Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 324 3 Days of Training, Trouble on Day 2

Chapter 324 Three days of training, trouble on the second day
For a while, the entire basketball court was silent.

It's not that everyone is not excited, but that they don't believe it!

The Xinxin Garment Factory was about to go bankrupt before, and all the employees could only get one-third of their wages every month. If they hadn't been laid off and they couldn't live, there would have been troubles.

As a result, as soon as the new boss came up, he boasted so much, how could they believe it!

"Why, do you think I'm bragging?"

He Jincheng looked at more than 60 workers in front of him and said with a smile.

A worker took the courage to express his doubts.

"Boss, anyone can say such big words, but why do you make us believe you?"

This person's words immediately resonated with everyone, and the basketball court was also noisy.

"I know that everyone doesn't want to believe me, and there is no evidence for it. Let's show something real! As far as I know, everyone's average monthly salary was around 62 yuan. There are 440 of you, which is [-]. Today I will pay everyone a month's full salary on the spot, and everyone will pay [-]% more, so everyone is willing?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.


The workers suddenly became excited.

I haven't received full wages for more than a year, and many workers' families are almost unable to open their mouths. As a result, when the new boss came, they paid [-] times.

"Very well, I just need your enthusiasm. I need to let you understand that you will never lose money if you follow me, He Jincheng! Director Zhou, bring the money we have prepared, and now everyone will start queuing up to receive their wages! "

He Jincheng waved to Zhou Qingyuan who was on the side. They had discussed it yesterday. Zhou Qingyuan temporarily served as the factory director of Hen's Garment Factory, and he took care of all matters.

Zhou Qingyuan immediately walked up with the handbag and opened the briefcase in front of everyone. The workers' eyes were immediately attracted to the wads of cash in the briefcase, and their eyes glowed.

"Everyone, don't worry, line up, sign to receive wages, and make sure everyone has it!"

Zhou Qingyuan loudly maintained order, and the workers immediately lined up and happily received the money.

He Jincheng didn't continue talking until everyone got the money in their hands.

The workers who had money no longer doubted He Jincheng at this moment, they all looked at He Jincheng gratefully and listened to his speech quietly.

"I, He Jincheng, will do what I say. Next, our factory will have more and more orders, and your income will also be higher and higher. Within three months, I guarantee that the wages you owed in the previous year will be fully covered. Earn it back!"

He Jincheng said loudly.

"Boss, let's start. When will we start? We can't wait to get to work!"

Someone shouted, prompting bursts of laughter.

"Workers must first sharpen their tools if they want to be good at their work. For the next three days, you don't need to go to the workshop to work, but you will have a three-day paid training. During these three days, your basic salary will still be calculated, but you need Study hard, and finally conduct a unified assessment, only those who pass the qualifications are eligible to work in the workshop, those who fail must continue to study and train, and the basic salary is only calculated every day, do you understand?"

He Jincheng planned this long ago.

Although the workers in these old factories are relatively skilled, the clothes he will launch next are quite different from the old ones. If there is no special training, the production efficiency will be greatly affected. , and the quality of the products will vary.

Regarding the matter of paid training, the employees naturally have no opinion. After all, there is a salary for learning skills, so of course they are happy.

Immediately, He's Garment Factory began a vigorous three-day professional training.

This kind of thing is the first case among all enterprises in Nandu.

How can any company give paid training to all employees? Basically, they hand over the people to the team leader who leads the class, and they learn after a period of time.

He Jincheng paid special attention to this area, specially set up the training content, and at the same time seconded two skilled workers from Zhao Qianlan to be lecturers.

The workers are also very cooperative, learning from the two tutors like elementary school students.

Because these three days were mainly for training, He Jincheng also had some more free time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, He Jincheng took his family to Nandu Park for a day.

With the rapid development of the economy, there are gradually many entertainment projects in the park, and there is even a Ferris wheel under construction. He Jincheng also asked the workers specifically, saying that it will be the first Ferris wheel in the province next year. Completion in the second half of the year.

That was 1984.

On the second day of the training, He Jincheng received a call from Zhou Qingyuan and rushed to the garment factory immediately.

At this moment, on the basketball court, more than a dozen people are divided into two teams, and they are facing each other fiercely.

He Jincheng's expression darkened immediately. In the garment factory, most of the workers are female workers. Of course, there are also some male workers, who are mainly in charge of storage, delivery and logistics.

The two sides facing each other are obviously logistics and warehouses.

"Old Wang, Lao Xie, what are you doing?"

He Jincheng's face was very ugly, and his tone was a little angry.

This old Wang is the director of the logistics department. His name is Wang Zhiqiu. He is 32 years old and wears black-rimmed glasses. relatively high.

Old Xie's name is Xie Hu, he is the director of the warehouse, he is fat and white, and he works very hard, so he can be regarded as the boss of the warehouse.

"Boss, you came at the right time. We have received a load of materials and want to put them in storage, but Lao Xie, a bastard, insists that our fabrics are unqualified and is unwilling to accept them. We are only in charge of transportation. How do you know? If it’s qualified or not, if they don’t accept it, what can we do?”

Wang Zhiqiu said angrily.

He Jincheng frowned slightly, and immediately began to think about what was going on in his heart.

In the past two days, he also had contact and understanding with the former management of Xinxin Garment Factory. He knew that Wang Zhiqiu and Xie Hu had some conflicts before, but he didn't expect that the two would fight at the beginning.

"Boss, the factory stipulates that all fabrics that are put into the warehouse must have a product certification. Old Wang can't provide it, so of course we can't accept it. Otherwise, if there is a problem with the material, our warehouse can't bear the responsibility. !"

Xie Hu also said hastily.

"Is there a bill of lading? Show me!"

He Jincheng frowned and said to Wang Zhiqiu.

(End of this chapter)

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