Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 348 Being targeted, the sudden fire

Chapter 348 Being targeted, the sudden fire
As for the various unhealthy tendencies in the factory, sooner or later he will rectify them.

Several people have a good relationship, and everyone speaks freely.

At this time, the people from the warehouse management team came, and everyone stopped discussing immediately.

In the entire warehouse, except for the three groups of people entering the warehouse, the others are all from Cheng Li. If they heard about this, it would be great!

"Team Leader He, where are you chatting? Hehe, we have several trucks of fabrics tonight, and we have to work hard for you again. This is the storage order!"

The person who came was Zhao Xiaotian, the leader of today's warehouse management team, and he was Cheng Li's effective subordinate, who used to bully He Jinshan and the others a lot.

When He Jinshan received the storage order, his expression became ugly.

There are ten cars of goods to be delivered, so don't rest this night!
"Team Leader Zhao, I looked at today's warehousing list. It seems that there are only six cars in total during the day. Why did they become ten when they arrived at our place? Our team has the least number of people, but it does the most work. Today There are more, isn't it a bit bad?"

He Jinshan said as calmly as possible.

"Oh, there's nothing I can do about it. They arrive at night, and I can't do anything about it. Why don't you talk to the people in the logistics department and ask them to deliver a few more during the day, and the average will be fine!"

Zhao Xiaotian said with a smile, with a bit of trouble on his face.


As soon as Zhang Haiyang threw the towel in his hand, he pretended to argue with Zhao Xiaotian, but was stopped by He Jinshan.

"Okay, thank you Team Leader Zhao, I will discuss this matter with the comrades in the logistics department!"

He Jinshan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, then I won't disturb your work. The factory has a lot of orders recently, and the demand is huge. Don't delay the construction period!"

After Zhao Xiaotian finished speaking, he staggered away.

"Brother Dashan, why don't you reject that bastard, you obviously queued up these goods until night on purpose!"

Zhang Haiyang said very unconvinced.

"It's okay, every time we have done a lot, there are records. I believe the leaders will also see it. Since they sent it, we will work hard. Brothers, don't worry, I believe that our hard life will not last. Too long!"

He Jinshan said in a deep voice.

Seeing what he said, Lao Ma and Zhang Haiyang had nothing to say.

Zhou Qingming's eyes lit up, and he thought to himself, is the team leader going to tell the boss this time?
This is great, if the boss says a word, Cheng Li will probably have to be laid off and go home, so who can take over as the supervisor of this warehouse?There is only He Jinshan!
As for the three of them, they will definitely rise, no matter how bad it is, it will be no problem to be the team leader!
Thinking of this, Zhou Qingming felt inexplicably excited.

"Brother Dashan, we listen to you, let's work hard, it's best, let us do all the work in the warehouse, let them all be idle, when the time comes, the leaders above will see, ouch, this warehouse Things have been done by our three groups, there is no need for the other two groups to exist, when the time comes, they will all be fired, hahaha!"

Zhou Qingming's words were intentional jokes, which made everyone laugh out loud.

If a group finishes all the warehousing work, the four of them will be exhausted!
Not long after, the first car arrived, and the few people stopped chatting and started unloading the goods.

After unloading six cars in a row, the four of them had some time to rest. Listening to the laughter from the warehouse manager's office, they were filled with resentment.

After unloading the eight cars, knowing that the next two cars would take two hours to arrive, they hurriedly found a place to lie down and rest.

Fortunately, it is summer now, except that there are more mosquitoes, it is very convenient to sleep.

After a while, a few people fell asleep. Anyway, when the truck came, the driver would wake them up.

He Qingshan also fell asleep with a bag of fabric.

After more than half an hour, He Jinshan suddenly smelled a choking smell of smoke and woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he was startled, and saw that a place near the warehouse manager's office was on fire.

This time, He Jinshan lost all sleepiness and immediately woke up the others.

"Hurry up, there's a fire, hurry up and put out the fire!"

He Jinshan shouted loudly.

When Lao Ma, Zhang Haiyang, and Zhou Qingming heard that it was on fire, they got up in shock.

When they saw the blazing flames, they were all dumbfounded.

"Don't be dazed, hurry up and get water to put out the fire, old horse, you go get the water pipe, get it here!"

He Jinshan hurriedly said loudly, and then several people realized it.

On the other hand, there was no movement from the warehouse manager, and he was woken up by He Jinshan.

When Zhao Xiaotian saw the fire, he was immediately frightened.

This is a fabric warehouse, it will all be destroyed in a fire.

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and put out the fire!"

He Jinshan shouted angrily, which brought Zhao Xiaotian back to his senses, and quickly organized people to fight the fire.

But the fire was too big. The three groups of four who entered the warehouse, together with the three people from the warehouse management team, failed to put out the fire. Three of the twelve storage areas in the entire warehouse burned down in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that the fire was getting bigger and bigger, Zhao Xiaotian exclaimed and ran outside instead of fighting the fire.

"Made, you bastard, they must have started the fire. They all drank tonight and were still smoking in the warehouse. In all likelihood, someone drank too much and threw the cigarette butt away, so they set the fire on fire." It's burning!"

Zhou Qingming gritted his teeth and said.

"It's useless to complain any more, let's find a way to put out the fire immediately, Xiao Ming Haiyang, you two quickly move all the goods in the fourth area, otherwise, the entire warehouse will be burned!"

Of course, He Jinshan was also very anxious, so he shouted loudly.

Several people acted together, and finally contained the fire when it spread to the sixth area, but the fire was still not extinguished, so He Jinshan pulled the pipe, rushed to the front, and desperately put out the fire.

When the old horse was splashing water, he accidentally slipped to the ground and was burned by a ball of fire. His clothes were immediately ignited. Fortunately, He Jinshan reacted in time and rushed towards the old horse with a water hose, which quickly extinguished the fire. It caught fire, but the old horse was also injured.

It took a whole hour or so before the other people in the factory rushed over, and everyone put out the fire together, and then the sudden fire was extinguished.

Seeing the completely extinguished flames, He Jinshan was so tired that he collapsed to the ground, and he was deeply relieved.

Fortunately, it was extinguished, otherwise, this fire could burn the whole factory down!
And He Jincheng, who was sleeping, also got the news, jumped up from the bed at that time, put on his clothes in a hurry, and rushed to the factory.

When he saw that the nearly ordinary fabric was burned to ashes, He Jincheng's face was so gloomy that water dripped out, which was very ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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