Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 333 Refusal of kindness, short play time

Chapter 333 Refusal of kindness, short play time
He is also a senior Chinese medicine practitioner, so he naturally knows what the Yin and Yang acupuncture means. Although it is only two needles, it is definitely more effective than his own sky-moving three needles.

"Dr. Dong was joking. Everyone is doing it for the patient. If you think my suggestion is suitable, then everyone should prepare as soon as possible. If the patient's condition is not acceptable, we will continue to wait!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, thinking that Dong Hao is quite generous.

Sure enough, in the circle of Chinese medicine, you still have to show your real skills!

"Then let's vote with a show of hands! I agree with Dr. He's method!"

With Dong Hao speaking, no one has any other objections. Anyway, this plan is led by He Jincheng and Dong Hao. If there is any problem at that time, the two of them will bear the responsibility.

Therefore, Gao Qilan immediately notified all parties to prepare for the patient's treatment.

After obtaining the consent of the patient's family and the hospital's senior management, the treatment started quickly.

First, Dong Hao used the three needles of the sky, and then Zhao Dabao used the two needles of yin and yang to consolidate.

The whole process was very smooth, the patient's five internal organs finally recovered to a certain degree of function, and the whole state was able to support the next surgical treatment.

After the end, He Jincheng communicated with Dong Hao, and both of them took out their acupuncture techniques and taught them to each other, and both sides benefited a lot.

"Doctor He, I really didn't expect that a hero is born in a young age. I, Dong Hao, have practiced medicine for more than 20 years, and I am ashamed of myself!"

Dong Hao held He Jincheng's hand and said sincerely.

He really felt that He Jincheng's medical skills were better than his own, and it was ridiculous to think that he still looked down on He Jincheng before.

"Dr. Dong was joking. I was just lucky enough to learn some tricks. Compared with Dr. Dong, there is really no comparison!"

Of course, He Jincheng would not be arrogant if the other party gave him such a face.

Moreover, this time he also made a lot of money, Dr. Dong Hao is worth paying for.

"Hahaha, let's stop saying these compliments. I still have a patient who needs to be seen in the afternoon. Let's stop here today. Please keep my contact information, Doctor He. We must come to discuss again when we have the opportunity !"

Dong Hao laughed, and after talking to He Jincheng again, he hurriedly left the hospital.

After sending Dong Hao away, He Jincheng was also about to go back. Just as he walked under the hospital building, a crisp voice came from behind him.

"Doctor He, leave in such a hurry!"

Gao Qilan smiled and walked over to He Jincheng, looking at him excitedly.

"Um, is there anything else Director Gao can do?"

I came here today just to look at this case, and there are three needles from heaven. As for what kind of heavenly medicine, He Jincheng really has no interest.

"Doctor He, don't you really know the identity of that old lady today?"

Gao Qilan asked in surprise, as if she had seen something incredible.

"If you have to know the identity of the patient when you see a doctor, then what can I do as a doctor!"

He Jincheng spread his hands, "Director Gao, if I have nothing else to do, I will leave first. Today I can see the three needles in the sky, and I need to thank you, thank you!"

"Go slowly, Doctor He. I know what you're thinking, but this patient is really special. She is the old mother of a big man in the capital. That big man didn't come today, but when he knows that you cured the old lady, I'm definitely going to pay a visit, why don't you leave an address, so I can explain it when the time comes!"

Gao Qilan said seriously.

"Just say that you cured it, and I don't need to cause this trouble, thank you!"

He Jincheng shook his head slightly, he didn't care about the important figures, he mainly wanted to guard against Gao Qilan, lest he get involved too much with the Heavenly Medicine Sect.

"Doctor He..."

"Okay, let's see you later!"

He Jincheng didn't say anything more, waved his hand and left the hospital.

Gao Qilan looked at He Jincheng who was leaving, with a sly look in her eyes.

"He Jincheng, you have been spotted by our Heavenly Doctor Sect, do you think you can still escape?"

The Heavenly Medicine Sect spreads all over the country, and its power is not as huge as He Jincheng understands.

Being able to use Yin and Yang two-line acupuncture, relying on this, the Tianyi School must also include He Jincheng as its sect.

It was already noon when I came back from the hospital, and I happened to take my family out for dinner.

I still ate at the seafood restaurant yesterday.

After investigation, yesterday's food poisoning incident was caused by the owner of the food stall on the opposite side seeing that the business here was too good, so he deliberately made trouble. He has been caught, and the restaurant has resumed normal business.

However, something happened after all, and the good business plummeted.

"Boss, I want a box!"

He Jincheng walked in and greeted the boss familiarly.

As soon as he saw He Jincheng, the fat boss immediately greeted him warmly.

"Oh, Dr. He, I didn't expect you to come. Thank you very much yesterday. What do you want to eat today? I'll treat you!"

If it wasn't for He Jincheng yesterday, then the fat boss' life would be over.

Although it is said that the business is still somewhat affected, but at any rate, it still persists.

"No, no, it's not easy for you to do business. How can we eat for free? I heard that you also have Australian lobster here. I'll order one to try!"

He Jincheng waved his hand and said.

The family happily finished their lunch. Before leaving, the fat boss refused to accept the money, so He Jincheng left 200 yuan in cash and left with his family.

In the afternoon, the family went to the underwater world to play.

In this era, there are still relatively few cities with an underwater world, and Haizhou is one of them.

It's just that the construction of this underwater world is a bit rudimentary, and there is no way to compare it with the future one.

But for people of this era, it is considered a very rare scenic spot, so there are still many people who come here.

"Daddy, what kind of fish is that!"

"That's a devil fish, don't you see his smile looks like a devil!"

"What kind of fish is that..."

Tingting kept asking questions along the way, and He Jincheng answered patiently.

Ye Shanhe and Guo Lan also visited happily, only Ye Qingmeng looked at He Jincheng intentionally or unintentionally, not knowing what was going on in his heart.

In the evening, the family ate food stalls nearby. The food stalls here are delicious, especially the draft beer. Ye Shanhe made an exception and drank a little.

It wasn't until after ten o'clock in the evening that the family returned to the hotel.

For the next few days, it was just a normal trip. After visiting the scenic spots in Haizhou, I planned to change places the next day, and returned to Nandu after a few more days of play.

(End of this chapter)

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