Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 346 Visiting a famous doctor, the medical center expands the enrollment of Chinese medicine

Chapter 346 Visiting a famous doctor, the medical center expands the enrollment of Chinese medicine
Following Xue Zhengxin into the yard and into the house, we saw several patients sitting there, waiting for Xue Zhengxin to come to see him.

After Xue Zhengxin nodded to He Jincheng, he sat back on the chair again and continued to feel the pulse.

He Jincheng found a place by himself, sat quietly by the side and watched Xue Zhengxin treat people, just took this opportunity to observe, how is this Xue Zhengxin's medical skills?

"The pulse is deep but not chaotic, the qi is profuse but not dissipating. You are recovering pretty well. In the future, pay more attention to your diet and don't eat too spicy and greasy food. I will give you another prescription. After you drink it for seven days I stopped the medicine, I believe it should recover faster."

A few minutes later, Xue Zhengxin withdrew his hand, and while writing the prescription, he instructed the patient.

He Jincheng on the side nodded slightly, and he sat on the side and observed the patient.

This person should have undergone a relatively major operation before, and his body is now recovering.

The prescriptions that Xue Zhengxin prescribed to the patients mainly focused on conditioning, but they were very appropriate.

Then came the second patient, Xue Zhengxin also made a correct diagnosis and prescribed a prescription for the patient. He Jincheng leaned over to take a look at the prescription. The method of subtraction, the degree of medication is very suitable for the patient's condition.

Just after seeing these two patients, He Jincheng had a great understanding of Xue Zhengxin's art and recognized it very much.

If he could invite Xue Zhengxin to come to his clinic for a consultation, then he would definitely be able to save a lot of effort.

At this time, He Jincheng made up his mind to invite this doctor back.

After sitting aside and waiting for about an hour, these patients all left one after another.

After everyone left, He Jincheng had a chance to talk to Xue Zhengxin.

"Doctor He is so negligent in coming here, please don't blame me, come and have some tea."

Xue Zhengxin poured a cup of tea for He Jincheng very politely, and pushed it in front of him.

"It's the junior who interrupted, please don't blame the senior."

He Jincheng cupped his hands with a smile and said.

Seeing that He Jincheng still had the style of an old Chinese doctor, Xue Zhengxin became more interested in He Jincheng.

"I don't know why Doctor He is looking for the second child recently?"

Xue Zhengxin sighed, drank a cup of tea, and asked.

"This junior will cut straight to the point. I have admired my senior's excellent medical skills for a long time, so I invite you here today because I want to invite you to come to my clinic for a consultation. As for the salary, it can be decided by the senior."

He Jincheng didn't beat around the bush either, and said straight to the point.

"Oh, I didn't expect it. Doctor He came here for this kind of thing. This is the second child, and I'm afraid he won't be able to do it now that he's old!"

Xue Zhengxin waved his hand and said with a wry smile.

"Senior, what are you talking about? Which one of us in Chinese medicine is not the older the art, the more exquisite the art, now the senior is upright, our golden age of Chinese medicine! Just letting the senior treat people at home is a great loss for our Chinese medicine profession. How about this, I give senior a salary of 100 yuan a month, I don't know if senior is satisfied?"

He Jincheng thought about it and directly quoted a price.

Xue Zheng was stunned when he heard the news.

With a salary of 100 yuan, this Dr. He is really generous.

When Xue Zhengxin was working in a traditional Chinese medicine clinic, his monthly salary was only 60 yuan.

Even if it is only 60 yuan, his life is very nourishing.

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng gave 100 yuan a month directly, but it was 40 yuan more.

"I'm afraid the little old man is not worth that much money. Doctor He, you suddenly came to tell me these things today. I don't know what to say for a while."

Xue Zhengxin shook his head with a wry smile, feeling that all this was not so real.

"Senior was joking. It's very easy to earn money with your superb medical skills. I just provided a platform for seniors. My medical clinic has just opened, but it's quite well-known there. I Seeing that senior also has a heart of hanging pots to help the world, heal diseases and save people, if you just treat a few people at home, I am afraid that the superb medical skills of seniors will be wasted in vain."

Of course He Jincheng knew that people are not so easy to please, so he explained patiently.


Xue Zhengxin showed hesitation on his face.

The salary of 100 yuan has to be said to be a great temptation.

However, he has just been laid off, and he still has some pimples in his heart. Originally, he thought about opening a medical clinic by himself, but he suffered from lack of capital, so he could only treat people at home.

"How about this, as long as seniors are willing to come to my clinic for consultation, and if they don't see a single patient, [-]% of the money they earn will be used as a reward, how about it?"

Obviously, his conditions were not particularly attractive, so He Jincheng added another bargaining chip.

Hearing what He Jincheng said, Xue Zhengxin was a little dumbfounded. There are still commissions for doctors these days.

"To be honest, your conditions are really very attractive, but I still need some time to think about it, please understand."

Xue Zhengxin thought about it, but he didn't directly agree to He Jincheng.

"No problem, that's what it should be. I'm the one who was abrupt today. I'm sure seniors don't blame me. If seniors have made a decision, please come to me at the Xinsheng Medical Center on Guwan Street. The conditions I promised today will definitely be fulfilled."

He Jincheng nodded.

The two had some exchanges on medical skills. Xue Zhengxin was surprised to find that this young man who seemed to be in his early twenties was not inferior to him in terms of medical skills.

After leaving Xue Zhengxin's side, He Jincheng continued to visit several other doctors who also offered salaries much higher than the market price.

Some people agreed on the spot, while others said they wanted to think about it further.

He Jincheng expressed his understanding and did not urge them.

Today can also be said to be full of harvest.

I believe that in a few days, there will be many doctors in my medical center.

Sure enough, Xue Zhengxin approached the door the next day, expressing that he was willing to work in the medical clinic.

He Jincheng is of course warmly welcome.

After another three days, the others also made their decisions clear.

Apart from Xue Zhengxin, there are two other doctors who are willing to come to work in the clinic, but there is no news about the others.

Inviting three well-qualified Chinese medicine practitioners is actually enough.

He Jincheng arranged a consultation time for them. There is no need for the three of them to come every day. Basically, it is enough to ensure that one doctor can sit in the clinic every day.

He Jincheng, on the other hand, would go to the clinic for consultations when he was free, and provide specialized treatment and treatment for some difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

On the other hand, with the deepening of study, He Jinshan and Li Meili's work became more and more proficient.

In particular, the course of management has helped them broaden their horizons and learn a lot of things that they never thought about before.

(End of this chapter)

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