Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 338 Relaxing physically and mentally, He Jincheng plans for the future

Chapter 338 Relaxing physically and mentally, He Jincheng plans for the future
Hearing that He Qingsong finally let go, the family hurriedly helped Ye Qingmeng and He Jincheng in under umbrellas.

Ye Qingmeng also hurriedly pulled He Jincheng, trying to make him stand up.

But after kneeling for a day, he almost lost all feeling in his legs and couldn't stand up at all.

All they had to do was lift him up together, and it took a long time to carry He Jincheng into the house.

"Dad, Mom, brother, sister-in-law, I'm sorry!"

He Jincheng apologized again very ashamedly, and didn't care about his legs.


He Qingsong snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves and went straight into his room.

The stubborn old man was obviously still a little angry.

"If you let me know again, you have any bastard behavior, I will be the first to interrupt your dog legs!"

He Jinshan said something harshly, and then left.

Sister-in-law Li Meili stayed behind, brought a towel and brought hot water, and asked He Jincheng to wipe it off quickly, so as not to really get wet.

"Jincheng, don't blame Dad and your brother, you don't know that they have such a temper! Our room is small, I'll get you a quilt later, just sleep here for the night! "

Li Meili said helplessly, and pulled Ye Qingmeng back to her room, asked her to change into dry clothes, and then brought out a quilt for He Jincheng to sleep on.

"Thank you sister-in-law!"

Although there is still no feeling in his legs, He Jincheng is in an extremely happy mood now.

Finally, I was forgiven by my parents and brother, and my biggest regret in this world was finally made up for.

This feeling is really good, and the whole person is much more relaxed.

Ye Shanhe Guolan was also happy for Jincheng, and after comforting him a few words, he went back to his room to rest.

Ye Qingmeng chatted with He Jincheng for a long time, confided a lot of things to each other, and then went to bed at sister-in-law's room.

Through massage, He Jincheng has restored the normal blood circulation in his legs. He was completely relaxed, and he didn't feel sleepy at all. He just sat there and seriously thought about his life.

In the last life, only after I lost the most important person did I know what regret is.

In this life, I have worked hard to change all of this, and I have achieved some small achievements in the past year, but the biggest mountain that weighs on my heart is the understanding of my parents and elder brother.

Today, accompanied by Qing Meng and the encouragement of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he was finally forgiven.

In the world, is there anything happier than the current self?

Until now, He Jincheng felt that his rebirth was not in vain.

Next, he will do his best to let his family members live the best life.

As long as his parents are willing, he will take them back to Nandu.

Now my own group planning is gradually unfolding, elder brother and sister-in-law can help, and parents can live with father-in-law and mother-in-law, and two pairs of elderly people can live together and have a companion.

As long as Qingmeng Clothing develops smoothly, the first step of the He Group will be considered a success.

Now basically involved in three industries, one is He Jincheng's main business, the medical industry, which is also the industry that He Jincheng will be most concerned about in the future; Objectively, the future will definitely not be bad; the third is the clothing industry, relying on the vision and aesthetics of future people, can run at the forefront of clothing fashion for a long time, with this advantage, clearly The business of Meng Clothing will not be bad.

When I return to Nandu, I will enroll my elder brother in a cultural class to learn cultural knowledge. If I have time, I can also study financial management courses so that I can manage the company in the future.

Although the sister-in-law Li Meili has no culture, He Jincheng can tell that her sister-in-law is absolutely honest and kind-hearted, and she is also a person who can resist things. In the future, she can definitely play an important role in the He Group.

As for the future, the He Group will definitely develop more industries, and this is not something to talk about now.

Of course, the most ideal thing for He Jincheng is that he is only in charge of the medical industry, and all the others are taken care of by his eldest brother, sister-in-law or Ye Qingmeng, so that he can concentrate on studying medical skills. An endless road!
Before you know it, the sky is dawning.

Wang Hui woke up very early, seeing He Jincheng sitting there thinking about something, stepped forward and hugged He Jincheng distressedly.

"My son, you are finally getting better!"

As she spoke, Wang Huixin's tears came down again.

"Mom, I have suffered for you all these years, so follow me to enjoy happiness in the future!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Enjoy blessings? Hmph, I think it's still a matter of whether you can have enough food with you kid!"

He Qingsong came out, still speaking angrily.

However, compared with the attitude of wanting to do something when he saw He Jincheng yesterday, it was obviously much better.

"Old man, can't you talk well? Are you not satisfied with your son's improvement?"

Wang Huixin glared at He Qingsong.

He Qingsong snorted and didn't say anything else.

After He Jinshan got up, he just glanced at He Jincheng, didn't say anything, and didn't take the initiative to talk to him. He Jincheng called him, but he ignored him.

During breakfast, He Jincheng was allowed to serve.

However, He Qingsong and He Jinshan didn't care about He Jincheng at all.

Sooner or later after eating, He Qingsong looked at Ye Shanhe and said apologetically, "Brother Ye, you stay for one more day, and Jinshan and I have to go to work. The construction period is quite tight. If we can't finish it in time, It’s hard to get our wages back!”


Ye Shanhe didn't know what to say, so he could only look at He Jincheng.

With He Jincheng's current financial resources, let alone such a small project, it would be no problem to contract the entire six-story building.

However, he didn't know what He Jincheng meant, so he didn't say anything for He Jincheng.

"Dad, brother, you don't want to go, tell me the location of the construction site, I'll go to help you turn around the job, you clean up these few days, we will go to the southern capital!"

He Jincheng looked at He Qingsong, then at He Jinshan, and said with a smile.

"Transfer? Do you know how much the project costs? After completing this phase, we can at least have a salary of 2000 yuan!"

He Jinshan thought that Jincheng was making trouble, and suddenly became furious, slapping the table and saying angrily.

The salary of 2000 yuan is definitely a huge sum of money for people in this era, and it was He Jinshan who spent a lot of effort to win the contracting right of this building. How could it be possible to say that the transfer is transferred? !
(End of this chapter)

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