Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 336 Never Forgive, You Want to Hit Me Together

Chapter 336 Never Forgive, If You Want to Hit Me
"Oh, Qingmeng, my good daughter-in-law, I have suffered for you all these years!"

Only then did He Qingsong's expression ease a little, but it still seemed unnatural. After saying such a sentence, he didn't know what to say, but his eyes still swept Tingting and Erbao from time to time.

Seeing that He Qingsong's attitude had obviously weakened, Wang Huixin quickly pulled him and said, "Old He, let's stop standing here and sit inside the room. Look, we haven't seen each other for a few years and we have an extra grandson. This is a good thing!"

"Yes, Dad, let's go in! Qing Meng, hello, I am your sister-in-law, and my name is Li Meili!"

On the contrary, sister-in-law Li Meili seemed very relaxed, while comforting He Qingsong, she stepped forward and pulled Ye Qingmeng into the house.

She only got along with He Jinshan after He Jinshan moved to Dongyang, so she didn't empathize with the He family's past, so she didn't have much resistance to He Jincheng, the rumored jerk brother.

"Well, let's all go in!"

He Jinshan didn't have any complaints about his sister-in-law, seeing that He Jincheng didn't come, so he didn't get angry either.

Everyone entered the room and sat down. Ye Shanhe and Guo Lan first chatted about some past events to ease the atmosphere.

"Oh, look, we are a big family, three generations live under the same roof, what a wonderful thing, only one Jincheng is missing!"

Guo Lan said with a smile, deliberately mentioning He Jincheng.

Sure enough, the faces of He Qingsong and He Jinshan immediately became ugly.

The name they least want to hear in this life is He Jincheng.

When she felt that the time was almost up, Guo Lan gave Ye Qingmeng a look.

Ye Qingmeng sorted out her speaking skills and looked at He Qingsong.

"Dad, after all these years, do you still have resentment towards Jincheng? Now he has changed for the better. After all, you are father and son. Do you really want to hate each other for the rest of your life?"

Ye Qingmeng's voice was very soft, with a hint of pleading.

He Qingsong took a sip of boiled water, his face was still gloomy, but he didn't say anything.

"Sister and sister, have you forgiven him? As for what that bastard He Jincheng did, we will never forgive him in this life!"

He Jinshan said in a deep voice, with a bit of anger in his tone.

"Brother, I know that Jincheng is sorry for you, today I will solemnly apologize to you on behalf of He Jincheng, I'm sorry!"

Ye Qingmeng gritted her teeth, stood up and bowed deeply to He Jinshan.

"What are you doing? It's your turn to apologize to me!"

He Jinshan quickly stood up, avoiding Ye Qingmeng's bow.

"Brothers and sisters, I didn't say you, a bastard like He Jincheng, you should divorce him, don't worry, even if you divorced him, we don't blame you, and we treat you as a family, why? That bad gambler in Jincheng, let him fend for himself!"

He Jinshan said in a deep voice.

"Brother, Jincheng has reformed a long time ago, and now he is very capable. He not only opened a medical clinic, but also built a factory. Our lives are better now!"

Ye Qingmeng said quickly.

"Before he didn't dare to come to see you because he felt that he didn't make a name for himself, and he didn't have the face to see you. Now that our lives have improved, Jincheng immediately wanted to take you over to enjoy the blessings, so as to make up for what he has done to you all these years. owe!"

"Hmph, we don't need it. We are living a good life now. It would be even better if he can never show up for the rest of his life!"

He Qingsong couldn't help but let out a cold snort, and when he thought of his son who didn't live up to expectations, he couldn't help but get angry.

"That's right, look, since you came to see us, why didn't you come here by yourself, and let you come to intercede for her, you have no responsibility at all, what is it! Qingmeng, you said that you are rich, that's just right, hurry up and talk to him Divorce, half of the property will be given to you after divorce, even if it is compensation for the suffering you have suffered all these years!"

"We have nothing. Now we can eat by ourselves, and we won't starve to death!"

He Jinshan also spoke.

"Dad, big brother, don't you really miss a little old love? I'll kneel down for you, okay?"

As Ye Qingmeng said, she knelt down with a plop.

"Oh, you kid, why are you kneeling down? We're not embarrassing you. What are you doing!"

He Qingsong was a little anxious, while Guo Lan hurried to help Ye Qingmeng.

"Qing Meng, this matter has nothing to do with you, that bastard He Jincheng wants me to forgive him, unless he breaks one of his hands!"

He Jinshan said angrily.

"Jinshan, what are you talking about?"

Li Meili who was on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and He Jinshan said with a blank look.

Anyway, He Jincheng is also his younger brother, even if he has done a lot of stupid things before, but after all, blood is thicker than water, how can he be so heartless!

"Dad, Mom, Big Brother, Jincheng made an apology for you!"

At this moment, a loud voice came from outside the house, it was He Jincheng who came.

When He Qingsong heard this, his face darkened immediately, while He Jinshan grabbed the fire stick beside him and rushed out.

When he came to the courtyard, he saw He Jincheng kneeling there.

He Jinshan was furious, picked up the fire stick and rushed towards He Jincheng.

"You bastard, who told you to come, get out!"

With a stick, it hit He Jincheng directly on the shoulder.

But He Jincheng didn't dodge or dodge, he took such a stick firmly, and let out a muffled groan.

"Why don't you hide?"

He Jinshan was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that He Jincheng had no intention of avoiding at all.

I used so much strength to hit the stick just now, most people probably wouldn't be able to bear it.

"Brother, as long as you can forgive me and make you vent your anger, you can hit me whatever you want!"

He Jincheng knelt and prostrated on the ground, as if he was letting you punish him.

"You think I dare not? I'll kill you bastard!"

He Jinshan gritted his teeth, raised the fire stick again and threw it at He Jincheng's back.

There were two more bang bangs, so powerful that He Jincheng almost vomited blood from the beating.

"Jinshan, stop it!"

Seeing this scene, Guo Lan became anxious and shouted to stop.

"Oh, Jinshan, why are you so impulsive, kill yourself!"

Guo Lan also felt sorry for her son-in-law, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop He Jincheng.

"Jincheng has really realized his mistake. For more than a year, he has been making up for what he owed us. Is there any blood feud in the family? Is there anything that cannot be forgiven?"

"Brother, don't hit me, if you want to hit you, hit me too!"

Ye Qingmeng went directly to He Jincheng, knelt there with him, and said seriously.

"Qingmeng, what are you doing, it's none of your business!"

He Jinshan froze for a moment, then said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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