Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 34 Going to Pingyao and meeting the principal Gu Rongan

Chapter 34 Going to Pingyao and meeting the principal Gu Rongan
The next day.

When He Jincheng woke up, he found that his head was going up.

It seems that this lotus wine is really good, not top notch at all.

After arriving at the hospital, there was no business.

Not long ago, a person came from Wangcun and sent a letter to He Jincheng.

He Jincheng saw that it was Xiao Jingran who helped write the letter of recommendation to the principal of Pingyao Middle School.

With this letter, Ye Qingmeng's student status can be obtained.

Immediately, he returned home very happily and told Ye Qingmeng about this matter.

Ye Qingmeng was also very happy when he heard that he could apply for a student status, and the two discussed when to go to Pingyao Town.

"School is about to start, let's do this as early as possible, why don't we go there early tomorrow morning, and Tingting will let Mom watch over it first!"

He Jincheng thought for a while and said.

Ye Qingmeng nodded in agreement, it was really inconvenient to take the child to school.

In the afternoon, He Jincheng asked Ye Chunlin to invite Guo Lan to his house.

As soon as Guo Lan heard that her daughter was going to school, she was overjoyed and rushed over immediately.

What is the most popular these days, of course, is college students.

After going to university and graduating, they are people who eat at the public house.

If you say this, don't mention how much face you have.

"I knew that my daughter is not an ordinary person. She was smart since she was a child. Now that the times are better and luck is better, she can finally go to school!"

As soon as Guo Lan came over, she said happily.

When a mother sees her child getting better and better, of course she is happy.

"Mom, I haven't written the horoscope yet, why are you so happy?"

Ye Qingmeng said helplessly.

"My son-in-law is out, what else can't be done? I'm right, Jincheng!"

Guo Lan said with a smile.

He Jincheng nodded with a wry smile. Now his mother-in-law's attitude towards him is really getting better and better.

Sure enough, this person still can't be an asshole.

"Mom, help us watch Tingting tomorrow, and we'll come when we're done!"

He Jincheng said.

"Don't worry, I haven't seen my granddaughter for a few days, I miss her a little bit, just to play with my granddaughter!"

Guo Lan said with a smile.

At night, Ye Qingmeng seemed extremely nervous, and she didn't know what to prepare. With He Jincheng's comfort, she just read the book all night, fearing that she might need it tomorrow.

Early the next morning, He Jincheng borrowed a bicycle and took Ye Qingmeng to Pingyao Town.

The two of them had just ridden not far when they heard a jingle of bicycle bells behind them.

But Ye Chunlin also borrowed a bicycle and caught up.

"You're not at home visiting the clinic, what are you doing here?"

Ye Qingmeng frowned and asked.

"How can I sit in a restaurant by myself? You have all gone to town, and I want to go and see it too. Don't worry, I promise not to disturb the two of you!"

Ye Chunlin promised aggrievedly.

"Forget it, let Chun Lin go with him, and let him stay alone in the medical clinic. I'm afraid that he will treat people carelessly!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Thank you brother-in-law, brother-in-law understands me!"

Ye Chunlin laughed loudly.

So, the three of them went to Pingyao Town together.

When he arrived in the town, Ye Chunlin said that he went around by himself, and then waited for the bicycle to run away.

He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng were also helpless, so they took the letter of introduction and went to Pingyao Middle School.

Gu Rongan, the principal of Pingyao Middle School, is sitting in the office at the moment, with a gloomy face.

I just received a notice today that three students who are good at English will be selected to participate in an English speech contest in the city.

But English is really a shortcoming for Pingyao Middle School.

Even a school teacher stumbles when reading English, barely knowing some words.

It is conceivable how good the students' level can be.

This is going to be brought to the city to participate in the competition. If you can't get a good ranking, it's fine. I'm afraid that if you perform too poorly, you will lose your honor.

"Hey, what can I do? I don't know what the higher-ups are thinking, and suddenly there is an English speech contest!"

Gu Rongan sighed, feeling bitter in his heart.

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

At this time, there was a rhythmic knock on the door outside the office.

"Please come in!"

Gu Rongan put away his mind.

The door was pushed open, and two young men, a man and a woman, walked in. They were He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng.

"Hello, Principal Gu!"

He Jincheng greeted with a smile, and Ye Qingmeng also bowed slightly.

"Oh, hello, I didn't know you were..."

Gu Rongan was a little hesitant, he didn't know these two people, why did he come to him?
"My name is He Jincheng. This is my wife Ye Qingmeng. We were introduced by Xiao Jingran."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"It turned out that Lao Xiao introduced you, please sit down!"

As soon as he heard that it was introduced by Xiao Jingran, Gu Rong'an became a little more enthusiastic, and quickly called He Jincheng and the two to sit down.

"I don't know why the two of you are looking for me? Is it for the children to go to school?"

After the two sat down, Gu Rongan asked.

"It's not the child, it's my wife who wants to go to school. This is Brother Xiao's letter of introduction. Please read it to Principal Gu!"

He Jincheng took out the introducer and placed it in front of Gu Rongan.

"Haha, let me take a look, this old Xiao, likes to mess around in the village on weekdays, and I don't know what he is doing!"

Gu Rongan smiled, picked up the letter of introduction and read it.

After reading the letter, Gu Rong'an confirmed that these two people were really introduced by Xiao Jingran.

However, high school student status is not so easy to apply for, especially now that the enrollment period has passed, it is even more troublesome.

After thinking about it, Gu Rong'an asked, "I'm not going to hide it from you, it's not easy to apply for student status now, unless you have some special skills..."

Ye Qingmeng became nervous, specialty?I really don't seem to have any specialties.

"Oh, my wife's math and English are pretty good. Would you like to take a test, Principal Gu?"

Of course He Jincheng knew that this matter was not as easy as mine, so he took the initiative to say it.

Gu Rongan's eyes lit up when he heard that Ye Qingmeng's English was good.

If this is the case, then the speech contest will be easy to handle, and the student status will definitely be handled.

"Good English is a great specialty. Now the country is in need of such talents, how about it..."

Gu Rongan found an English book on the bookshelf and gave it to Ye Qingmeng.

"Come and read this paragraph, let me listen to it, if possible, I will help you with this matter!"

Ye Qingmeng took the English book a little nervously, and after checking it out, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that they all know these things.

This is all due to He Jincheng, when he is free, he will teach Ye Qingmeng how to learn English.

Ye Qingmeng has never heard others speak English, so naturally he doesn't know whether his speaking is standard or not.

However, her language talent is still very good. In just half a month, she has already learned hundreds of English words. If she just reads, it is not a big problem.

(End of this chapter)

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