Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 337 Shared joys and sorrows, and finally got my father's forgiveness

Chapter 337 Shared joys and sorrows, and finally got my father's forgiveness
"Brother, Jincheng is my husband. He used to be an asshole and did something that I'm sorry to you, so I'm sorry to you too. If I said something wrong, then I, Ye Qingmeng, was also wrong. If you want to express your anger, then even Let me fight together!"

Ye Qingmeng said with tears in her eyes, with a firm face.

"Qingmeng, this has nothing to do with you, get up quickly!"

He Jincheng was moved and distressed. He let his wife share the mistakes he made back then. What a jerk he is!
"Jincheng, don't talk about it. We are husband and wife. We have the same blessings and share the same hardships. Isn't that right? If you let me stand aside and watch you suffer, how do you let me see it?"

Ye Qingmeng held He Jincheng's hand and said tenderly.

"Okay, let's go together! Thank you, wife!"

He Jincheng nodded vigorously, then knelt there and closed his eyes.

"Brother, as long as you can vent your anger, you can hit whatever you want, I don't think you will say anything!"

He Jinshan looked at his younger brother and younger siblings kneeling in front of him with complex expressions on his face. He raised the stick in his hand and threw it aside viciously.

"Oh, I don't care!"

After finishing speaking, He Jinshan returned to the room angrily.

Seeing Ye Qingmeng protecting He Jincheng so much, He Qingsong didn't know whether to be angry or happy for a while.

"You bastard, you've been kneeling here all this time, when I think it's okay, get up again!"

He Qingsong said coldly, and then looked at Ye Qingmeng softly.

"Good daughter-in-law, get up quickly, it's cold in the ground, don't break your body, this kid should be responsible for his own mistakes, old woman, what are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and help your daughter-in-law up! "

Hearing what He Qingsong said, Wang Huixin and Li Meili hurried forward to help Ye Qingmeng.

"Mom, I won't get up. If you don't forgive Jin Cheng, I'll just keep kneeling like this!"

Ye Qingmeng is also stubborn and unwilling to get up.

"Silly sister, what are you thinking? Dad and your elder brother want to vent their anger, so you let Jincheng kneel here. It won't be long before Dad will let him get up!"

Li Meili quickly whispered in Ye Qingmeng's ear.

Hearing this, Ye Qingmeng was slightly taken aback, and looked at He Jincheng.

He Jincheng nodded slightly towards Ye Qingmeng, expressing that he is fine and there is no need to worry.

Only then did Ye Qingmeng finally understand.

He Qingsong and He Jinshan have been angry with He Jincheng for these years. If they just forgive him like this, they will not be able to step down. It is not a bad thing to ask He Jincheng to kneel for a while.

"Okay, I'll listen to Dad! Jincheng, repent, if Dad and Brother still don't forgive you, I'll kneel with you again!"

Ye Qingmeng looked at He Jincheng, and then stood up.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, let's go in, Jinshan, you go to the construction site to clean up after dinner, we won't go to work today, we will work overtime tomorrow, we should be able to catch up!"

He Qingsong said.

"Okay Dad!"

He Jinshan nodded.

The family started to cook, and after a while, the aroma of the food came.

However, under He Qingsong's signal, no one paid attention to He Jincheng who was kneeling in the yard.

Except for He Jincheng, everyone was eating happily in the room and chatting about the past, but no one mentioned He Jincheng.

In this way, until the evening, He Qingsong didn't mean to let He Jincheng in.

Ye Qingmeng became a little anxious, and wanted to go outside and kneel with He Jincheng.

But he was held back by Li Meili.

"Sister, listen to me, our dad is a knife-mouthed bean curd heart, he is testing Jincheng, and he will definitely get him up tomorrow!"

Li Meili said bitterly.

It's all come to this point, if you give up now, it will really be a waste of all previous efforts.

Although Ye Qingmeng was very worried, he had no choice but to listen to Li Meili.

At night, Ye Qingmeng couldn't sleep all the time, suddenly there was a loud thunder, which made her completely sleepy, and then she heard the sound of pattering rain.

"It's raining!"

Ye Qingmeng let out an exclamation, and quickly got up and walked outside.

Seeing He Jincheng still kneeling in the yard motionless, it really began to rain. It was still a drizzle at first, but soon the rain became heavier and heavier, and it became a downpour in the blink of an eye.

Ye Qingmeng quickly held up an oil-paper umbrella, and ran over to hold it for He Jincheng.

"Qingmeng, you go back, don't worry about me, I'm fine!"

He Jincheng didn't want Ye Qingmeng to get wet, so he shouted loudly.

"No, I won't go back. If Dad doesn't forgive you, I will kneel with you!"

Ye Qingmeng said with tears in his eyes.

"Don't be stupid, I am physically stronger, but you are weak and can't get in the rain, go in quickly!"

While talking, He Jincheng pushed Ye Qingmeng inside.

Ye Qingmeng simply threw away the umbrella in her hand, and knelt in the yard with He Jincheng.

"Dad, why are you so cruel? Even if Jincheng made a big mistake, you should forgive him by now. I don't blame him for a long time. Could it be that he did something that you can't forgive in your life? something?"

Ye Qingmeng shouted loudly towards the room.

In the room, He Qingsong, He Jinshan and Ye Shanhe Guolan also woke up early, but they didn't come out.

Hearing Ye Qingmeng's cry, they came to the door in a hurry, and when they saw Ye Qingmeng kneeling there with He Jincheng begging for mercy, they were all moved.

"Old man, just say something, why are you so cruel? Even if you still blame Jincheng, you still have to think about your daughter-in-law. She has such a thin body, what if she gets sick from gonorrhea!"

Wang Huixin burst into tears, and looked at He Qingsong and said angrily.

"Old He, Jincheng has been really different in the past year! You don't know, I was in a car accident before and almost died. If Jincheng hadn't stayed by my side day and night and treated me, I'm afraid you wouldn't have I can't see me anymore! And Guo Lan, she also has a heart attack, if it wasn't for Jincheng, do you think our family can stay here neatly?"

Ye Shanhe finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said angrily.

"Dad, you don't know, the doctor You Fang who treated you half a year ago was actually Jincheng, but he didn't dare to face you at that time, so he didn't recognize each other. Think about it, Jincheng is actually very I feel so guilty!"

Ye Qingmeng shouted loudly.

He Qingsong was finally moved after hearing this.

His face was flushed, and there were mixed feelings in his heart.

After a long time, he finally let out a long sigh.

"Oh, forget it, let him in!"

(End of this chapter)

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