Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 321 Loan Success, Garment Factory Collective Negotiation

Chapter 321 Loan Success, Garment Factory Collective Negotiation
"You can't be too happy too early. There are still some troubles in the clothing factory. When you come out, I will follow you. Try not to let me be exposed, otherwise, this matter may become a scandal. "

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"Ah, why is that?"

Zhou Qingyuan said with some surprise.

He Jincheng briefly explained the conflict between himself and Wu Sande to Zhou Qingyuan.

After listening to He Jincheng's description, Zhou Qingyuan smiled wryly and shook his head.

"These dandy rich second generations don't learn well all day long. I think that when the garment factory is acquired by us in the future, then Wu Sande has nothing to be arrogant about."

The next day, He Jincheng went to the bank again.

Lin Dayou warmly entertained He Jincheng, and a fat middle-aged man also came out to entertain He Jincheng.

"Mr. He, this is the president of our bank, President Xia. President Xia, this is the very thoughtful and courageous entrepreneur He Jincheng I told you about."

Lin Dayou made some introductions to both parties.

"Mr. He, you are welcome to cooperate with our bank. Lin Dayou has already told me about your plans and ideas today. I am very interested in our cooperation."

President Xia extended his hand enthusiastically.

He Jincheng also quickly reached out to shake President Xia's hand.

"I didn't expect that President Xia would be alarmed. I'm really flattered. I believe our cooperation will be extremely smooth."

"Hahaha, come, come, sit down and have a cup of tea first. I still have some ideas about the terms of this loan, and I want to share with you."

President Xia laughed and invited He Jincheng to sit down.

The two sides had a simple exchange, and He Jincheng understood what President Xia meant.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the president, but his vision is different, and he immediately saw the development potential of Qingmeng Clothing.

And his requirements have also increased a bit.

Previously, He Jincheng promised to distribute one point of profit to the bank, but President Xia raised it from one point to two points.

In the end, after some bargaining between the two parties, the number was set at [-].

The final agreement was reached, the bank will provide a loan of 50 yuan to Qingmeng Clothing, and no interest will be charged for three consecutive years.

Qingmeng Clothing needs it, and gives the bank a dividend of [-]% of the income every year.

He Jincheng can definitely agree to this condition.

After all, it was just a dividend of income. If it was a dividend of operating income, He Jincheng would not be so forthright.

After reaching an agreement, the two parties signed a formal contract.

And because President Xia came forward, the loan process was very fast, and 50 yuan was transferred to Qingmeng Clothing's account that afternoon.

Zhou Qingyuan has also started the acquisition of Xinxin Garment Factory.

Two days ago, Xinxing Garment Factory has issued a notice that any enterprise or individual who intends to take over the garment factory can go to the garment factory for collective negotiation on the 15th.

It is more accurate to say that it is a collective negotiation, and it should be a public auction.

Presumably it should be the one with the highest price.

There are only two days left until the time for collective negotiations.

After much deliberation, He Jincheng still felt that 100 million funds was a bit conservative.

So he bit the bullet and took 20 from Zhao Qianlan. As compensation for the 20, he returned all his shares in Zhao Qianlan to the other party free of charge.

Zhao Qianlan disagreed at first, but He Jincheng always insisted that he could not take it for nothing, and he only provided Xiao Zhao with some design drawings, and did not do much else. The shares he took were really a little unreliable.

In the end, He Jincheng convinced Xiao Zhao.

Two days later, He Jincheng and Zhou Qingyuan brought 120 million to Xinxin Garment Factory.

After expressing their intentions, the two were taken to a conference room.

At this moment, several people were already sitting in the meeting room, and they looked like they were planning to acquire some bosses of the garment factory.

Judging from the seat distribution of these people, there are almost three companies that are ready to acquire.

This means that He Jincheng has three competitors.

Wu Tashan, the director of the garment factory, is a fat man with a big belly.

I don't know if it was because of being too fat, but Wu Tashan was already sweating profusely and panting as soon as he walked to the meeting room.

After sitting down and panting for a while, he recovered a little.

"I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for so long. Then, the next step is the acquisition negotiation meeting of our emerging garment factory."

Wu Tashan's tone was vain, and his voice was a little lacking in energy.

However, everyone's attention was not on him. All they cared about was whether they could win the garment factory at a suitable price today.

"First of all, I want to see everyone's quotations for our garment factory, and please write your quotations on paper, and then give them to me separately. After I see your quotations, we will conduct the first round of negotiation. "

Wu Tashan is also a capable person, but he didn't expect to come up with such a method.

This method is similar to bidding. The competitors do not know each other's quotations, so the quotations will be high or low.

The garment factory will definitely choose the one with the highest price.

And Wu Tashan said just now that this is only the first round of negotiations, which means that even if he is not selected in the first round, there are still opportunities later.

It may be a good thing for these business owners who are interested in acquisitions, because if they fail the first time, they will still have the opportunity to make an offer.

Of course, the biggest beneficiary of this method must still be Wu Tashan.

After everyone knows the results of the first round of quotations, when they make the second round of quotations, they will definitely improve.

Looking at the blank paper in front of him, Zhou Qingyuan looked at He Jincheng a little uncertainly.

After pondering in his heart for a moment, He Jincheng made a gesture of nine to Zhou Qingyuan.

This means that it is 90.

Zhou Qingyan nodded slightly, and then wrote 90 on the white paper.

After waiting for a while, several other competitors also prepared their quotations, and then handed over their own quotations to Wu Tashan.

"Please wait here for a while, we will analyze and discuss everyone's quotations, and when the results come out, we will notify you immediately, and then proceed to the second round of quotations."

Wu Tashan asked people to put away all the quotations from the four companies, and then left the meeting room with a slight bow towards this kind of person.

After Wu Tashan left, discussions immediately started in the conference room.

"This Wu Tashan really has a lot of minds. He has engaged in some kind of collective negotiation and even made a quotation. It seems that the price of the garment factory can be raised a lot by this guy."

Some people are very dissatisfied with Wu Tashan's method.

"Why don't we chat together, even if we can't buy it, this garment factory can't just take advantage of Wu Tashan."

Someone even suggested that everyone be open and honest, but did not get any response.

(End of this chapter)

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