Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 329 Consultation invitation, mistaken for an intern

Chapter 329 Consultation invitation, mistaken for an intern

"I didn't expect you to know about our Heavenly Medicine Sect. From this point of view, you also have a background?"

Gao Qilan looked at He Jincheng with a scrutinizing gaze, as if she wanted to see something from his expression feedback.

"I'm just an ordinary doctor of Chinese medicine. I don't have any background. Tell me, what do you want me to do? I don't want to get involved in the struggles of you hermit sects!"

He Jincheng laughed, expressing his attitude directly.

Now he has a wife and children, a happy family, and his career is gradually rising. These hidden sects are mixed with various intrigues and struggles, and he doesn't want to get involved.

"Of course not. When I was in the hospital, I met a few patients with food poisoning. When I saw the needles you used for them, I thought the needles were mysterious, so I wanted to see how divine you are. I don't know you Does that acupuncture method have a name?"

Gao Qilan withdrew her scrutinizing gaze, and became softer.

"It's my own stitching method, without a name, if it's just like this, I think you can go!"

He Jincheng didn't want to negotiate too much with this heavenly medical school, otherwise there would definitely be a lot of trouble.

"Don't worry, I just want to talk to you about traditional Chinese medicine, and I won't ask you to do anything. Tomorrow, our hospital will have an expert consultation. The patient is very special. My previous preliminary judgment was that acupuncture and moxibustion are needed. However, our hospital There is no particularly suitable acupuncture doctor, if you are free tomorrow, you can come and have a look, how about it?"

Gao Qilan said with a smile, and then took out another card from her pocket, which was an invitation letter.

"It's just a medical exchange?"

He Jincheng didn't pick it up, but asked.

"It's at our Haizhou People's Hospital. Many experts will come back by then. I can't do anything to you in the hospital! Doctor He, your acupuncture method is really effective for this patient. I sincerely invite Come here, I hope you can put down your guard against our heavenly medical school for the sake of the patient!"

Gao Qilan said seriously, with a very serious expression.

"It is said that there are so many medical masters in the school of heavenly medicine. Is there no one who knows how to use needles?"

He Jincheng asked suspiciously.

"Of course there are, but for some reason, they won't be able to come tomorrow. To be honest, I have invited Dr. Dong Hao, who is known as Haizhou's magic needle, but I have seen Dr. Dong use needles. It’s a little short of fire, but Dr. He is different, as long as you take action, the patient’s illness can be cured with [-]% certainty!”

Gao Qilan said.

"What time is it?"

He Jincheng pondered for a moment and asked.

He knew the name of Haizhou Shenzhen Dong Hao, but he didn't have the chance to meet him in his last life. He didn't expect to meet him this time. According to He Jincheng's love for Chinese medicine, he would naturally not miss this opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas.

Therefore, when Gao Qilan said that Dong Hao would also come, He Jincheng was already tempted.

"Nine o'clock in the morning, consultation room on the sixth floor of the outpatient clinic of the People's Hospital!"

Gao Qilan was overjoyed immediately, and told the exact time and address.

"Okay, I'll be there on time!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, and accepted the invitation letter.

"There are so many disturbances today, we will see you tomorrow!"

Gao Qilan cupped her hands towards He Jincheng in a quack manner, then turned and left.

Looking at Gao Qilan's back, He Jincheng was thoughtful.

Tianyimen, this very mysterious sect, seems to be making some big noises in the near future, but during this period of time in the last life, He Jincheng was still visiting famous doctors everywhere, and his medical skills were mediocre, so he couldn't enter these sects at all. In people's sight!

Later, he became a family of his own with his own medical skills, and after being doctored by Zunwei, the Heavenly Doctor Sect never contacted him again.

After returning to the hotel, Ye Qingmeng had already fallen asleep.

I played all day today, and I am really tired.

He Jincheng washed up carefully, and fell asleep with Ye Qingmeng in his arms.

In the early morning of the next day, He Jincheng told Ye Qingmeng that he had something to go out in the morning, and asked them to rest in the hotel before going out for fun in the afternoon.

After Ye Qingmeng knew it was a consultation, she didn't say anything.

She knew that He Jincheng was obsessed with Chinese medicine, so since she had such a good opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas, she would naturally not stop her.

At [-]:[-], He Jincheng came to the gate of Haizhou People's Hospital.

The outpatient building has eight floors. The first three floors are full of various outpatient departments, which are overcrowded. The fourth floor is full of specialist clinics, and the number of people suddenly decreases a lot.

The fifth floor is a ward area. The patients inside are either rich or expensive. It seems that a ward area is set up here for the convenience of direct diagnosis by experts.

When he reached the sixth floor, He Jincheng was stopped by two tall security guards.

"Hi, there is an important consultation on the sixth floor today, no one is allowed to enter!"

The security guard said coldly without a smile on his face.

He Jincheng took out the invitation letter Gao Qilan gave yesterday.

After seeing the invitation letter, the security guard looked at He Jincheng in surprise, and after confirming that the invitation letter was genuine, the expression on his face soon eased a bit.

"It turned out to be Dr. He who was invited. The consultation room is the third room on the right, please come in!"

The security guard said quickly.

"Thank you!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, then turned left and walked straight to the door of the third office.

The door was half-opened, and before he reached the place, he heard heated discussions coming from inside. The general meaning seems to be that these doctors have two very different treatment plans for the patient's situation, and the number of people on both sides is almost the same. , No one could convince anyone for a while, so they quarreled.

He Jincheng knocked on the door, then pushed it open and walked in.

Another newcomer came, and everyone stopped arguing immediately, and all turned their heads to look at He Jincheng.

"What are you doing? Interns can't come here. Don't you know this rule?"

A middle-aged man suddenly became furious and yelled at He Jincheng.

He Jincheng was a little stunned. What's going on? Could it be that he looks like an intern?

"Sorry, I was invited to attend the consultation, not an intern!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, while scanning the meeting room, but did not see Gao Qilan.

"Not an intern? You're here for a consultation? What's your name, do you know who this is for consultation?"

The middle-aged man was taken aback, as if he felt that he was being refuted by others, it was very embarrassing, and he continued to ask very displeased.

"I'm here by invitation. You should tell me who to consult. Since you don't welcome me, I'll just leave!"

He Jincheng is not the kind of person who puts a hot face on a cold butt. Since he is not welcome, why would he stay here? After he finished speaking, he turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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