Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 323 Debt problem, He's industry was finally established

Chapter 323 Debt problem, He's industry was finally established
In fact, this is not difficult to understand.

Bosses like Xiang Dongsheng and the others don't like trouble very much.

Therefore, in the quotation, they all defaulted to include all the debts of the garment factory. After taking over the garment factory, they can start working directly, and there is no need to worry about those debts.

However, He Jincheng's quotation method is based on separate quotations in cash and debt relationship. In addition to paying cash, he is also willing to bear all debts. In this situation, most people are not willing to do it.

Who knows if the debts of this Xinxin garment factory are the ones given by them, and if there are still some unclear debts behind the scenes, the factory will not be able to open if the time comes?
"I think everyone understands why we chose Qingmeng Clothing! If you have no other meaning, please go to the office next door to rest for the time being. I will treat you well later!"

Wu Tashan said with a smile.

He can be said to be very satisfied with the quotation of Qingmeng Clothing.

If you choose Dongsheng Trading, it is true that you will have an extra cash of more than 20 yuan, but part of the money needs to be used to repay debts and workers' wages.

Just as everyone is worried, the debt of 20 yuan is only on the surface, and it is actually far more than that.

Since Qingmeng Clothing is clever enough to offer such an offer, Wu Tashan is of course happy to see it come true.

Seeing that Qingmeng Clothing was willing to pay such a high price to acquire Xinxin Garment Factory, everyone had nothing to say.

It was Liu Daneng who was very unhappy in his heart. He was destined to win, but unexpectedly he was cut off by Qingmeng Clothing. He who has always been smooth sailing, how could he have suffered such anger, and he was still swayed by a young boy.

Before leaving, he took a hard look at Zhou Qingyuan and He Jincheng, and he had already made a note of Qingmeng's clothing in his heart.

"Okay, since you are willing to play like this, then I, Liu Daneng, will have fun with you and see how long you can last!"

Liu Daneng said bitterly in his heart, and then walked away.

The next thing is simple. Xinxin Garment Factory signed an agreement with Qingmeng Clothing. With the price of 96 and the conditions of transferring the debt relationship, Xinxin Garment Factory officially belongs to Qingmeng Clothing.

In the afternoon, the two parties went to the relevant departments to go through various formalities, and all matters were dealt with on the same day, and He Jincheng could start operating the Xinxin Garment Factory the next day.

After everything was dealt with, Zhou Qingyuan expressed his doubts to He Jincheng.

"Mr. He, isn't it too risky for us to do this? I'm sure that the debt of Xinxin Garment Factory is definitely more than 20!"

Of course He Jincheng is not stupid, how could he not know this, but he is still confident.

"Qingyuan, your vision is still too short-sighted. The current turnover of our Qingmeng Clothing can reach more than 30 per month. This is because our supply is insufficient. If the supply is sufficient, at least It can reach 20 or more, and you know the profit of the clothing industry. At least it can reach a profit of more than 30. Even if Xinxin Garment Factory has a debt of 50 million, it is not a problem for us. It's a difficult thing to deal with!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.


Zhou Qingyuan still hesitated.

These are He Jincheng's idealized assumptions. What if the garment factory increases its productivity, but the sales volume cannot keep up?
If those creditors come to collect their debts, what will they use to repay them?
Now Qingmeng Clothing's account only has more than 20 yuan, and it needs to be reserved for production, so it can't be repaid at all!
"I know what you are worried about. Debts. Since there are debts, there is a time limit for repayment. We can negotiate with those creditors to extend the time limit for repayment and increase cooperation with them!"

"As for the sales side, you don't have to worry. We have only developed less than [-]% of the market in Nandu City, and the potential is still relatively large. Moreover, after we have a factory, we can directly supply some trading companies. As long as our The design is novel and leads the trend, so you don’t need to worry about sales!”

He Jincheng said with a smile, he was not worried about Zhou Qingyuan's problems at all.

Hearing what He Jincheng said, Zhou Qingyuan didn't know what to say, but he was still a little worried.

Working with He Jincheng, he has also made a lot of money. I hope this time the decision is correct enough. If He Jincheng goes bankrupt, he will lose his job too!

The next day, He Jincheng and Zhou Qingyuan came to the garment factory.

Starting today, Xinxin Garment Factory officially changed its name to Heshi Industrial Co., Ltd. He Jincheng had already changed the scope of production and business when he went through the formalities yesterday.

He knows that clothing is just for accumulating capital, and if he really wants to become bigger and stronger, it will definitely not be enough to rely on a single clothing.

This change is also for the company's future planning.

All the employees in the factory did not go to work today, but were summoned by He Jincheng to the factory basketball court.

Everyone has also received the news that the factory has changed its boss, and everyone is worried, worried that if the boss changes, they will be laid off. This kind of thing has never happened in Nandu. The most exaggerated thing is that there is a flour factory In addition to the acquisition of the factory, all the old employees were fired, and none were left.

These days, being able to work in a garment factory is definitely a very decent job, and the salary is not too low. This is why the original factory has not paid full salary for a year, and few people resign and leave.

Today is the first day of the new boss's arrival, and it is also the time to decide whether they will stay or not.

When everyone was here and it was almost time, He Jincheng walked to the front of the high platform, holding a simple loudspeaker, first glanced at the crowd, and then spoke.

"Hello, comrades, I am your new boss. My name is He Jincheng. From today onwards, you are employees of our He's Industry. First of all, I want to express my attitude to you. Employees, as long as they are willing to stay and work, they will all maintain their original positions and guarantee that no one will be dismissed!"

He Jincheng's first sentence made the big guys breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as you don't get fired, everyone's jobs will be kept.

"Director He, what about our salary? The original Director Wu owed us a year's salary!"

Those who have the courage to call out the second concern of everyone in the crowd.

The crowd immediately began to discuss, and everyone was worried.

"This is also the second thing I want to announce to you! The purpose of our He's Industry is to lead everyone to get rich together. Before the salary owed by Xinxin Garment Factory, we will pay all of you in the next three months. Tell me, I hope everyone can understand us, after all, we just spent a lot of money to acquire the factory, and now the funds are somewhat tight!"

He Jincheng nodded, and said with a serious face, "However, I can guarantee that in addition to compensating everyone's previous wages, we will also raise everyone's wages, at least double within three months! "

(End of this chapter)

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