Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 332 Self-diagnosis, Supplementary Yin-Yang 2-line Acupuncture

Chapter 332 Diagnose in person, supplement Yin and Yang acupuncture
Anyway, He Jincheng's words still saved Dong Hao some face.

At this time, Re who had just gone out came back and nodded slightly towards Gao Qilan.

Gao Qilan immediately understood, so she walked to He Jincheng's side, said with a smile: "Doctor He, the patient has agreed to let you take his pulse, please follow me!"

He Jincheng nodded, got up and followed Gao Qilan out.

As soon as the door of the meeting room was closed, the whole meeting room started discussing.

"What is it, you dare to question Dr. Dong's plan, it's simply unreasonable!"

"Oh, he's just a bumpkin from the countryside. Dr. Dong has practiced medicine for more than 20 years, and he's probably older than that kid. He actually dares to point fingers, and he doesn't know what's good or bad!"

"In a while, none of us should cooperate with his treatment, and let him treat the illness by himself."

Many people even reached a consensus to boycott He Jincheng.

Dong Hao's complexion was not very good-looking, although this He Jincheng still saved some face for himself, but if he finally adopted his treatment and disgusted, then what is this Haizhou magic needle?

On the other side, He Jincheng followed Gao Qilan to a ward on the sixth floor.

From the outside, this ward looks no different from an ordinary ward.

But once inside, there is something different.

Spaciousness is one thing, but it is also filled with all kinds of very unusual artworks.

Going further inside, there is a bed inside, and an old woman is lying on the bed.

At the head of the bed, there was a young woman dressed as a nurse. Seeing Gao Qilan and He Jincheng approaching, she immediately got up and nodded slightly towards He Jincheng and Gao Qilan, and stood obediently aside.

"How is the patient's condition?"

Gao Qilan stepped forward to inquire and checked the patient's condition at the same time.

"It's pretty much the same as before, nothing much has changed."

The nurse said cautiously from the side.

He also knew that the status of the patients on the hospital bed was very special, so he didn't dare to be careless.

"Have all the medicines been changed? There is still a need for regular cleaning of the patients."

Gao Qilan asked again.

"Director Gao, don't worry, we all work in three shifts and stay by the patient's side day and night, so there won't be any mistakes."

Gao Qilan nodded slightly after hearing about the funeral, and then motioned for He Jincheng to treat the patient.

He Jincheng moved a chair, sat on the head of the bed, gently took the patient's hand out of the quilt, stretched out three fingers to rest on the patient's pulse, and began to feel the pulse carefully.

Although he didn't know what the identity of the old woman was, he could tell from Gao Qilan's attitude towards the old woman that her identity was absolutely extraordinary.

So he was extraordinarily serious about Zhenmai this time. After working for about 3 minutes, he withdrew his hand and sat there meditating.

After thinking for about 2 minutes, he made a diagnosis on the patient's neck and ankles for a few minutes, and then nodded slightly to indicate that Gao Qilan could go out.

At the door, Gao Qilan couldn't wait to ask, "Doctor He, how is the patient's condition?"

"The situation is not as bad as I thought, let's go back and talk about it."

He Jincheng nodded slightly, with a relaxed look on his face.

Seeing that He Jincheng said that, Gao Qilan was surprised.

Everyone said that the patient's condition was very bad, basically to the point where a dead horse was treated like a living horse doctor.

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng's tone was so loud, and he actually said that it was not as bad as he imagined. In this way, he is very sure of curing the patient?
Thinking of this, Gao Qilan suddenly had a glimmer of expectation in her heart. If He Jincheng could really cure the patient, it would be regarded as a case that could be recorded in history.

Whether it is Gao Qilan's current status in the hospital or the impact on the entire medical profession, it is very considerable.

Moreover, as a member of the Heavenly Medicine School, he himself has a strong interest in these difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

If you can cure this difficult and miscellaneous disease, it will also greatly improve your medical skills.

The two quickly returned to the conference room, and the noisy conference room immediately fell silent, and everyone's eyes fell on He Jincheng.

"I don't know what Dr. He's diagnosis is, but I want to share it with you."

Dong Hao looked calm, but he also had some opinions on He Jincheng in his heart, so he asked straight to the point.

"According to my diagnosis, the patient's current condition is not as bad as imagined. The method Dr. Dong said just now is indeed feasible, but it still needs to be improved. If the criminal investigation method is properly adjusted, I think the probability of curing the patient should be good. Increased to more than [-]%."

He Jincheng didn't hold back, and directly stated his diagnosis result.

"More than [-]% of Dr. He will be responsible for saying such things!"

Dong Hao even felt that there was something wrong with his ears, as if he had heard something incredible.

"I practice medicine to save people, and I have always been responsible for my words and deeds. Doctor Dong, you are good at three needles in the sky. This is indeed a very clever set of ancient acupuncture. But because it can only have good effects on three internal organs. effect, so the risk is still great.”

"My treatment method is that Dr. Dong first uses Tian Xing San to treat the patient, and then I supplement it with two lines of shadow acupuncture. This can completely activate the patient's internal organs and maintain it for more than two days. If the condition is good If so, it can even last for more than three days.”

He Jincheng said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, the whole meeting room exploded immediately.

If the effect that He Jincheng said can be achieved, and if it lasts for more than three days, then the patient's hope of being cured can indeed reach more than [-]%.

You must know that the current patient's condition is too weak to undergo surgery.

Surgical resection of the lesion is the most direct, rapid and effective method for patients at present. The difficulty lies in how to maintain the patient's ability to walk off the operating table.

Now, three needles in the sky, plus two needles in yin and yang, can reactivate the normal functions of the patient's internal organs. In this way, as long as the operation is performed in a timely manner, there is no need to worry about the patient's subsequent postoperative surgery. Complications and such.

"Yin-yang two-row acupuncture? I have indeed heard of this acupuncture technique. I never thought Dr. He could do it. I don't know where Dr. He learned it. After all, the patient's condition is quite special, so I can't be careless. I hope Doctor He understands."

Dong Hao's eyes lit up, he had heard of Yin and Yang two-line acupuncture, and its effect was no worse than his own Tianxing three-line acupuncture.

(End of this chapter)

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