Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 334 Missing Parents, A Family Trip to Dongyang

Chapter 334 Missing Parents, A Family Trip to Dongyang
In the evening, He Jincheng sat at the desk in a daze.

Ye Qingmeng took a bath and hugged He Jincheng from behind.

"What's the matter, I see you are worried!"

Although these two days were very happy, Ye Qingmeng could feel that He Jincheng seemed to have something on his mind.

"It's nothing, I just miss my parents!"

He Jincheng shook his head with a wry smile.

After playing with the family for so long, He Jincheng naturally thought of his parents and brother whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Ye Qingmeng felt a sudden pain in her heart, and gently stroked He Jincheng's chest.

"Husband, otherwise, let's go to Dongyang to find our parents. It's been so long, why can't we let go? It happens that my parents are here, let's go there together, and my parents talk. Would be so contradictory!"

Ye Qingmeng said softly.

"However, I'm still worried that they won't forgive me..."

He Jincheng shook his head slightly, reborn, he dared to do anything, but he dared not face his parents like this.

"If you keep avoiding like this, then you will never be able to repair the relationship with them. Otherwise, don't go, how about I go to them? Parents will definitely not embarrass me!"

Ye Qing dreamed and wanted to say.


He Jincheng was slightly taken aback, this is also a way, let Ye Qingmeng go over to see the situation first, if parents are not so resistant, it will be better if he shows up again.

"Don't hesitate anymore, this is a good opportunity, my parents are here, and there are two children, I believe my parents will definitely not say anything more! Well, it's settled like this, usually you make up your mind , just listen to me this time!"

Ye Qingmeng didn't give He Jincheng a chance to say anything, so he decided on it.

The next day, Ye Qingmeng told Ye Shanhe and Guo Lan about this matter.

For this matter, Ye Shanhe and Guo Lan certainly gave their support.

"Great, it should have been like this a long time ago. I have often received letters from them before. In fact, they say that they have nothing to do with you. In fact, they are more worried about you than anyone else in their hearts. Jincheng, this time Qingmeng and I In the past, the knot between the old couple must be solved, but when the time comes, you kowtow to your parents and admit your mistake, and this matter will be resolved!"

Ye Shanhe clapped his hands and said.

He also wanted to help He Jincheng solve this matter a long time ago, but He Jincheng kept avoiding it, which delayed until this time.

"Okay, I will listen to the arrangement of the second elder!"

He Jincheng also made up his mind to solve this problem no matter what.

I am not too young now, and my parents are getting older. If I don't repair this relationship, is there still a chance to provide for them?

After the family made their decision, they left Haizhou that day and took the train to Dongyang.

Dongyang is about two hours away from Haizhou. After arriving there, He Jincheng first found a hotel, then rented a car, and went to find his parents tomorrow.

All night, He Jincheng was a little tossing and turning, but fortunately, Ye Qingmeng was by his side, talking about himself, He Jincheng spent this long night.

After breakfast the next day, Guo Lan and Ye Qingmeng went to find He Jincheng's parents, and He Jincheng and Ye Shanhe followed with their two children, and they would show up when the time was right.

Quaint alleys, dilapidated courtyards.

This is almost exactly the same as when He Jincheng came here half a year ago, nothing has changed.

"Oh, brother Ye and the others live here. It seems that their life has not been very easy these years!"

Guo Lan looked at the dilapidated courtyard and said with some distress.

Their family has a very good relationship with He Qingsong's family. Guo Lan and He Jincheng's mother, Wang Huixin, are also good sisters. Seeing their good sisters like this, she feels a little distressed.

"Jincheng's parents have been ill for a few years. I visited Jincheng last year. Jincheng disguised himself and cured his father. He should be fine now!"

Ye Qingmeng said in a low voice, then stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Who is it!"

Soon, an old voice came from inside.

"Mom, it's me, Qingmeng!"

Ye Qingmeng plucked up the courage to shout out.

There was silence in the courtyard, and after waiting for a while, there was the sound of hurried footsteps, and then the courtyard door was opened, and Wang Huixin appeared at the door with a somewhat old figure.

"You are……"

Wang Huixin looked at Ye Qingmeng and Guo Lan in disbelief.

"Huixin, it's me, Guo Lan!"

As soon as Guo Lan saw Wang Huixin, tears came down immediately, and she shouted loudly.

"Sister Guo Lan, is it really you?"

Wang Huixin covered her mouth, and couldn't help but shed tears.

"It's me, of course it's me, these years, why don't you go back and have a look!"

Guo Lan cried bitterly, stepped forward and hugged Wang Huixin.

The two haven't seen each other for so many years, and they couldn't help crying when they met.

After a while, the two sisters stabilized their emotions.

"This is Qingmeng. I haven't seen you for so many years, but I'm still so beautiful. Come in quickly. Come in and say, Lao Ye has gone out to work and hasn't come home yet. Wait a minute!"

Wang Huixin wiped away her tears, and dragged Ye Qingmeng and Guo Lan into the yard.

Looking at the simple courtyard inside, one could tell that He Qingsong and Guo Lan were not living well.

"Mom, you have suffered all these years. Come back with us this time. Do you know that Jincheng has reformed himself now? Not only has he studied medicine, but also started a business. Our family is getting better now. This time I just want to take you back!"

Ye Qingmeng said tearfully.

"Jincheng... Jincheng has really reformed himself?"

Wang Huixin couldn't believe it, and the tears still couldn't stop flowing down.

"Yes, he also regrets those stupid things he did back then, and he feels guilty towards you, but he has never dared to face you, so that's why he dared not come to you!"

Ye Qingmeng nodded vigorously.

"God has eyes, my bastard son has finally turned his back on the good. It's great! Qingmeng, you are the one who has suffered the most these years. Even parents like us can't bear it. Jincheng can marry you. A wife like you is really a blessing that has been cultivated in eight lifetimes!"

Wang Huixin said.

"Mom, let's not talk about the previous things. Jincheng has really changed for the better now. Also, Jincheng and I have another child named He Mengen. This is the name Jincheng gave. Mom, do you think it sounds good?"

Ye Qingmeng wiped away her tears and said with a smile.

"He Mengen, that's good, it sounds good. It seems that that bastard in Jincheng has really grown up and become sensible!"

Wang Huixin nodded and said, she was also very happy when she thought that she had another grandson.

"Mom, can you forgive Jincheng now? He really knows he was wrong!"

Ye Qingmeng looked at Wang Huixin and said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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