Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 335 It is difficult to intercede, only the daughter-in-law is involved

Chapter 335 It is difficult to intercede, only the daughter-in-law is involved
"Hey, what are we talking about, forgive or not! Back then we couldn't stand that kid's bastard behavior in Jincheng, so we left our hometown and came here. Since that kid has reformed now, how can I, a mother, still blame him? Woolen cloth!"

Wang Huixin wiped away her tears, held Ye Qingmeng's hand, and said very distressed.

"Good girl, I know I have been suffering for you all these years. If it weren't for you, I don't know how long it would take for that bastard to change his mind!"

That's not bad, if it wasn't for Ye Qingmeng's painstaking perseverance, how could he wait for He Jincheng's change of heart?

"That's great, Mom. Jincheng is waiting outside. He was afraid that you would not forgive him, so he didn't dare to come with us. I'll call him now, and your granddaughter and grandson!"

Ye Qingmeng was overjoyed immediately, and quickly got up to ask He Jincheng and the others to come in.

"Child, don't worry..."

Wang Huixin quickly grabbed Ye Qingmeng's hand, with a look of hesitation on her face.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

Ye Qingmeng said doubtfully.

"Huixin, can't you forgive Jincheng? He has really changed his mind. I can prove it!"

Guo Lan also hurriedly said good things about Jincheng.

"Hey, I'm fine. The key is Lao He and Jinshan. You don't know. These years, whenever I mention Jincheng, they will get angry. I'm worried that they won't be able to forgive Jincheng!"

Wang Huixin said with some pain.

"This...then what should we do? You can't really just stay away from each other forever, mom, can't you help Jincheng talk about it?"

Ye Qingmeng was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect this to happen. It seems that He Qingsong and He Jinshan really have too much resentment towards He Jincheng.

"It's not that there is no way, how about this..."

Wang Hui thought for a while, then whispered her method.

After Wang Huixin finished speaking, Ye Qingmeng hesitated.

"Mom, can this really work?"

"It should be possible. You are the daughter-in-law of our family. Even if we are all gone, you will stay by Jincheng's side forever. You are the most qualified to say forgive or not. If you have grievances, if you take your children to beg them and say a few good words for Jincheng, then the two of you must have nothing to say!"

Wang Huixin nodded.

Her solution was to ask Ye Qingmeng to intercede with He Jincheng first.

Maybe He Jincheng felt sorry for He Qingsong, Wang Huixin, and even He Jinshan, but in this family, the person He Jincheng felt sorry for most was Ye Qingmeng.

Ye Qingmeng pleaded in person, what can He Qingsong and He Jinshan say?

"Okay, as long as dad and brother can forgive Jincheng, even if I can't afford to kneel, I'm willing!"

Ye Qingmeng nodded vigorously. For more than a year, He Jincheng has been giving, and he can't help him with anything. Let him fight for He Jincheng today!

"Okay, then I'll go and tell the two of them first, lest they wait anxiously!"

Guo Lan also agreed to this method, after thinking about it, she got up and left the yard to tell He Jincheng and Ye Shanhe about the matter.

He Jincheng couldn't help but shed tears when he heard that his mother had forgiven him, and felt even more guilty.

It is understandable that his father and brother did not forgive him.

"Mom, then you all go over first, I'll wait here alone, and then I will kowtow to my parents to admit my mistake!"

He Jincheng handed over the child to Guo Lan and Ye Shanhe, while he continued to wait outside for news.

It's not that he doesn't want to take responsibility, I'm afraid that his father and brother will drive him out immediately when they see him!

Waiting until noon, He Qingsong and He Jinshan went home for dinner,

Along with them, there was a dark-skinned woman in a cotton shirt. She was Li Meili, the wife of He Jincheng's elder brother He Jinshan.

"Old woman, is the meal ready? I have to finish eating quickly today, and I still have work to do in the afternoon!"

He Qingsong shouted as soon as he entered the house.

Recently, he and He Jinshan found a job at a nearby construction site, and the eldest daughter-in-law followed. The three of them rented out a six-story building, mainly for puttingty. .

If the job can be done this time, the family of four will have enough food for several months.

The construction period was relatively tight, and they basically went back to work after eating, and didn't get off work until six or seven o'clock in the evening.

Fortunately, He Qingsong's illness was cured by a wandering doctor in half a year, and now he can do some physical work, otherwise, this job would be really difficult.

"You are back?"

Wang Huixin came out to meet He Qingsong, and said a few words in a low voice when he came to He Qingsong.

"What? Lao Ye and the others are here?"

He Qingsong was startled, quickly quickened his pace, and walked towards the house.

Ye Shanhe and the others were also walking out. When they saw He Qingsong, they immediately greeted him with a big smile.

"Oh, old He, long time no see, I miss your old brother to death!"

As soon as Ye Shanhe went up, he gave He Qingsong a bear hug, very enthusiastic.

"Hey, you old Ye, why do you suddenly want to come to me, look at my gray body, don't stain your clothes!"

He Qingsong was also very happy. He and Ye Shanhe were old comrades-in-arms back then, and their relationship has always been good.

But now Ye Shanhe is well-dressed, obviously doing well, he is not like himself, he is quite old, and he is still working on the construction site, barely getting by.

"What are you talking about? When we were on the battlefield, our bodies were covered in blood. Who dared to say that we were dirty! We are brothers, and we will be brothers for the rest of our lives!"

Ye Shanhe immediately said with a straight face.

"Okay, okay, you will always be my good brother!"

He Qingsong laughed out loud.

"Brother He!"

Guo Lan also came out and yelled.

"Haha, my brothers and sisters are here too. What day is it today? Don't tell me in advance when you come here. Let's have a good drink today!"

He Qingsong laughed and said.

"It's not just the two of us, Qingmeng will bring the child out!"

Guo Lan said towards the inside of the room again.

Ye Qingmeng hugged Erbao, and pulled Tingting out.

"Dad, brother!"

Seeing He Qingsong, Ye Qingmeng was somewhat cautious, bowed slightly and shouted.

"Tingting, call grandpa!"

Tingting obediently called out to her grandfather, but still shyly hid behind Ye Qingmeng.

Ye Shanhe looked at Ye Qingmeng, then at the two children, feeling lost for a while.

"Qingmeng? Are you Qingmeng? Also, this is Tingting and..."

He Qingsong said with some uncertainty.

"Dad, it's me, your daughter-in-law, Ye Qingmeng, this is your granddaughter He Tingting, and grandson He Mengen!"

Ye Qingmeng calmed down a bit, and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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