Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 330 Hospital Consultation, Radicals and Conservatives

Chapter 330 Hospital Consultation, Radicals and Conservatives
"Hmph, I don't know where it came from, it's a waste of time!"

The middle-aged man cursed angrily.

He Jincheng frowned, feeling very displeased, but he didn't bother to pay attention to this person, turned around and walked outside.

As a result, he met a tall figure head-on.

"Doctor He, you are really here, that's great, go in quickly, the consultation will start soon!"

The other party was Gao Qilan, and she said happily when she saw He Jincheng coming.

"Doctor Gao, I don't think it's necessary, since no one welcomes me anyway!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"What? Is there some misunderstanding? Doctor He, don't get angry. I'll go in and explain. There must be a misunderstanding!"

Gao Qilan said hastily, said hastily.

"I don't think it's necessary. Originally, I was just passing by!"

He Jincheng waved his hand.

At this time, a person came out of the conference room, and after seeing Gao Qilan, a smile appeared on his face.

"Director Gao, you're here, I'll be waiting for you, the consultation will start soon!"

Gao Qilan nodded and looked at He Jincheng again.

"Doctor He, I'm really sorry. I must have made no arrangements. Please go in with me. I think the misunderstanding can be explained clearly!"

Now that Gao Qilan said so, He Jincheng couldn't continue to put on airs, so he could only follow Gao Qilan into the consultation room again.

Gao Qilan was the leader of this consultation, and after she came in, she introduced He Jincheng to everyone.

"Everyone is here, please sit down first. Before our consultation begins, I will introduce a new comrade to you. This Dr. He Jincheng is an acupuncture expert I accidentally discovered. I think it can be helpful to us. The next consultation brought some help!"

Then everyone turned their attention to He Jincheng again, thinking that this guy is really a doctor, not an intern.

The person who scolded He Jincheng before showed a bit of embarrassment on his face. What's the matter with Gao Qilan, he brought a newcomer here, and he didn't know to say hello in advance, which made him somewhat embarrassed now.

He Jincheng didn't speak, but nodded slightly towards everyone.

"Doctor He, please sit down first, our consultation will begin later!"

Gao Qilan said.

He Jincheng scanned the meeting room and found that there was only one chair in the corner, so he walked over calmly and sat down.

"Hehe, I don't know what university Dr. He graduated from?"

The middle-aged man felt that he had lost face, so he asked, obviously wanting to find He Jincheng's displeasure.

"I didn't go to college!"

He Jincheng said concisely.

These doctors and doctors like to compare their academic backgrounds, which is really boring.

"Oh, I haven't been to college, so Doctor He must have studied under a famous family. I don't know who is Doctor He's teacher?"

The middle-aged man didn't want to let He Jincheng go so simply and continue to ask.

"I taught Chinese medicine by myself without a teacher!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

The middle-aged man was slightly taken aback, and then let out a cold snort from his nostrils.

"I thought it was some kind of powerful person. It turned out to be a local doctor. Director Gao, you don't know the importance of our consultation. How can you bring someone here casually? He is still a local doctor. It doesn't seem very good. Bar!"

The middle-aged man said with a sneer.

"Wang Jinjun, Doctor He was invited by me, so he is naturally outstanding. If you think we can come up with a consultation plan that satisfies the patient's family, then we can end the consultation now!"

Gao Qilan frowned slightly, and said very displeased.

This Wang Jinjun is a deputy chief physician at the People's Hospital. He specializes in surgery. He just likes to compare, especially in the face of those whose academic background is not as good as his own. He is unscrupulous and not very pleasing.

Wang Jinjun was very displeased, and wanted to say something more, but was pushed down by the person next to him, so he could only snort coldly and stop talking.

"Okay, everyone is here now, especially Dr. Dong Hao, who has been invited to Haizhou Shenzheng. Everyone has learned about the relevant medical records in advance. Now let's go straight to the topic. Do you have any new ideas? Xiaomao, Give Dr. He a copy of the patient's medical records, and Dr. He, please read the medical records yourself first!"

Gao Qilan no longer pursued Wang Jinjun's affairs, she asked, and at the same time asked her assistant to bring a copy of the patient's medical records to He Jincheng.

He Jincheng flipped through the medical records after receiving them, and frowned slightly as he looked at them.

Without waiting for He Jincheng to read the medical records, everyone began to express their opinions.

"I think that the patient's current condition is not suitable for radical treatment, and conservative treatment with drugs is the most appropriate!"

An old doctor who looked to be in his 60s spoke first.

His name is Liu Xiancheng. He is a well-known local doctor in Haizhou. He used to keep samples in the early years, and he has been working as a doctor since his return. He has been practicing for more than 35 years, and his medical skills and reputation have been recognized.

"Dr. Liu's treatment plan is too conservative. The patient's organ failure is very serious now. Drug treatment alone cannot change the status quo. It's just a delay, but the maintenance time is definitely not long. I still recommend surgery. , Cut out the lesions in the body first!"

Wang Jinjun advocated surgery, and immediately refuted it.

He is in his early forties this year, and has been in the position of deputy chief physician for more than ten years. He has never had the opportunity to go further. This case is an opportunity. As long as he can play a positive role in this treatment, Then the results of this year's selection are almost out of ten!

"No, as Dr. Wang said, the patient's organ failure is very severe. Once the operation is performed, there will definitely be many postoperative complications. The patient is so weak, how can he survive it? Even if the operation is successful, the patient will not be able to survive. If you can’t escape the danger of your life, it is very likely to cause more damage!”

Another stood up and retorted that he was still in favor of a conservative approach to medical treatment.

Everyone said something to each other, and the conservative and radical struggles were inseparable. For a while, the entire consultation room seemed to have become a vegetable market.

"Everyone be quiet, I know everyone's opinions are not unified, if that's the case, let's ask Dr. Dong Hao's opinion first!"

Gao Qilan rubbed Rou's temples, feeling very uncomfortable because of the splitting headache caused by these people's quarrel.

The black-faced man sitting first on the left is the so-called Haizhou magic needle Dong Hao!
"I also read the patient's medical record. According to the patient's current condition, surgical treatment should not be considered!"

Dong Hao pushed his eyes and spoke slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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