Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 349 Rarely angry, powerful rewards and punishments

Chapter 349 Rarely angry, powerful rewards and punishments
"what happened?"

He Jincheng seldom gets angry, but this time he was really angry.

I really don't care much about the factory. No matter how hard I try, I won't lose money. Even if I lose money, I just close the shop and quit. Anyway, I can make a lot of money by relying on the medical clinic and Shanbaozhai.

But he had no idea that such a serious accident would happen.

"Boss, this..."

Cheng Li, the warehouse supervisor, didn't say anything for a long time.

When the fire broke out, he was sleeping at home, and he had just arrived here, so he didn't know what was going on.

"Trash, as a warehouse supervisor, you don't even know what's going on, I think you don't want to do it!"

He Jincheng said angrily.

Fortunately, the fire was extinguished in time, otherwise, let alone a warehouse, the entire factory would have been burnt to nothing.

"Boss, it's none of my business, I'm off today, I'm not on duty!"

Cheng Li quickly explained.

"Asshole, you are the direct person in charge of the warehouse, it has nothing to do with you, who has anything to do with it?"

He Jincheng scolded.

He had heard before that the entire Cheng Li was not doing his job properly, but because he had relatively deep qualifications after all, he was temporarily employed by him, but he didn't expect to make such a big mess all of a sudden.

Cheng Li didn't dare to speak anymore, he just felt that the boss's eyes seemed to kill him.

"Who knows what happened, stand up and say something!"

He Jincheng knew that Cheng Li really didn't know the situation, so he immediately looked at the others.

He also saw that his elder brother, He Jinshan, was in the crowd, frowning slightly.

However, because the eldest brother had told him before that he would not be allowed to reveal their identities in the factory, He Jincheng did not ask him directly for questioning.

"Boss, they are all these bastards. They drink, play poker and smoke. They are the ones who littered the cigarette butts and burned the warehouse!"

At this time, Zhang Haiyang stood up, pointed at the few people standing behind Cheng Li and said, with a look of anger on his face.

He Jincheng's eyes immediately turned cold.

I made repeated orders to prohibit drinking and smoking in the factory. I didn't expect these people to take my words as fart!
Do you feel that you are too gentle, won't you clean them up?

"is this correct?"

He Jincheng looked coldly at the people behind Cheng Li and asked.

"No, no, no... No, boss, Zhang Haiyang is spitting blood. Since when did we drink and smoke? Zhang Haiyang, you are responsible for saying this. I think you guys are the ones who lighted it up!"

The few people quickly said, how dare they admit it, half the warehouse was burned down, and some people seemed to be injured, this fact is too big, even Cheng Li can't afford it.

As soon as He Jincheng heard the stammering words of these people, he knew that Zhang Haiyang must have said this, and his face became even more ugly now.

"I'll give you two choices. One is to admit it, and I can give you a lighter punishment. Two, if you refuse to admit it, the matter will be investigated by the police. If it is found out by the police that it is your fault, then I'm sorry, you can go directly to jail. !"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

At this moment, those people immediately panicked.

Burning half of the warehouse, if this crime is really pursued, it will be a serious crime.

"Boss, let me tell you, it's Er Gouzi. He ran out to pee at that time. He drank more than a catty. He was so drunk that he must have thrown the cigarette butt!"

As soon as He Jincheng said such threatening words, someone reported it immediately.

The man named Er Gouzi was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground.

Although it is said that he drank more than a catty of bar, but this fire has already woken up his alcohol.

Now that someone has reported him, he is really scared.

"Boss, I was wrong, I was wrong, I didn't do it on purpose, please don't send me to the police, I have old and young, if I go in, the family will starve to death !"

Er Gouzi climbed up to He Jincheng directly, hugged his thigh and begged.

"You want to support your family now? Why didn't you think of it when you were drinking and gambling all day? I, He Jincheng, dare not say that I am more responsible for the factory, but your salary is at least [-]% higher than that of your peers. I Think you haven’t treated you badly, is this how you repay me?”

He Jincheng kicked Er Gouzi aside with one kick, gritted his teeth and said.

Er Gouzi burst into tears immediately, feeling remorse and fear in his heart.

"What does it look like, take it away for me, I don't want to see him in the factory!"

He Jincheng said harshly.

Next, He Jincheng led someone to lightly check the damage. All the fabrics in the general warehouse were burned up. If the eldest brother He Jinshan hadn't brought them into the warehouse with the three groups of people fighting the fire, the entire warehouse might be gone. .

For this reason, the honest old horse was burned, and his back was covered with blisters.

He Jincheng personally treated the old horse. Fortunately, it was only a burn and did not cause serious burns. After applying some burn ointment, it will heal within half a month.

After dealing with this matter, He Jincheng chatted with He Jinshan for a long time at night.

Both of them felt a little heavy. This fire incident reminded He Jincheng that opening a factory can't just let everything go like this, and it must be managed well.

The next day, He Jincheng went to the garment factory again. Today, the factory shut down for half a day to hold a staff meeting.

At the meeting, He Jincheng first scolded Zhou Qingyuan, demoted him, and became the deputy factory manager, Cheng Li, the warehouse supervisor, and then he went straight to the end and became a porter. The three warehouse workers on duty that day Even if they are all fired, they will never be hired.

This was the first time that He's garment factory fired employees, which caused quite a stir.

Although those three people were not convinced, they didn't dare to say anything. If you don't want to leave, then go to the police station and sit down. You won't be able to leave even if you want to.

"Of course, many people dereliction of duty, and many people are brave enough to sacrifice for the factory. Our old employee, Lao Ma, put out the fire last night regardless of his own safety and caused himself to be burned. Here, I would like to thank Lao Ma for his support. The factory will directly reward 500 yuan for the contribution! In addition, all the medical expenses of Lao Ma will be borne by the factory, and at the same time, Lao Ma will be promoted to be the team leader of the third storage group, and the salary and benefits will be adjusted accordingly!"

After dealing with the relevant personnel, it is time to reward the meritorious deeds.

When everyone heard 500 yuan, they were all dumbfounded.

Good guy, a bonus of 500 yuan is a huge sum of money for most employees!

Although the salary of He's Garment Factory is much higher than that of its peers, it is generally only more than 50 yuan a month, especially for the employees in the warehouse, because there is no commission and no piece rate wages, so the wages are generally fixed.

(End of this chapter)

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