Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 35 Pingyao Distillery encounters difficulties in getting student status

Chapter 35 Pingyao Distillery encounters difficulties in getting student status
Ye Qingmeng held the book nervously, and then began to read it word by word.

Her English pronunciation is not bad, but because of nervousness, she stumbled a little at first.

After reading two sentences, it became much smoother.

Gu Rongan's eyes gradually lit up.

I really didn't realize that Ye Qingmeng's English is so good.

After reading a passage, it became smoother and smoother, and I read it directly and completely.

"Okay, great, student Ye, you are the talent our school needs!"

When Ye Qingmeng just finished reading, Gu Rongan said happily.

His face was full of excitement, as if he had discovered a peerless treasure.

"So, Principal Gu agrees to my wife's enrollment?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

My wife is very happy to be praised.

Of course, the happiest thing is Gu Rongan's reaction. It seems that the matter of student status is really inseparable.

"No problem, but I still want to listen to classmate Ye read a paragraph, let's just this paragraph!"

Gu Rongan nodded slightly, and then quickly pointed to a paragraph for Ye Qingmeng to read aloud.

Ye Qingmeng was also happy in her heart. With the first experience, she was not so nervous this time, and read the second paragraph very smoothly.

"Hahaha, that's great, I can promise you now that there is absolutely no problem with my student status!"

Gu Rongan was so happy that he was about to jump up.

This is really sleepy, someone will send the head, and when it is cold, someone will send briquettes.

I was worrying about the English speech contest, but I didn't expect a person who is proficient in English to come.

"Thank you Principal Gu, you are such a kind person!"

Ye Qingmeng said excitedly.

With a student status, you can go to school and take the university entrance exam.

"Hahaha, I should thank you! By the way, can I understand how you learned English so well?"

Gu Rongan was very curious about this.

A woman from a village is not a student who has been sent to the countryside for reform. How can she be so powerful?

"My husband taught me. In fact, my husband's English is better than mine!"

Ye Qingmeng said with some embarrassment.

"Ah? Your husband? Little brother, you taught your daughter-in-law?"

Gu Rongan was stunned.

No matter how you look at it, He Jincheng doesn't look like a person who can speak English.

"That's right, why don't you rely on me, principal!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, student He, do you want to get a student status to take the college entrance examination? As long as your English is passed, the student status problem will be taken care of by me!"

Gu Rongan asked with a smile.

"Well, I really haven't thought about it, but if necessary, I can help!"

He Jincheng pondered for a moment and said.

He didn't think about going to school, after all, his existing knowledge reserve was enough.

And the educational resources in this era are very scarce, even if you go to school by yourself, you are just doing some useless work.

"Help? I don't know what you mean by help..."

Gu Rong'an was a little surprised. Is there anyone who doesn't want to go to college these days?
"I know some English. If possible, I can revise the textbook for the school. It should be better than the previous textbook."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Oh? Really? That's great. Student He, I'm not polite to you. The English teaching level in our school is indeed too low. If you can really help us revise the textbooks, it will be a great help! I First of all, thank you on behalf of everyone in the school!"

Gu Rongan was very excited.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. He Jincheng's enrollment can only improve the students' English level.

If He Jincheng can revise and improve the teaching materials, the benefits will far exceed the benefits of his enrollment.

"You're welcome. After all, my wife will be enrolled soon. Of course I hope my wife can get better educational resources!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

The two parties chatted very happily, and finally confirmed the specific time of Ye Qingmeng's enrollment, and then Gu Rongan sent Ye Qingmeng a textbook for the third year of high school, asking her to go back and take a good look. After all, Ye Qingmeng's current study progress, except Apart from English, it is still a lot worse.

Bringing the textbooks, He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng walked out of Pingyao Middle School.

Until now, Ye Qingmeng felt like she was dreaming.

"I actually enrolled? Jincheng, I'm not dreaming!"

Ye Qingmeng looked at He Jincheng excitedly, and asked eagerly.

"Of course not, if you don't believe me, try it..."

He Jincheng suddenly leaned over and kissed Ye Qingmeng's fair cheek fiercely.

" are too bad, this is a public place!"

Ye Qingmeng exclaimed, her cheeks were flushed, and those beautiful eyes gave He Jincheng a hard look.

"Hahaha, so what's the matter, it's not illegal for me to kiss my wife!"

He Jincheng laughed heartily, happily holding Ye Qingmeng's little hand.

"I don't know where that kid Ye Chunlin went!"

Ye Qingmeng suddenly thought of Ye Chunlin.

As soon as this kid arrived in the town, he disappeared immediately, and he didn't know where he went, so don't make any trouble.

"Isn't that coming?"

He Jincheng smiled and pointed into the distance.

I saw Ye Chunlin riding his bicycle in a hurry, rushing towards this side as if flying.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law..."

Before the people arrived, Ye Chunlin's excited voice came first.

"Speak slowly, don't worry!"

He Jincheng shook his head slightly and smiled wryly, this little brother-in-law is just so edgy.

"Brother-in-law, good news, great news, I went to Pingyao winery just now, and found many workers blocking the entrance of the winery. After inquiring, I found out that the winery is not profitable, and has already owed workers half a year's wages , will close down soon!"

Ye Chunlin said very excitedly.

"The winery closed down, so many workers lost their jobs and lost their source of income. What good is that?"

Ye Qingmeng glared at Ye Chunlin, this kid knew nonsense.

People are so unlucky, how can they still say it's a good thing?

"According to what you say, this winery can be bought by Boss Xiao?"

As a kid, He Jincheng understood what Ye Chunlin meant.

Dare to feel that this kid came here to do this.

"That's right, Boss Xiao's wine can't be sold. It's just right to buy this winery. The lotus wine tastes so good. If it has the name of a state-owned ingredient, why don't you worry about it being sold!"

Ye Chunlin said excitedly.

"Buying a winery is not a small amount of money, let's go back and discuss it with Boss Xiao! But are you really caring, do you have the money to do this?"

He Jincheng nodded and smiled.

"Hey, I don't have any money. Don't tell me you don't have any money, brother-in-law? Brother-in-law, you're well-off, will you forget me?"

Ye Chunlin chuckled.

(End of this chapter)

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