Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 322 Two rounds of quotations, unexpected results

Chapter 322 The second round of quotations, unexpected results
Although the Xinxin Garment Factory is not well managed and is about to close down, the infrastructure here is still very impressive. The ready-made water and electricity, factory buildings, and machines can all be packaged and purchased together. , I believe the cost will be recovered soon.

For Wu Tashan, the garment factory has been unable to make ends meet and has reached the stage where it has to be sold.

But for these buyers present, it is definitely an excellent opportunity to expand their own scale. Even if they want to join hands in the acquisition, if there is no negotiation in advance, it will be difficult to distribute the benefits in the end, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

Seeing that no one responded, the person who proposed the joint acquisition resentfully fell silent.

The entire conference room fell into a temporary silence.

At this time, the door of the meeting room was pushed open, and Wu Tashan walked in with a smile.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. I believe everyone also wants to know the result immediately. Then I won't make any fuss. Next, I will announce the result of the first round of quotations!"

Wu Tashan bowed slightly to the crowd, and then got a document from the secretary.

"Through the first round of quotations, Mr. Wu also saw everyone's sincerity, and the price was not low. This made Mr. Wu very flattered! However, Xinxin Garment Factory was established by me alone. Like a child, I am really reluctant to sell it like this! Judging from the quotations in the first round, Dongsheng Trading Company bid the highest, but we still need to consider this price, so I hope everyone will make a second quotation , this time no matter who bids the highest in the end, we will reach an agreement with the other party!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Tashan asked people to distribute the quotations again, and left the meeting room after everyone received the quotations.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and secretly scolded Wu Tashan, a fat man, for being insidious enough.

In the first round of quotations, he named Dongsheng Trading Company which had quoted the highest price. This was all to raise the price!
In this way, Dongsheng Trading Company has a reference in mind, but will not share it, and other people can only increase the price as much as possible to surpass Dongsheng Trading Company.

And Dongsheng Trading Company also has to improve on the basis of the first round of quotations, so as to ensure that their quotations are still the highest.

Zhou Qingyuan looked at He Jincheng and asked for his opinion.

After He Jincheng thought about it, he leaned over and said a number softly.

After hearing this number, Zhou Qingyuan was slightly taken aback, but since it was He Jincheng's decision, he did not hesitate, and immediately wrote down a number on the quotation.

Several other buyers, after some discussion, also wrote their second round of offers.

After waiting for another ten minutes, Wu Tashan came back with the documents again, and the joy on his face could not be concealed. Obviously, the result of the second quotation made him very satisfied.

"I really didn't expect that our factory was so favored by everyone. This second round of quotations is much higher than the first round, so Wu will directly announce the result. Our final choice is... Qingmeng Clothing!"

As Wu Tashan's voice fell, the meeting room suddenly became noisy.

"Impossible, how much money Qingmeng Clothing has paid, it is absolutely impossible to have as much as our Dongsheng Trading, Director Wu, are you making a mistake?"

The boss of Dongsheng Trading stood up directly and asked angrily.

"That's right, our quotation is not low. What price everyone quoted should be announced to us!"

Some people also raised doubts and said loudly.

"Director Wu, we paid 120 million. I don't believe there is anyone here who is higher than us! Qingmeng Clothing, how much did you pay?"

The boss of Dongsheng Trading looked at Zhou Qingyuan and said in a deep voice.

His name is Liu Daneng, and he also established Dongsheng Trading from scratch. His business scope is very extensive. This year, he plans to invest more in the clothing industry, and the funds are absolutely sufficient.

"It's better to let Director Wu talk about this kind of thing!"

Zhou Qingyuan spoke on behalf of Qingmeng Clothing.

He was also a little surprised by this result. Originally, he thought that the quotation He Jincheng gave was a bit low. He didn't expect this low quotation to be favored by Wu Tashan.

"Director Wu, it seems that Qingmeng Clothing's quotation is no higher than ours. We need a reasonable explanation!"

Liu Daneng looked at Wu Tashan coldly, Liu Daneng is not so easy to bully, why did he offer a higher price, but was not selected?Isn't this playing me?

"Hahaha, Mr. Liu, please be patient and don't be impatient. Of course I will give you a reasonable explanation! This is the quotation given by everyone, please take a look at it first!"

Wu Tashan signaled the secretary to distribute the copied quotations.

As soon as Liu Daneng saw the quotation, he immediately patted the table.

"Your Xinxin Garment Factory thinks we are fools? I quoted a high price of 120 million, and Qingmeng Clothing only quoted 96. How can they be selected?"

Several other companies were furious. The lowest price they offered was 100 million. On the contrary, Qingmeng Clothing's quotation was the lowest. In the end, Qingmeng Clothing was selected. How can there be such a reason!

"Don't be in a hurry, please listen to me. This quotation is indeed the highest in Dongsheng Trading, but the acquisition of our garment factory is not just a matter of more money. In addition to this superficial quotation, our garment factory also has There are 20 leftover debts, and more than 60 workers who have not paid their wages for a year. In addition to 96 quotations, Qingmeng Clothing is willing to bear all the debts of the garment factory and the wages of the workers. In fact, the conditions they gave are, If it is far higher than the quotation given by you, I think everyone is the boss, so they should be able to settle the account clearly!"

Wu Tashan said with a wry smile, his fat face was full of helplessness.

Everyone was stunned, they all knew this, so the high quotation included these debts and salary arrears, but they did not expect that Qingmeng Clothing would separate the quotation from the debt. Thought-of.

"That's right, we, Qingmeng Clothing, promise that, in addition to the purchase price of 96 yuan, we are willing to bear all the debts left over from all Xinxin garment factories, including the wage arrears of employees. As long as the factory transfer procedures are completed, all debt relations will be It will all be passed on to our Qingmeng Clothing, if calculated according to reality, our quotation of Qingmeng Clothing is already close to 130 million!"

He Jincheng smiled and said that he was speaking as Zhou Qingyuan's assistant.

Everyone fell into deep thought immediately, they had never thought of this kind of quotation before.

(End of this chapter)

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