Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 350 Factory reform, excess production

Chapter 350 Factory reform, excess production
This 500 yuan is the salary of many people for a year!
In addition to the bonus, all medical expenses were reimbursed, and my mother was promoted at the same time.

The team leader of the warehousing team costs an extra ten yuan a month. This old horse is really lucky.

Many people were a little jealous, thinking why they weren't in the factory yesterday. In this case, maybe the reward was theirs.

"Except for Lao Ma, except for the three warehouse management employees yesterday, all other employees who participated in the fire fighting will be rewarded with 50 yuan!"

Another reward, everyone is jealous again!

50 yuan, that is a month's salary.

"Zhang Haiyang and Zhou Qingming performed particularly well yesterday. Now Ming Zhang Haiyang is the team leader of the third warehouse management team. Because there is no management quota for the time being, Zhou Qingming is tentatively designated as the reserve team leader. The salary is the same as that of the official team leader. There will be more in the future." If there is a vacancy, the substitute will be given priority!"

"Finally, appoint He Jinshan as the acting supervisor of the warehouse for a trial period of three months. If the efficiency and condition of the warehouse are effectively improved, he will be transferred to the official supervisor!"

He Jincheng announced the appointments one by one.

Because He Jincheng wanted to hand over the factory to He Jinshan, he discussed these matters seriously with He Jinshan yesterday, and He Jinshan didn't shirk this time, and agreed very simply.

Now he is no longer illiterate. He insists on studying every day, and he has learned a lot of knowledge, and even has some management experience.

Everyone looked enviously at He Jinshan who stood up and greeted everyone.

Now many people have guessed it. If this He Jinshan has nothing to do with He Jincheng, then it is simply impossible!

Sure enough, working in the factory still depends on relationships.

It has only been two months since He Jinshan came to the factory, he was directly promoted from employee to team leader, and today he was directly promoted to warehouse supervisor.

The supervisor's salary is 80 yuan per month, and there is an extra bonus at the end of the year. I envy the dead!

"Next, I will be re-appointed as the director of the garment factory, and at the same time reform the relevant systems of the factory. I will have people post the details of the reform on the bulletin board. I will talk about the main content here!"

He Jincheng took a sip of water from his water cup, and then continued to preach.

"The assessment content is mainly divided into business assessment and quality assessment. The business assessment is your daily workload. We will make an average based on the workload of all of you, and then use this average as a benchmark. The higher the degree of completion , the wages and rewards will be higher!"

"For example, if the output of the factory is 50 pieces a day, we have a total of 55 production employees, and the average is [-] pieces per person. On this basis, if you complete more than [-]%, that is, two is two pieces. , for a consecutive natural month, then the monthly salary can be increased by [-]%, that is, [-] yuan, and becomes [-] yuan. If the completion rate reaches [-]% for twelve consecutive months, then one more will be issued at the end of the year [-] times the monthly salary!"

"Each stage of the reward is based on 80.00%. Of course, if it cannot be completed, [-]% of the salary will also be deducted. Throughout the year, except for normal leave or special circumstances, the degree of completion is low. At [-]%, the extra rewards at the end of the year will be cancelled! I think everyone should be clear about it!"

Following He Jincheng's narration, everyone was very excited.

It's not that they can't work, nor do they want to work, the main reason is that the former Xinxin Garment Factory was a state-owned enterprise factory, and you paid as much as you did, so many people were just messing around, and there was no efficiency at all. to speak of.

Now as long as you work hard, you will be paid more, of course everyone is willing to do it.

Therefore, most people are very excited.

"The second part is the inspection of the quality of the employees. I would like to reiterate the relevant regulations of the factory. No smoking in the factory area, no drinking alcohol to work, no littering, no spitting, etc., we will establish a special inspection Team, once found to have violated the corresponding regulations, will record the name, appear once, deduct [-]% of the salary of the month, if there is no mistake in the month, an extra five yuan or benefits of the same value will be rewarded, I hope everyone will work hard and work together Build our factory into a professional factory with beautiful environment and high efficiency!"

Next, He Jincheng said a lot of things, and asked the heads of various departments to express their opinions, which was actually a statement of determination.

On the factory side, He Jincheng is eloquent, and no one can change what he says.

If you are not satisfied, then leave directly.

If it is a state-owned factory, it is not that simple to fire a person.

But He's Garment Factory is He Jincheng's private enterprise, so these workers can't tolerate hypocrisy.

"Finally, I would like to tell you some personal words! First of all, the factory will never treat every hard-working employee badly. Everyone can see the sincerity of the factory from the salary."

"Secondly, the sales volume of our clothing store is increasing day by day. In the future, it will grow bigger and bigger, and the profit will be better and better. As long as the factory makes money, I, He Jincheng, will never treat everyone badly!"

After saying this, the audience burst into warm applause, which lasted for a long time.

In the following month, He Jincheng focused on the reform and management of He's garment factory.

Soon the chaos in the factory gradually became smaller, and in the end it even disappeared completely.

The originally chaotic factory suddenly became orderly.

In this month, He Jinshan has also carried out vigorous rectification on the warehouse. The originally sloppy warehouse team has also become more energetic. In addition, He Jinshan has won a lot of rights and interests for them, and he has also succeeded in making himself a stable position. Warehouse supervisor position.

After the one-month rectification period ended, He Jincheng was quite satisfied with the results.

Among other things, the production efficiency of the factory has increased by 50.00% at once, not only fully covering the sales of the four stores, but even some remaining inventory.

If there is excess capacity, it is necessary to expand sales.

Now it seems that the four clothing stores in Nandu have already produced a lot.

So He Jincheng wanted to increase investment in sales.

He transferred some people from the factory, asked Zhang Haiyang to be the director of the factory's sales department, and formed a sales team to do some wholesale sales.

Zhang Haiyang also went to high school, and his learning ability is still good. After three days of teaching by He Jincheng himself, he figured out the meaning of his sales team. Coupled with the temptation of high commissions, Zhang Haiyang led four or five salesmen. , Started to expand customers frantically.

And Zhou Qingming finally had the opportunity to become the team leader of the third team of warehouse management as a substitute. Even he didn't expect that he would be promoted so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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