and the sales of Qingmeng Clothing went up all of a sudden. In just one week, the sales volume reached more than [-] pieces. .

And as the workshop workers become more and more skilled, the supply here is gradually increasing.

A month later, the daily sales volume of Qingmeng Clothing reached 150 pieces, and the supply of the small workshop also reached [-] pieces, which was somewhat behind.

So He Jincheng found Hu Jinshan and Peng Xiaopeng again, and bought ten more sewing machines from them at a price of [-] each.

With 22 sewing machines at once, the space of the small workshop seems a bit small.

This made He Jincheng have to think about owning his own garment factory again.

In the second month, the daily sales volume of Qingmeng Clothes reached [-] pieces, and the small workshop and Zhao Qianlan could not even supply them. If they went to buy sewing machines, there was no place to store them. He Jincheng finally decided to contact them. Xinxin Garment Factory, which is on the verge of bankruptcy, plans to spend money to acquire it.

The director of Xinxin Garment Factory, named Wu Tashan, is also the father of Wu Sande, who had conflicts with He Jincheng before.

In fact, the production capacity of the factory is not bad, but unfortunately, there have been no orders and no best-selling products, so the factory is on the verge of bankruptcy.

They referred to the products launched by Qingmeng Clothing, but because they didn't have blueprints, they couldn't produce products with the same quality as Qingmeng Clothing.

Before, the clothing factory could sell for a high price of 150 million, but after two months, the debt of the factory is getting higher and higher. Now, it is worth 100 million at most!
He Jincheng counted all the funds he had on hand, and it was only in the early 20 yuan. He could borrow a little from Zhao Qianlan, but it would definitely not be a lot, about 50 yuan in total. He Jincheng thought of a loan for the remaining money .

These days, bank lending is still relatively cautious.

He Jincheng applied for it at the beginning, but it was directly rejected because Qingmeng Clothing's qualifications were not enough.

But is it really not qualified enough?Now the average daily sales volume of Qingmeng clothing can reach more than 5000 pieces, and the profit of each piece of clothing is more than 15 yuan, so the daily profit can reach [-] yuan, which is [-] yuan a month!
It's only a loan of 50 yuan, which can be repaid very easily, and it will only take three to five months at most.

According to common sense, such enterprise qualifications can be successfully loaned.

In the end, He Jincheng knew that it was because he didn't know anyone, so the bank deliberately delayed. The purpose was, most likely, to get some kickbacks.

This kind of thing is actually easy to solve, directly agree to a kickback of one or two points, or ask Lu Yuan to help.

However, He Jincheng does not want to do these two methods. First, if he agrees to give a rebate this time, it is equivalent to opening a hole. If he goes to borrow money in the future, there will definitely be a rebate, like a bottomless pit, forever It's not full either.

As for asking Lu Yuan for help, He Jincheng felt that there was no need for it. With the energy of the Lu family, it would be no problem to help him with a loan, but this would be equivalent to consuming the favor of the Lu family. No matter what, he would ask the Lu family for help. People will feel that they have developed by relying on their Lu family, and this favor will not be easy to repay in the future!

So, He Jincheng finally decided to try it himself.

On this day, after sending Ye Qingmeng to school, He Jincheng bought some gifts and planned to go directly to Lin Dayou, a loan officer at the bank.

Lin Dayou was on duty alone in the office today, and He Jincheng had already learned the news in advance.

After arriving at the bank, He Jincheng didn't go anywhere else, and went directly to Lin Dayou's office in the backyard of the bank.

Knocking on the door, Lin Dayou's voice came from inside, He Jincheng pushed the door open and walked in.

Seeing that it was He Jincheng who came, Lin Dayou frowned slightly.

"Why is it you again? I have already said that your company's loan qualifications are not enough, and your loan cannot be made. How can you pay it back?"

Lin Dayou said very displeased.

He Jincheng has approached him several times this month, and each time he only mentioned the loan and nothing else, which made Lin Dayou very upset.

Whoever comes for a loan is not allowed to bring anything, promise a kickback or something, this He Jincheng is not up to the mark at all, and he still wants to take a loan from his own side, which is simply a dream.

"Manager Lin, I came here with sincerity today, and I promise not to disappoint you! And as you know, our monthly net profit of Qingmeng Clothing is 10,000+, and we only borrowed 50. not much!"

He Jincheng picked up the gift in his hand and said with a smile.

"That can't be helped. You have a lot of turnover, but without physical collateral, our bank also has to bear huge risks. This is a rule, and I can't change it!"

Lin Dayou glanced at the gift in He Jincheng's hand, and his face softened a little.

(End of this chapter)

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