Chapter 32
The sky was covered with dark clouds and thunder was rolling.

Officer Hao's voice was directly swallowed by thunder, let alone calling for help.

In a hurry, Director Hao's first thought was to call an ambulance.

But this is Lianhua Village, it's not that he doesn't have a phone in his office.

The last time Xiao Jingran called an ambulance, it was because he was the big boss and had an office in Qianwang Village, and there was a phone there.

But running from Lianhua Village to Qianwang Village, wouldn't it be a delay to go back and forth?
Suddenly, Director Hao slapped his forehead.

He secretly cursed himself for being dizzy, isn't He Jincheng a doctor?

Or he personally sealed up other people's shop.

At the moment, I can only go to He Jincheng for help.

With this in mind, Officer Hao hurriedly carried Song Renxin on his back and ran towards He Jincheng's house.

"Doctor He, Doctor He, help!"

While running, Director Hao was still shouting.

When he ran to the door, He Jincheng just came out.

As soon as Director Hao was carrying Song Renxin behind his back, he knew something must have happened.

"What's going on, come to the end quickly."

He Jincheng said quickly.

In the countryside here, the passage to the house is called the aisle.

And because there is a roof or bungalows on it to shelter from wind and rain, it is called the bottom.

On weekdays, people in the village are fine, and they all like to sit at the bottom and chat about things.

It was an emergency, and He Jincheng didn't have time to send Song Renxin to the hospital, so he checked his condition temporarily.

"Lie him down and let me see."

He Jincheng ordered.

"Okay, okay, just now we were watering in the back, suddenly there was a thunder, and then I saw his body froze and fell down. Doctor He, look at his pale face, is he frightened to death!"

Officer Hao was in a panic, his expression turned extremely ugly.

One is that he was frightened by Song Renxin's situation, and the other is that if something happened to Song Renxin, Song Renxin's family would not forgive him, regardless of his job failure.

"Don't talk, just wait!"

He Jincheng snorted coldly.

This officer Hao is so flustered and bluffing, doesn't he know that it will affect the pulse diagnosis?

As soon as he touched his pulse, He Jincheng immediately knew what was going on.

It was not struck by lightning, but frightened.

If you just fainted from fright, it's actually easy to do, and you can wake up by pinching someone.

However, Song Renxin had done a lot of heavy work before being frightened, and his body was in a state of jealousy and exhaustion.

A sudden thunder, as if it took advantage of the vacancy, gave Song Renxin a heavy hammer, which caused the current situation.

"The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine" has a record: Shock leads to disordered qi; fear leads to lower qi.

When you are frightened, you have nothing to rely on, nothing to turn your mind to, and nothing to settle your worries, so your qi is chaotic.

Fear leads to the exhaustion of essence, but then the upper focus will be closed, closing will cause the qi to return, and recovery will cause the lower focus to swell, so the qi will no longer work.

The so-called upper burner refers to the organs above the heart and lungs, including the head.

The lower energizer is the organs below the navel, including the kidneys, bladder, and even the lower limbs.

Now Song Renxin, the upper burner is closed, the qi is going down, the lower burner is filled with qi, and it is stuck in the body, it gathers more and more, and cannot be released. If it is delayed, something will happen.

He Jincheng immediately took out the silver needle and inserted it into his abdomen.

Use the nine-inch needle to enter the six-inch needle.

Officer Hao on the side saw his scalp go numb.

Six inches, one inch is three point three centimeters, that is nearly twenty centimeters long.

It directly plunged into Song Renxin's abdomen, which was scary no matter how you looked at it.

But now there is no other way, Director Hao can only ask He Jincheng to treat Song Renxin.

I don't know if it's an auditory hallucination or what's going on. As He Jincheng's silver needle pierces, I seem to hear a burst of exhaust sound, just like the sound released by a pressure cooker, but the sound is very small, not If you look carefully, you can hardly hear it.

After a full 3 minutes, He Jincheng took back the silver needle, got up and put the silver needle back into the needle bag.

"Doctor He, Song Renxin..."

Officer Hao asked quickly.

"I can't die, you watch him here!"

He Jincheng said something calmly, then turned around and walked into the courtyard.

Officer Hao felt a little more at ease when he heard this, but he was still a little worried when he saw Song Renxin lying on the ground.

"Hey, what is this? I swear, I will never do such a bastard thing like bullying again in the future!"

He sighed for a long time, he really learned a lesson today.

More than ten years later, when he was sitting in his brand new office, where he could influence the situation of the city, he was extremely grateful for today's lesson.

Director Hao didn't know what to do at the moment.

Song Renxin hadn't woken up yet, but fortunately his pale face had regained some color, and he did look much better.

As soon as he sat down on a wooden pier at the bottom, He Jincheng came back, still holding an old plastic bag in his hand.

Officer Hao got up quickly and stood there cautiously.

"Take this, put him up, this kid may have blood in his stool later, don't make my place dirty!"

He Jincheng dropped the plastic bag and left again.

Officer Hao was stunned for a moment, but he didn't understand what He Jincheng meant.

However, he still followed what He Jincheng said.

Ten minutes later, Song Renxin woke up suddenly and groaned in pain.

Officer Hao hurriedly stepped forward to check the situation, and then found that there was indeed red dirt in the plastic bag, which was really what He Jincheng said, and there was blood in the stool.

At this time, He Jincheng came again and took a chipped and broken bowl filled with decoction.

"Are you awake? Drink this medicine, and you can leave in half an hour!"

He Jincheng handed the medicine to Director Hao, said it calmly, and left again.

Song Renxin only felt extremely weak now, he opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything.

Officer Hao hurriedly helped Song Renxin to drink the medicine, while explaining how He Jincheng treated him.

After drinking the medicine, Song Renxin only felt that his body began to warm up, and the pain also eased a lot.

Thinking that his life was saved by He Jincheng, his heart was full of guilt.

"Old Hao, I'm sorry, I got you in trouble!"

Suddenly, Song Renxin apologized to Officer Hao with red eyes.

Director Hao was taken aback, the last time he beat up this kid in the hospital, he didn't even apologize to himself.

Today I took the initiative to apologize.

Officer Hao smiled knowingly, and patted Song Renxin on the shoulder.

"Forget it, the two of us have shared weal and woe. Fortunately, Dr. He's medical ethics are still there. If it were me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to save you!"

Song Renxin nodded slightly. At this moment, the two of them truly regretted it.

In the room, He Jincheng stood in front of the window, looking at the relieved expressions of the two, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Honey, let's make two more bowls of rice tonight!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Ye Qingmeng smiled wryly and shook her head. He Jincheng had told her everything, so she naturally had no objections.

(End of this chapter)

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