Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 326 Seaside Travel, Sudden Food Poisoning

Chapter 326 Seaside Travel, Sudden Food Poisoning
Others don't know, but He Jincheng is very concerned.

As people's lives are getting better and better and material life is getting richer, cardiovascular diseases will be particularly common in the future.

Young people don’t pay attention to diet, stay up late and work overtime to play games and play mobile phones. The risk of cardiovascular disease is also increasing year by year. The elderly are not well maintained and overworked, and they are also very prone to this disease.

In the future, the number of hospitalized patients due to cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction will be beyond imagination, and almost every hospital's cardiology ward will be full of patients.

Although it is said that in the future, as long as this disease is discovered in time, it can still be treated well, but even if it is cured, the sequelae left will haunt the patient for life.

After much deliberation, He Jincheng felt that he should leave more things with his family.

I was alone in my previous life, since I have come back in this life, I should cherish all this even more.

The garment factory has basically stabilized. Originally, he planned to increase investment, increase production, and expand the market. However, the illness of his mother-in-law gave He Jincheng a new idea.

No matter how good the career is, no matter how much money you make, if the family is gone, what good is it?
Therefore, He Jincheng decided to put everything aside and take his family outside for a walk.

After the mother-in-law's condition stabilized, He Jincheng proposed this idea to Ye Qingmeng.

Ye Qingmeng agreed without hesitation.

It was going to be summer vacation on her side soon, so she simply set the time for the school to have summer vacation half a month later.

He Jincheng should seize the time to deal with all affairs, and don't have any problems that the employees can't solve.

Half a month later, He Jincheng rented a seven-seater business car, took Ye Qingmeng, Tingting and Erbao, the father-in-law and mother-in-law, a family of seven, and started the ten-day journey .

Their first stop is to the beach.

Haizhou City is the closest coastal city to Nandu, and it only takes four hours to drive there.

Because cars were not so popular in this era, there were not many cars along the way. They went out that morning and arrived in Haizhou City near noon.

"Let's go to dinner first, and then go to the hotel!"

He Jincheng drove the car to the door of a seafood restaurant.

When you come to a coastal city, of course you have to eat the local specialties. Seafood is undoubtedly the most distinctive specialty.

This seafood restaurant is called Deep Sea Restaurant. The sea is across the road from the entrance of the restaurant, and the scenery is very good.

He Jincheng asked for a box, which is located on the second floor, with a large floor-to-ceiling window, where you can enjoy the sea view while eating, which is very comfortable.

"You guys want to eat something, all the seafood here is delivered in the morning, freshness is guaranteed!"

The boss is a fat middle-aged man who looks like a husband and wife, wearing an apron, with a friendly smile on his face, giving people a feeling that he is easy to approach.

"I think we have a very good seafood set here, so let's make a set for five people!"

He Jincheng looked at the menu, and asked Ye Qingmeng and his father-in-law and mother-in-law to order, and found that the seafood set was more suitable, so he ordered this set.

"Okay, our set meal must be a good deal, just wait a moment, and I will serve you right away!"

The fat boss said happily.

The price of this seafood set meal is not cheap. It seems that my business is really good today!
It didn't take long for the food to arrive.

What kind of crabs, prawns, sea urchins, Pipi shrimp, etc., were all brought up.

The family ate very happily and happily.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the box.

"What's wrong? I heard this voice, it seems that something happened?"

Ye Qingmeng asked with some concern.

"Eat first, I'll go and have a look, there should be nothing wrong!"

He Jincheng put down his bowl and chopsticks, got up and went out to check the situation.

When I went out, I heard the noise coming from downstairs, which was mixed with roaring, crying, complaining, etc., as if something really happened.

He Jincheng hurried down, and just as he got down, he saw several people lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth, and twitching non-stop.

His pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately realized what had happened. These people had food poisoning at first sight!

"Everyone, don't worry. There must be nothing wrong with our seafood. I eat it every day. If something goes wrong, I should be the first to do it. There must be some misunderstanding!"

The fat boss was sweating profusely as he loudly persuaded the excited customers.

However, there are several people lying on the ground now, how could those customers believe the words of the fat boss, they were all very angry, and they almost had to do it.

He Jincheng hurried forward to persuade.

"Everyone, calm down. The most urgent thing now is to save people first. Whose responsibility is it? Let's wait for everyone to be safe before we investigate!"

"I must have called an ambulance, but our side is a bit far from the hospital, and it may take half an hour to arrive!"

The fat boss was very grateful to see He Jincheng speak up for him, but when he mentioned the ambulance, his face turned pale.

If the customer is really poisoned by food, he may die in half an hour.

If someone dies, my store will definitely not be able to continue, and I may even have to go in and squat for a few years!

At the thought of this, the fat boss's forehead began to sweat again.

"Black Heart Restaurant, your ingredients must be unclean, killing people pays for their lives, what do you think?"

A taller customer was very excited, stepped forward and grabbed the fat boss by the collar, shouting angrily.

"What are you doing, don't get excited, things haven't been clarified yet, we really didn't use stale ingredients!"

Although the fat boss is fat, he is no match for this tall man in terms of strength, so he can only say helplessly.

"Okay, stop making trouble. I'm a doctor. Listen to me. It's important to save people first. We'll talk about other things later!"

He Jincheng stepped forward and pulled the two of them away. The tall man didn't pay attention to He Jincheng at first, and he was about to beat him with his fists. What surprised him was that He Jincheng pushed him away. Open, this person's strength seems to be much greater than him!

"Yes, yes, save people first, young man, you are a doctor, so let's see what's going on? Hurry up and do some first aid first!"

Someone said anxiously.

"let me see!"

He Jincheng immediately squatted down and felt the pulse of a person who fell on the ground.

As soon as he put his hand on it, He Jincheng was sure that these people had really suffered from food poisoning. He frowned slightly and looked at the fat boss.

Could it be that the fat boss is pretending to be a black hearted store?

(End of this chapter)

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