Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 327 The blue-ringed octopus saves lives without any danger

Chapter 327 The blue-ringed octopus saves lives without any danger

That's not right either, He Jincheng's eyes on people are still very accurate, this fat boss has a kind face and speaks full of air, he is definitely not the kind of person who can calculate people.

Moreover, the business of their restaurant is very good. Since I came in, there have been no empty seats. There is no need to ruin their reputation with poor ingredients!
"Well, what's going on here?"

The fat boss asked anxiously, now he can only pin his hopes on the doctor He Jincheng.

The nearest hospital here will take more than 20 minutes to set off immediately, but judging by the situation of these people, it will definitely not last that long!

"It was indeed poisoned, what did they eat?"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

These people are all at the same table, and the people at other tables are all fine, obviously they ordered something different.

"It's just these dishes, I haven't eaten much yet!"

There was only one elderly woman left at the table who hadn't been poisoned yet, and she looked frightened and anxious at the moment.

He Jincheng got up and looked at the dishes on the table, only a few dishes were served, and there were traces of being eaten.

This is a bit difficult to deal with. He Jincheng doesn't know much about seafood. If he can't figure out what they are poisoned by eating, it will be difficult to rescue them.

After thinking about it, He Jincheng's eyes lit up, and his eyes fell on the old woman.

"Auntie, you are not poisoned, is it because you didn't eat anything?"

He Jincheng asked quickly.

"I... By the way, I can't eat squid, and I'm allergic to it, so I didn't eat this plate of braised squid!"

The old woman thought for a while, and suddenly thought of something, pointing to a plate of braised squid on the table and said.

He Jincheng immediately picked up the plate of braised squid and inspected it, frowning slightly.

This squid looks quite fresh, how could it be poisoned!

And when the fat boss saw the plate of squid, he suddenly exclaimed.

"Oh, why is it a blue ring squid!"

When he shouted this, He Jincheng also thought of something.

Squid is a very popular seafood, cheap and delicious, but not all squid are edible, and even many types are highly toxic, such as the blue ring squid mentioned by the fat boss. Contains highly poisonous, not weaker than cobra poisonous.

It's no wonder why these people are so poisonous.

The fat boss's face turned pale. He never expected that such a thing would happen in his own store. This was an absolute low-level mistake!

"How could this happen? I inspect every purchase by myself. It's impossible to buy a blue-ringed squid. Why is this happening!"

The fat boss said in a panic, he was about to cry.

He had also heard of people who ate blue-ringed squid by mistake before, and even died. Isn't this the end for him?

"It turns out that it's really a black shop. Who would dare to come here to eat? It's really disgusting!"

"My God, it's terrible to actually eat poisonous squid. I ate squid just now!"

The other customers were talking about it, and some people shouted worriedly.

"Everyone, don't argue. It's important to save people now. Please follow what I said first, and help save people together!"

After He Jincheng figured out the source of the poison, he stopped hesitating and quickly called everyone to help save him.

"Boss, go and get the soda water from the store, distribute it to everyone, pour it down for the patient, and then induce vomiting. Make sure the patient vomits out!"

He Jincheng said loudly.

The boss was in a daze for a while, and he didn't hear He Jincheng's words. He was yelled several times before he came back to his senses, and hurried to get soda water.

Soon, according to He Jincheng's instructions, everyone poured soda water down the poisoned customers, and then started to catch their throats. Those poisoned customers started to vomit, and the whole restaurant was smelly for a while. Furious.

But human life is at stake, and everyone is more enthusiastic, and they don't dislike the smell of vomit.

After He Jincheng helped one person induce vomiting, he took out the needle bag he carried with him and began to perform bloodletting.

He Jincheng had no medicine for this kind of poison, so he could only use this method to reduce the concentration of the poison, thereby delaying the spread and aggressiveness of the toxin.

After doing this, He Jincheng used two more injections to seal the patient's heart veins. Even after a long time, it can help these poisoned people hold their breath.

Half an hour later, all four or five poisoned customers were treated, and each of them looked much better, but they still haven't woken up.

"Well, there is no danger to their lives for the time being. Don't pull out the silver needles on their bodies. They will be pulled out after they are sent to the hospital for treatment!"

He Jincheng wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, and took a deep breath.

"Oh, what a genius doctor, you can tell by their expressions that the poison has been cured!"

Everyone praised and gave He Jincheng a thumbs up.

"The poison has not been completely removed, and I still need to go to the hospital for further treatment!"

He Jincheng waved his hand quickly and said.

"Little brother, thank you so much, if it weren't for you, my life would be over!"

The fat boss cried with excitement, and said while holding He Jincheng's hand tightly.

"You, you should pay more attention in the future!"

He Jincheng shook his head helplessly.

Although no one was killed, after this incident, the business of this restaurant may be greatly reduced!
"I know, I will check more carefully in the future. This matter is really an accident. All the expenses of all the guests today will be waived. Please be merciful!"

The fat boss said with a wry smile, now he can only try his best to restore his reputation.

"The blue ring squid should be more obvious. How could you make such a low-level mistake?"

He Jincheng frowned and said.

"Yeah, could it be..."

The fat boss suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly showed anger. He immediately ran in, picked up the landline and called the police.

Soon, both the police car and the ambulance arrived, and the ambulance took away the poisoned customers one by one, but the police stayed behind to investigate the matter.

He Jincheng returned to the box and told his family about the matter with a wry smile.

"Ah, it's poisonous, so can we still eat this meal?"

Ye Qingmeng was taken aback, she didn't expect such a thing to happen after a meal.

"It's okay. I think it was really an accident, or someone was making trouble on purpose. The police have already started investigating. I believe there will be results soon. Let's continue eating. Today's meal is free!"

He Jincheng has a big heart and is completely unaffected by the poisonous squid, telling his family to eat with peace of mind.

After dinner, I went downstairs, and the police had already left. I learned from the fat boss that it was the owner of the seafood stall next door who did the trick. The purpose was to be jealous of his restaurant's business. That's why he did such a stupid and terrible thing. things.

(End of this chapter)

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