Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 33 Letting go of the past, Xiao Jingran came to thank you

Chapter 33 Letting go of the past, Xiao Jingran came to thank you
Torrential rain.

This is the heaviest rain since the beginning of summer.

At the dinner table, Song Renxin and Officer Hao sat cautiously, watching He Jincheng tease the little girl Tingting, the two of them felt like they were sitting on pins and needles.

"Why, you two think my food is too poor?"

He Jincheng fed Tingting a spoonful of egg soup and said without raising his head.

"No, no, we're just... just embarrassed!"

Song Renxin quickly waved his hand, and Officer Hao smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, let's all eat with chopsticks, Jincheng, you are so serious, this guy lost half his life just now, so don't be so stern!"

Ye Qingmeng said with a wry smile.

Both Song Renxin and Officer Hao looked at Ye Qingmeng gratefully, but He Jincheng didn't speak, so they still didn't move their chopsticks.

"Okay, you guys helped me water the land for a whole day, the previous things will be written off, let's eat!"

He Jincheng smiled.

The two of them heaved a long sigh of relief.

The hard work pays off, and he almost cost his life, but he was finally forgiven by He Jincheng.

However, the attitude should be there.

"Doctor He, it was me who had a small belly before and did something stupid. Now I feel so guilty that I wish I could find a place to sneak in. Thank you for your magnanimity. I promise to be a good person in the future!"

Song Renxin expressed his opinion immediately.

"Yes, Doctor He's medical skills and ethics are the highest I have ever seen. I am so stupid to seal down your clinic. Doctor He, I sincerely apologize to you again, and I promise that I will be absolutely fair in the future. Law enforcement will never abuse power!"

Director Hao also quickly expressed his opinion.

"Okay, why are you acting like a labor camp prisoner confessing? It's not a big deal in itself!"

Ye Qingmeng couldn't help laughing.

"Father, both uncles said sorry, why don't you say it's okay?"

Tingting said blankly.

"Hahaha, then I'll just listen to Tingting, it's okay, that's fine!"

He Jincheng laughed out loud.

After a meal, the rain stopped.

He Jincheng sent Song Renxin and Officer Hao to the door.

The two apologized to He Jincheng again, and then left on bicycles.

After He Jincheng went back, he found that Tingting had already fallen asleep.

Ye Qingmeng was mending clothes under the oil lamp.

He couldn't help hugging Ye Qingmeng from behind, without saying anything, he gently rubbed Ye Qingmeng's hair with his chin.

"What's the matter? Are you not happy that the matter has been resolved satisfactorily?"

Ye Qingmeng said in a low voice.

"It's okay, I just want to hug you!"

He Jincheng arrived softly.

When Ye Qingmeng turned around suddenly, their lips touched each other.

After more than ten minutes, Tingting called "Mom, I want to pee", which interrupted the lingering two people.


the next day.

After yesterday's heavy rain baptism, the whole world seems to have a new look.

The temperature has also dropped a lot, which is very refreshing.

He Jincheng came to the clinic again and reopened.

Ye Chunlin also ran over to help.

The business was closed for several days, and because of the heavy rain yesterday, many patients suddenly came today.

He Jincheng diagnosed the pulse and wrote a prescription, and Ye Chunlin took the medicine according to the prescription. He was very busy, and Ye Qingmeng brought over the lunch.

When the last patient was sent away in the evening, Ye Chunlin slumped on the chair tired.

"Brother-in-law, today we saw five No. 60 patients, and we didn't make much money. When will this day be the end?"

This kid's old problem was committed again, and he began to complain again.

"It's not easy to make money? But when we make money, we must keep our feet on the ground and take it step by step. Don't worry, I'll let you see what it means to make a lot of money in a short time!"

He Jincheng said while counting the herbs.

"Hehe, if our medical center opened in a small town, I can barely believe it, but here, it is impossible to make a lot of money. Today, our business is so good that we only charged more than 100 yuan. After deducting the cost, it is estimated to be more than 30 yuan. Among them are food stamps and oil stamps, and the cash is only a dozen yuan.”

Ye Chunlin can always calculate everything related to money very clearly.

This surprised He Jincheng, it seems that my brother-in-law is really good at doing business.

It's just that he can't let him manage the money now.

This kid was still not mature enough, so after giving him the money, he turned around and went to look for Heiwa again.

"In less than a month, I'll let you know what it means to make money like running water!"

He Jincheng said confidently.

Ye Chunlin lay on the chair, sighed for a while, and didn't believe He Jincheng at all.

At this time, there was a sudden noise outside.

"The movements should be nimble, handle things with care, don't get bumped, especially this electric fan, it's precious..."

Ye Chunlin sat up and looked at He Jincheng with doubts on his face.

"I'll go out and see!"

He ran out in a hurry, and ran in again after a while.

"Brother-in-law, come out quickly, Boss Xiao has brought us something!"

Ye Chunlin said excitedly.

He Jincheng was startled, and then smiled.

That's right, Xiao Jingran is not short of money, and he knows how to repay his kindness. Last time he saved his life, he didn't charge for it. He will definitely come to thank him if he thinks about it.

He Jincheng put down the things in his hands and walked out of the hospital.

There was a tractor parked outside, and there were a lot of things in the car behind it, including tables, chairs, benches, hospital beds, and a black floor-standing electric fan.

"Doctor He, I can see you. You saved my life last time. I never had the chance to come over to thank you. I'm really sorry!"

Xiao Jingran stepped forward quickly, stretched out his hand to hold He Jincheng's hand tightly, and shook it heavily twice.

Because of the poor conditions at He Jincheng's side, the people from Qianwang Village sent Xiao Jingran back after Xiao Jingran's injuries stabilized.

I have been recovering from my injuries these days, and I don't have time to come here.

As soon as he was able to get out of bed and walk today, Xiao Jingran immediately came over with something to thank He Jincheng.

"Boss Xiao, you are too polite. It is my duty to save the sick and save the sick. Why take so many things!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hey, Dr. He, what you just said is too much. How old are you? If you don't dislike my rough hands and feet, you can call me big brother and I'll call you young brother, okay?"

Xiao Jingran said with a straight face.

"All right, big brother Xiao!"

He Jincheng smiled helplessly.

"Haha, that's right. What can you say when the big brother gave the little brother something? These are also some furniture, hospital beds and so on. I think you can definitely use them here, so I asked someone to buy some. , you can’t refuse it!”

Xiao Jingran laughed loudly, pointed at the things on the car and said.

"Since Big Brother Xiao has said so, how dare I refuse, Chun Lin, what are you doing in a daze, help move together!"

He Jincheng was polite, and then asked Ye Chunlin to help.

(End of this chapter)

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