Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 347 Enjoy time, He Jinshan was promoted to team leader

Chapter 347 Enjoy time, He Jinshan was promoted to team leader
Summer is coming in a blink of an eye, and the pedestrians on the street have also changed into summer clothes.

In 83, with the rolling of the annual rings of the times and the rapid development of the country's economy, people's clothes also changed from gray and green to more colorful.

Qingmeng Clothing's flagship store plus three branches, the business is very hot every day, especially those modern summer clothes given by He Jincheng, which are enthusiastically sought after by the people of Nandu, and even people from other cities have made a special trip to Nandu City to buy clothes.

Many people even complained in the store why they didn't open a store with them.

Of course, He Jincheng also meant this, but although the garment factory was taken down, the output was barely enough to meet the needs of a city in Nandu.

Therefore, if you want to open a store in another city, you must either increase the production efficiency of the factory, or open another factory.

To open another factory, let alone how high the cost is, even if it is really built, it will take a certain amount of time, and it will definitely be useless in a short time.

Most of the workers in this era still retain the mentality of working in a state-owned enterprise factory, and the salary is the same for more work, although He Jincheng has made some reforms at He's Garment Factory, and has also developed a piecework wage system. However, because he is not very concerned about the management of the factory, many things are not done very strictly, so there are still big problems.

However, so far, it is still operating normally, and He Jincheng does not think about how big it will be, and the main focus is still on the clinic.

Getting acquainted with Xue Zhengxin was He Jincheng's greatest achievement in the past six months, especially seeing some very special methods of treatment, which benefited He Jincheng a lot.

Xue Zhengxin was also amazed at He Jincheng's young age, but his medical skills far surpassed him. When the two of them were free, they would exchange ideas together, and they both gained a lot.

Ye Qingmeng also started school, and while she was in school, whenever she had the opportunity, she would go to Qingmeng Clothing to help out, mainly with accounting and some management work.

He Qingsong and his wife, and Ye Shanhe and his wife lived in the small mansion.

He Jincheng hired two nannies for them to take care of them. At first they were not used to it, but the two nannies were also good at communicating, and they soon became acquainted with He Qingsong and the others. I can chat with them to pass the time, and sometimes I will take them outside for a walk, and I know a lot of people.

All in all, everything in life is slowly getting better. If life has always been so small and lucky, He Jincheng is happy to keep the status quo. This is the period of time he enjoys the most.

The eldest brother He Jinshan, because of his outstanding work in the warehouse, was successfully promoted to the team leader of the third storage group.

The supervisor of the warehouse is still Cheng Li. There are three teams: the warehouse management team, the warehouse-in team, and the warehouse-out team. Each team has three groups of people who are on duty in turn to ensure the normal operation of the warehouse.

Cheng Li was very unhappy that He Jinshan became the leader of the third storage group. If Zhou Qingyuan hadn't been in charge, he would definitely not have this opportunity.

It is also because of this incident that Cheng Li became even more dissatisfied with He Jinshan, and often assigned the more heavy work to the three storage groups.

Fortunately, the employees in the three groups are all similar in character to He Jinshan, and they are more able to bear hardships and stand hard work, but occasionally they have some complaints.

"Brother Dashan, what are you talking about? He has arranged night shifts for us for half a month. I think Cheng Li is deliberately targeting us!"

Several employees under He Jinshan were very dissatisfied with being targeted all the time, and today they were assigned to work on the night shift again.

Their group has the least number of people, and He Jinshan only has four people.

Ma Dongming is called an old horse. He is over 50 years old. He has been working here since he was a new garment factory. He is an old employee in the factory. He has always worked hard and worked hard. He has never complained.

But the night shift for half a month, the time was completely reversed, and even the family members couldn't see each other, which made Lao Ma feel a little bit resentful.

"Hey, it's all my fault. I think it's because I became the team leader and pushed down the people arranged by Cheng Li, so everyone is hurt!"

He Jinshan said with a wry smile.

"Brother Dashan, don't say that. Every time you work, you work the hardest. One person is worth three people, and you take special care of us. We really admire you as the team leader, that Cheng Li, too. It's so annoying!"

A young boy said quickly.

This man is called Zhang Haiyang, who was just recruited this year. Although the young man is a bit sloppy, he never slackens in his work. When he first came in, he was bullied by some old employees. He Jinshan helped him, so he He Jinshan is the most convinced.

"Yeah, to be honest, in our warehouse, I only obeyed Dashan, that Cheng Li, but because he was a veteran of the previous Xinxin factory, in fact, he was not worthy of being the supervisor at all. Playing poker with others and smoking in the warehouse, if something happens, he must be unlucky!"

Another person said very dissatisfied.

This man was named Zhou Qingming, a cousin of Zhou Qingyuan.

As for why he came to the warehouse to be a porter, the meaning is obviously self-evident.

Before coming here, Zhou Qingming was also very dissatisfied with his cousin's arrangement, but Zhou Qingyuan's words woke him up.

"Qingming, I know you feel very uncomfortable. I am the factory manager, but I have arranged for you to work as a porter, but there is a piece of news, you must keep it in your heart, and don't tell it outside. Our boss has a relative. Brother, his name is He Jinshan, and our boss visits the factory a few times a month, who do you think will be the boss of this factory in the future?"

Zhou Qingming was not stupid either. His cousin arranged him to work under the boss' brother, and he immediately understood his intentions.

The boss doesn't care much about the factory. From now on, the one who will actually manage the factory will most likely be his own brother. If he works with the future boss, will his future be worse?

Of course, although Zhou Qingming's purpose was impure, he worked very hard.

It can be said that the employees in the three groups do the most tiring work, but they are also the most efficient.

"Okay, don't talk about these things in the future, let's do our own thing well, let's work hard and make money, don't be guilty!"

He Jinshan said with a smile.

During this period of time, he has become more or less tactful from just working with his head down.

His goal is to keep his feet on the ground and make achievements little by little. When he takes over the factory in the future, he will also convince the employees.

(End of this chapter)

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