Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 339 A new contradiction, He Jincheng withdraws money from the bank

Chapter 339 A new contradiction, He Jincheng withdraws money from the bank
2000 yuan?

Ye Qingmeng, Ye Shanhe and Guo Lan were all stunned, and didn't know what to say for a while.

He Qingsong thought they were shocked by the amount of 2000 yuan, with a somewhat smug look on his face.

If it is normal, it is true.

After all, although it has been nearly five years since the reform and opening up, the average salary of the people across the country is only 50 to 80 yuan. Some jobs are better, it may be [-] or even [-] yuan, but some farmers only earn a dozen yuan.

For a small project, you can get a salary of 2000 yuan, which was definitely a huge sum of money at the time.

However, what He Qingsong didn't know was that they were stunned not because 2000 yuan was too much, but because in their view, this 2000 yuan was really not considered money.

When I was in the village before, the monthly profit of the medicinal material factory was far more than this amount.

Later, He Jincheng went to the city to open a medical clinic, and the monthly turnover was tens of thousands, not to mention Shanbaozhai, whose profits were so high that it was frightening to death.

Now Qingmeng Clothing has also started to make it. If it hadn't just invested a huge amount of nearly one million yuan to buy a factory, He Jincheng would have at least hundreds of thousands of cash in his hands now.

Even putting aside everything else, just the small mansion where their family lives now cannot be taken down without 10,000+.

Therefore, the day when 2000 yuan was a huge sum of money was a very long time ago for Ye Qingmeng and Ye Shanhe.

"So let me tell you, this project can't be reversed. Why don't you go back first? As for whether we want to go to Nandu, let's talk about it later!"

He Qingsong said with a smile.

"Dad, we are not short of money now, I will pay you 2000 yuan, so don't do this anymore!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"Fart! You have money, how much money can you have, 2000 yuan is not worth it? I think you have committed an old problem again, don't you?"

He Qingsong was so angry that he couldn't help but beat He Jincheng.

This bastard, that's 2000 yuan, he can buy a small house.

He Qingsong has already planned the money. He has been renting a house in Dongyang. The rent is five yuan a month. If he has this money, he can consider buying this yard, which can be regarded as his own A shelter from the wind and rain.

Now say no, don't, isn't this a joke?

"Hmph, I think you just don't change your mind. Dad, you should drive him out and keep him here. Sooner or later, our family will be ruined!"

He Jinshan was still unwilling to forgive He Jincheng, and immediately said angrily that he wanted to drive He Jincheng out again.

"Old He, Jinshan, you misunderstood, Jincheng didn't talk big, we are now..."

Ye Shanhe wanted to explain to He Jincheng, but was stopped by He Jincheng.

"Dad, brother, you may not believe what you say, so how about it, you wait for me, I will come back soon after I go out, if you still don't believe me, I will leave immediately, and I will never disturb you again !"

He Jincheng said seriously.

"Okay, how long?"

He Jinshan sneered and said that he wanted to see what tricks He Jincheng could play.

"About half an hour, you wait for me at home, I will come soon!"

After finishing speaking, He Jincheng hurried out.

"Oh, old man, Jin Shan, what are you doing? You are all a family, why do you have to push each other so hard?"

Wang Huixin said with a sad face.

Now I don't know what He Jincheng will do again.

"He asked for it himself. The 2000 yuan is ignored. He is really bragging!"

He Jinshan said angrily.

Ye Qingmeng didn't say anything else, she knew that He Jincheng went out with his passbook, so she didn't need to say anything when he came back.

After leaving the house, He Jincheng immediately went to the credit union, and after asking, he found out that it was not very far from here.

He Jincheng didn't dare to delay, so he hired a bicycle for fifty cents, and soon arrived at the gate of the cooperative.

Fortunately, the cooperative had just opened, and there was no one there, so He Jincheng pushed the door and walked in, and came to the counter.

"Hello, I want to withdraw money!"

While talking, He Jincheng handed over the passbook.

"Withdraw money? How much?"

The teller said casually.

These days, 100 yuan is considered a lot of money, basically ten or twenty yuan. Every day, these small money are lit like a machine, and the tellers are boring.

"Withdraw 5000 yuan, please hurry up!"

He Jincheng said.

"Five... um, what did you say, 5000 yuan? Or five hundred?"

The teller didn't react at the first time, and then, with a look of astonishment, he quickly opened the passbook that He Jincheng handed over, and saw the balance displayed on it, the teller was dumbfounded.

There are a full 10,000+, my God!

Although I deposit and withdraw some tens of hundreds of small money every day, occasionally some big ones can reach 500 yuan, and at most it is only thousands of yuan, and tens of thousands of yuan are handled every day.

But this huge sum of 10,000+ was the first time she saw it, it was shocking!

When did Dongyang produce such a rich man!
"That... are you sure this passbook is yours?"

If it's tens of dollars, basically you won't bother, but the passbook balance is 10,000+, and you have to withdraw 5000 yuan, which is a huge sum of money!

"Of course, I'm in business. Here's my ID card. I just bought a factory and spent millions of dollars. You can read the records!"

He Jincheng took out his ID card and handed it to the teller.

The teller carefully checked the ID card and confirmed that He Jincheng was the owner of the passbook, and the access record on it did indeed have an expenditure of millions.

The teller was even more dumbfounded, as if ten thousand horses galloped past in his heart, and his whole body was not well.

"May I take the liberty to ask, what do you do?"

The teller swallowed and couldn't help asking.

"Oh, I have a Chinese medicine clinic, an antique shop, and a clothing factory. What's wrong, there should be no problem!"

He Jincheng felt that the bank thought the amount was huge, so he asked so carefully. In order to withdraw the money as soon as possible, he told the truth directly.

"No problem, no problem, sorry sir, I don't have so much cash here, I will go to the leader right away, and I will help you deal with it as soon as possible!"

The teller quickly said that after getting He Jincheng's acquiescence, he hurriedly got up and went to find his own leader.

He Jincheng was very helpless, he only wanted to quickly withdraw the money and go home, so that his parents and brothers could trust him.

(End of this chapter)

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