Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 320 Convincing the bank that the loan matter is a joke

Chapter 320 Convincing the bank that the loan matter is a joke
"Manager Lin, in fact, our cooperation this time is beneficial to us, I believe you can understand it!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"how do I say this?"

Lin Dayou was taken aback for a moment, then said with great interest.

"To tell the truth, our company does not need loans at all, because you have seen our turnover, and we can wait two or three months before we can raise sufficient funds, but why are we so anxious to get loans?"

He Jincheng said.

"I'm interested in that too!"

Lin Dayou nodded slightly and said.

"Because our goal is big, our plan is big, and the funds needed are not just a mere 100 million, but 1000 million, or even hundreds of millions!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, saying this number seemed to be a matter of course.

"Hehe, Mr. He is joking. The largest company in Nandu City can't earn 1000 million yuan a year. You are just a small workshop. It's too early to dare to say 1000 million yuan now!"

Lin Dayou laughed.

Not to mention 1000 million, even if it is 500 million, there are not many companies in Nandu.

He Jincheng boasted about Haikou now, but to be honest, Lin Dayou didn't believe it at all.

"Manager Lin, I think you should know what the core competitiveness of our Qingmeng Clothing is?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"Your styles are very novel, and even my wife has bought several pieces of clothes in your store. This should be your core competitiveness. But this is not an advantage in my opinion. What our Chinese people are best at is imitation I believe that these styles of yours will be imitated soon."

Manager Lin shook his head, "I believe it won't be long, the whole city will be filled with similar styles of yours."

"Fashion is one thing, but what is more important is that we have enough creativity and innovation. Yes, other businesses can indeed imitate our products to produce and sell, but they will always be one step behind us. Etc. Our new products have been on the shelves for two or three months, and the bonus period has passed. If they come to imitate them again, our products have actually been updated. This is our core competitiveness.”

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Lin Dayou fell silent. He was thinking about He Jincheng's words. It seemed that what he said was true. The core competitiveness of Qingmeng Clothing was indeed beyond the reach of other businesses.

"Well, I admit that I was persuaded by you. I really have nothing to say on this point, but what our bank needs is stable income. I want to know, what can your Qingmeng clothing bring to our bank?"

After thinking about it, Lin Dayou said.

"Of course it is the most direct economic profit. Our late Qing Dynasty clothing can provide you with two income methods. The first is the direct loan interest rate. The highest interest rate we can bear is 15.00%. In this case, the annual income of 50 is 5000 yuan money."

He Jincheng said slowly.

"Second, we can regard this loan from the bank as an investment, and we can return you a point of dividend income at the end of the year. As long as our production can keep up, the subsequent sales will definitely be exponential. According to preliminary estimates, our income in the first year will reach more than 500 million. If the bank does not recover the loan, we can also return a point of dividend income in the second year. At that time, it will not be a dividend of 5 yuan. gone."

He Jincheng is still very confident in the future development of Qingmeng Clothing.

As long as the problem of supply is solved, it will not be a problem at all to sell Tianmeng Clothing's products.

If the income can reach 500 million in the first year, it can at least double or even more in the second year.

Although the bank only gets a point of dividend income, if the base is large enough, the income is still very considerable.

"Are you so confident in your company's development prospects?"

Lin Dayou was very surprised. He stared into He Jincheng's eyes and found that he seemed to be full of confidence.

As the credit manager of the bank, Lin Dayou has also met many entrepreneurs who came to borrow money, but he has never seen the firm and confident eyes of He Jincheng on a single person.

"Of course, our Qingmeng clothing has gone from zero to a monthly sales volume of more than 15 in just three months, which is enough to prove how good our development prospects are. I believe that if your bank cooperates with us, it will definitely not Lost."

He Jincheng nodded and said with a smile.

"Let me think about this matter carefully. May I give you an answer tomorrow?"

After pondering for a long time, Lin Dayou finally endured it, and immediately agreed to He Jincheng's impulse.

"No problem. Here are some clothes I picked out from our store. Manager Lin can see if they suit me. If you like them, you can come to our store to choose them. When the time comes, just say my name and they will all be free!"

He Jincheng gave the gift in his hand to Lin Dayou.

There is nothing particularly valuable in it, it's just Qingmeng Clothing's new style this month.

Doing this would not count as bribery, and it would also allow Lin Dayou to understand Qingmeng Clothing better.

"Hahaha, then I won't be polite, let's talk tomorrow."

Lin Dayou was slightly taken aback, then laughed and took the gift.

He has dealt with many people, shrewd businessmen or ignorant nouveau riche.

But in He Jincheng's body, he felt something different.

It's hard to say this feeling, but it's the feeling that makes people believe him very easily.

Although he tried his best to hold back his impulse and immediately agreed to his impulse, Lin Dayou himself knew that this seemed to be a very good opportunity.

If you don't seize this opportunity, you will definitely regret it later.

After leaving Lin Dayou's side, He Jincheng was in a good mood.

He could tell that judging from He Jincheng's reaction, the loan matter must be settled.

Then the next step is to find a way, how to buy the factory in Wutashan.

Although Xinxin Garment Factory is not doing well and is on the verge of bankruptcy, there are still many interests involved.

In particular, He Jincheng still had some conflicts with Wu Sande, the son of the director of the garment factory. If Wu Sande got in the way, things would be even more difficult.

After returning, He Jincheng immediately found Zhou Qingyuan.

After telling Zhou Qingyuan about basically securing the loan for him, he was also very excited.

"Great, if we can take down the garment factory, we can further expand our sales scope and have more production space at the same time."

Zhou Qingyuan also learned a lot from He Jincheng during this period of time, and at the same time broadened his horizons, knowing how important a garment factory is to Qingmeng Clothing.

(End of this chapter)

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