Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 328 The Mysterious Woman's Inexplicable Invitation

Chapter 328 The Mysterious Woman's Inexplicable Invitation

Haizhou No.1 People's Hospital, in the emergency room.

A female doctor with silver-rimmed eyes was examining the five poisoned patients who had just been brought in.

"Director Gao, these people were poisoned by eating blue-ringed squid by mistake. It happened that a doctor was eating in that restaurant and took some first aid measures, which saved their lives!"

A physician assistant describes the patient's condition.

"The poison of the blue-ringed squid is extremely poisonous!"

Director Gao raised his eyebrows slightly, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and immediately began to diagnose the patient.

After the diagnosis result came out, Director Gao's face became even more exciting.

"Excellent, [-]% of the poison in the patient's body has been expelled, and the heart veins have been sealed with silver needles to prevent the worst from happening. When did such a powerful doctor appear in Haizhou!"

Director Gao's tone was somewhat surprised, and he was shocked in his heart.

Such a timely and accurate first aid method, even she is unable to do it herself, the person who did it is simply a miracle doctor!

"The patient's condition is relatively stable. Immediately adjust the anti-venom serum. Basically, there is no problem!"

Director Gao ordered, and then found the doctor who made the character today, and wanted to ask about the situation of the doctor who made the shot.

"Xiao Li, have you met the doctor who saved people? Do you know him?"

"I don't know him, but that person looks very young. When we arrived, he had already prepared first aid measures..."

Xiao Wang, who was on the mission, told what he knew.

"Young man? How is it possible? I think the effect of this person's acupuncture must have decades of medical experience. How could he be a young man?"

Director Gao was very surprised, it was unbelievable.

"That's right, that person looks like he's in his early twenties, but he has a calm and sophisticated demeanor, and he looks very dignified!"

The little Wang said while thinking.

"Oh, that's interesting, such a genius doctor, I really want to see him!"

Director Gao's eyes were full of interest, and he really wanted to get to know the genius doctor that Xiao Wang was talking about.

On the other side, after He Jincheng's family came out of the hotel, they had no intention of continuing to play, so they went back to the hotel.

After the two old people and the little ones were settled, He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng went for a walk by the beach.

In this way, the time for the two of them to be alone is getting less and less. Facing the gusts of sea breeze, both of them are quite happy.

"Life by the sea is really relaxing. I just walk along the beach with the sea breeze blowing. I don't even want to go back!"

Ye Qingmeng said with a smile.

"If you like it, we can build a house by the sea in the future, and live here for a while when we have nothing to do!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Forget it, building a house here will definitely cost a lot of money!"

Ye Qingmeng shook her head, she didn't think she was a rich person.

"Honey, haven't you gotten used to the changes in our family? We are rich now, and He's company is getting better and better. You are a real rich woman!"

He Jincheng held Ye Qingmeng's hand and said with a smile.

"What rich woman, am I very old?"

Ye Qingmeng gave He Jincheng a blank look.

"Hahaha, you will always be the most beautiful in my heart!"

He Jincheng laughed loudly, and hugged Ye Qingmeng.

Bursts of laughter, with the sea breeze, farther and farther away.

On the way back, He Jincheng suddenly glanced behind him with a strange look on his face.

Ye Qingmeng seemed to have noticed something unusual about He Jincheng, and looked in the direction he was looking, but found nothing.

"what happened?"

Ye Qingmeng asked curiously.

"Oh, it's okay, I'll take you back first, I want to practice here later!"

He Jincheng smiled, sent Ye Qingmeng back to the hotel, and then turned back by himself.

When he came to the guardrail of the seaside road and looked at the dim street lights, a sneer appeared on the corner of He Jincheng's mouth.

"Master He Fang, since he is here, why doesn't he show up again?"

His voice was neither loud nor small, spreading in the empty night sky.

However, after waiting for a long time, no one showed up.

"Since your Excellency doesn't want to show up, I'll go back and rest!"

He Jincheng shook his head slightly, turned around and was about to leave.

"Brother, walk slowly!"

At this time, a crisp voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a person slowly appeared under the street lamp. Looking at his face, he was the Director Gao of Haizhou No.1 People's Hospital.

He Jincheng didn't know her, and he frowned slightly, with some doubts on his face.

"Who are you? Why are you following me?"

He Jincheng asked lightly.

He didn't seem to have done anything out of the ordinary, He Jincheng really couldn't figure out what was going on with this person following him inexplicably.

"Brother, don't worry, I have no malicious intentions. My name is Gao Qilan, and I am the director of the emergency department of Haizhou No.1 Civilian Hospital. Today, I received several patients who were poisoned by blue ring squid. Before these people were sent, they should be I have been treated by you, little brother, and I saw that my technique is mysterious, so I couldn't help looking for it!"

Gao Qilan said with a smile, her voice was very nice.

"It's just a matter of raising a finger. Does Director Gao have anything else to do? If not, let's go back to our respective homes to rest!"

Not knowing what Gao Qilan's purpose is, He Jincheng just said lightly.

"Brother, don't worry, if you treat those poisoned patients, it means that your medical skills are very good. I have also studied Chinese medicine, so I really don't have any malicious intentions to talk to you, brother!"

Gao Qilan said quickly.

"Tell me something, I have 5 minutes to go back, or my wife will worry about me!"

He Jincheng just said it plainly, but directly ignored Gao Qilan's words.

"Okay, my brother is a quick-talking person. This is my business card. Please accept it. At the same time, I want to have a cooperation. I can discuss it with my brother. Would you like it?"

Gao Qilan laughed.

"You didn't even say anything, how can I promise?"

He Jincheng said impatiently that he didn't like other people beating around the bush, it would only waste things.

"I'm from the Heavenly Medicine Sect. I came here to find my little brother this time. I actually hope that my little brother can join our Heavenly Medicine Sect. I don't know if my little brother has this meaning?"

When Gao Qilan talked about the Tianyi School, there was a look of pride on her face, obviously very proud of being a member of the Tianyi School.

"Heavenly Medicine School? I've heard of it. I didn't expect you to be born and still work in the hospital. This is quite interesting!"

He Jincheng was startled for a moment, then said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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