Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 331 Three needles in the sky, the method is not feasible and not comprehensive

Chapter 331 Three needles in the sky, the method is not feasible and not comprehensive
"Doctor Dong, what better way do you have?"

Gao Qilan looked at Dong Hao and asked.

"My method is to use acupuncture and moxibustion therapy. I can use the three needles of heaven and earth to stimulate the patient's heart, spleen, and stomach. Basically, it can have some effect. As long as there is an effect, the later treatment will be easier! "

Dong Hao said in a deep voice.

He Jincheng was slightly taken aback when he heard that Tianxing took three needles, with a look of surprise on his face.

This acupuncture method is an ancient acupuncture method. It is said that it is extremely miraculous. Using this acupuncture method, even a dying person can hold his breath.

He Jincheng had heard of it in his previous life, but he had never seen it.

He himself has also learned some ancient acupuncture techniques, and some of them are not even as famous as the three-needling practice today.

It's just that he didn't expect Dong Hao to be able to do three needles in the sky.

"Dr. Dong's Tian Xing Sanzhen is famous all over Haizhou, and he has never missed it, but this time the situation is quite special. I wonder how sure you are, Dr. Dong?"

Gao Qilan asked seriously.

"To be honest, it's the first time I've seen the patient's serious condition. I've carefully considered the medical records in the past few days, so I should be [-]% sure!"

Dong Hao said very solemnly.

In fact, he is a little overconfident when it comes to [-]% certainty, but it is only [-]% sure.

However, today's patient is very special. If he can be cured, he will not only be famous in Haizhou, but also in the whole country.

Therefore, Dong Hao wanted to lead this treatment very much. Even if he was not very sure, he still hoped to use his own method for treatment.

This is an adventure, if you succeed, you will be famous all over the world, if you fail, you will be smashed to pieces!
"Do you have any other better suggestions?"

Gao Qilan looked at the crowd and asked with a smile.

For a while, everyone fell silent, where is there any better way?
If there were really more than [-]% of the methods, they would have used them long ago.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Gao Qilan looked at He Jincheng in the corner.

"Doctor He, have you read the medical records? Is there any other better way?"

Gao Qilan asked.

At this time, He Jincheng had just read the medical records and had a general understanding of the patient's condition.

However, if you want to have a specific treatment plan, you need to see the patient in person.

"I have some immature thoughts in my heart, but I need to give the patient a pulse first. Is it convenient to arrange it?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hehe, it turns out that Dr. He is still a Chinese medicine doctor. Are Chinese medicine practitioners so easy to learn these days? Can you become a doctor in your early twenties? It's not as long as our western medicine!"

Wang Jinjun said with a sneer, his tone still full of contempt.

"Learning for a long time does not mean that the medical skills are better, and the truth that those who have achieved it first, I think no one here understands it!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.


One sentence blocked Wang Jinjun, unable to say anything, and he gritted his teeth angrily.

"I can apply for this matter, why don't you express some of your own opinions first?"

Gao Qilan said with a smile, and at the same time gave instructions to the assistant on the side.

"First of all, I also agree with Dr. Dong's opinion. No surgery is allowed. The patient's current condition really cannot bear the trauma caused by the surgery..."

"Hmph, what a bullshit, do you want to talk about it again?"

Wang Jinjun snorted coldly with disdain on his face.

"Interrupting others is a very impolite behavior. Doctor Wang, you have received higher education for so long, have you learned this?"

He Jincheng is not a person who allows others to bully him at will. This Wang Jinjun has targeted himself from the very beginning, and has made irresponsible remarks over and over again. The clay figurine is still very angry.

"What are you talking about? What are you!"

Wang Jinjun was furious immediately. In his opinion, He Jincheng was just a wild man. How dare he say that about himself? It's unreasonable!

"Wang Jinjun, if you are looking for trouble again, I invite you out. Is this the time for you to mess around?"

Gao Qilan shouted coldly.

She also saw that Wang Jinjun had been unhappy for a long time, and he didn't give any suggestions for this consultation, and even made trouble again and again.

This time, Wang Jinjun didn't dare to say anything, his face turned red.

"Doctor He, I'm really sorry, please continue!"

Gao Qilan looked at He Jincheng again and said.

"Okay, I think Dr. Dong's treatment direction is right, and Dr. Dong's Tian Xing San Needle does have some effect, but..."

Everyone immediately looked at He Jincheng.

Normal people can tell that He Jincheng's treatment plan is completely different from Dr. Dong's. In other words, He Jincheng wants to overthrow Dr. Dong's treatment plan?
Now it's interesting, Wang Jinjun is only a deputy chief physician at the hospital, but Dong Hao's status is not lower than Gao Qilan's, and he is even more famous than her.

Dong Hao's face frowned slightly, and a bit of displeasure could already be seen between his brows.

Obviously, Dong Hao felt a little uncomfortable with He Jincheng's questioning!
Gao Qilan's eyes lit up, as if she saw some hope.

"However, Dr. Dong seems to be too confident in his acupuncture techniques. As far as I know, the three-needling technique of Tianxing is the inheritance of the ancient acupuncture method of nine-acupuncture. Dr. Dong uses three needles to lock the heart, spleen and stomach. I just learned the first three stitches of Tianxing Nine Needles. Although the effect of these three stitches is excellent, the maintenance time is relatively short, maybe only about a day, but this day, such a complicated operation, there is no way to complete it, I think Doctor Dong should know better than me!"

He Jincheng said slowly.

Dong Hao was very surprised, he didn't expect He Jincheng to know so much about his three needles in the sky.

This person is definitely not simple!

"Doctor He, Doctor Dong said there is a [-]% certainty, which is already a very high probability!"

Gao Qilan said.

She wanted to find out whether He Jincheng's plan would work.

Dong Hao was very annoyed, this He Jincheng was too ignorant to say that his plan was not good in front of so many people, it was not giving himself face!
"Actually, Dr. Dong's [-]% certainty is really not low, but he didn't take into account the time required for post-surgical treatment, and it's not a medical problem!"

"According to what I know so far, the best way is actually acupuncture. It's just that we can't just restore three functions of the patient's internal organs, but need to restore them all, and keep it for a period of time. As long as the patient's internal organs recover even It is half of the normal function, and if it lasts for two days, it is completely enough!"

He Jincheng said slowly, these words eased the ugly Dong Hao's expression a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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