Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 351 Becoming angry from embarrassment and receiving an investigation notice

Chapter 351 Becoming angry from embarrassment and receiving an investigation notice

It's just that Zhou Qingyuan, the original director of the factory, suffered.

He has always been honest and responsible, and the factory manager must be steady and dedicated.

It's a pity that he is so easy to talk, so his prestige in the factory is very low. Many people, such as this Cheng Li, don't take him seriously at all, that is, they are polite on the surface.

But this time he was demoted, it cannot be said that he was wronged.

As the factory manager, he didn't manage the factory well, and the warehouse employees didn't bother to ask about smoking and drinking. This caused the warehouse to catch fire and almost caused a big mistake.

There are tens of thousands of direct economic losses.

Although He Jincheng didn't care much about the tens of thousands of dollars, this kind of thing must never happen again.

Re-becoming the factory director, He Jincheng carried out a thorough reform of the factory, promoted many excellent employees to management, and demoted some old employees or management who did not abide by the factory system.

Some people were happy and some were worried. Those employees who were demoted or fined felt unhappy.

People are like this, when you treat him well, he takes it for granted, but if you say that he is not at all, he will immediately turn against you.

Cheng Li had never been so humiliated in his life. He Jincheng scolded him like a grandson at the factory meeting in front of all the staff leaders.

Not to mention that his position as supervisor was gone, he was directly pushed to the end, and became a porter who started working five years ago again.

When I got home, the food cooked by my wife was no longer delicious. I sat on the bed and smoked a cigarette. The more I thought about it, the more angry I became. When my wife came to ask a few questions, he just scolded her and made her cry. up.

"Cry, cry, cry, you know how to cry, and if you cry again, believe it or not, I will beat you, you bitch!"

Cheng Li slapped the table and said angrily, his wife stopped crying quickly, wiped her tears and went out.

"Bastard, I have been working in the factory for more than five years, and I finally became a supervisor, and I will be beaten to the end all at once, I can't swallow this breath!"

Cheng Li gritted his teeth and said.

At this moment, a few people walked in. They were the three warehouse workers on duty on the day of the fire.

Now that they have been expelled, of course they are full of resentment, so they come to Cheng Li's house and want their former boss to help them avenge them.

"Boss Cheng, we have been following you all along, and now the brothers are in trouble, you can't just ignore it!"

Er Gouzi said eagerly.

If you lose your job, you will lose your income. How can you still drink and smoke in the future!
The other two also meant the same thing and said one after another.

"Made, don't you know that I've been slapped too? If I had a way, wouldn't I be so embarrassing at the conference?"

Cheng Li said angrily.

"Boss, now you have been directly demoted to porter, and the brothers have also lost their jobs. I don't think the situation is worse than now. We are barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. If we don't do something, I can't swallow this breath." !"

Er Gouzi said bitterly.

"what do you mean?"

Cheng Li's eyes lit up.

That's right, I've been turned into a porter, how can I hold my head up in the factory in the future?

And He Jinshan, who has been bullied by him all the time, now takes his place, can his life be better?

"Brothers made up their minds and planned to give He Jincheng that wicked capitalist a little color. I heard that the investigation has been stricter recently. Let's report He Jincheng for exploiting workers and maliciously dismissing employees, even if we can't move him down. , as soon as the investigation team entered, the factory had to shut down for ten days and a half months, and it was considered a bad breath!"

Ergouzi said with a sneer.

If you want to talk about setting fire to the factory, Er Gouzi really doesn't have the guts.

If someone is really burned to death, he will be shot.

"Okay, Er Gouzi, you're pretty smart. It's a good way to report it. As long as the work is stopped, I'll find some brothers to make a fuss. Such a disturbance will give that shit factory manager a headache!"

Cheng Li slapped his thigh and applauded repeatedly.

The four of them smelled like each other, and they started drinking at Cheng Li's house at night, and they drank until midnight before they dispersed.

The next day, Cheng Li was late because he drank too much alcohol.

When I got to the door, I found that there was a security guard standing at the door to record late arrivals.

A few people were also late, and they all waited in line to register honestly.

Cheng Li still regarded himself as the supervisor, raised his neck, and walked inside with his hands behind his back.

"Hey, what's the matter, I'm late to register here!"

Security Xiaoliu stopped Cheng Li.

"Hehe, Xiao Liu, you can do it, don't you know me?"

Cheng Li laughed and said, very condescending.

"I know you, Cheng Li, who is in the third group of warehousing, it's already 09:30, half an hour late, half a day's salary will be deducted as required, come and register!"

Xiao Liu smiled lightly.

"Fuck you, uncle, who told you to do this, why didn't I receive the notice? It's really against the sky, even you dare to stop me!"

Cheng Li immediately stared and shouted angrily.

"Cheng Li, do you still think you are the supervisor of the warehouse? Don't say that you are just an ordinary worker now. Even if the deputy factory manager is late, you still have to register! In our factory, only the factory manager doesn't come here often, so he doesn't come here often. Need, everyone else is no exception!"

Xiao Liu wasn't shy at all. He had disliked Cheng Li before, but because of Cheng Li's status as supervisor, he had to be polite to him.

But now that the new factory manager has come and set the rules, and Cheng Li has been beaten to the end, then what else does he have to take care of.


Cheng Li was so speechless that he wanted to do something, but he saw that Xiao Liu, Wu Dasan, and he was not an opponent, so he could only grit his teeth and back away, obediently queuing up and waiting for registration.

Xiao Liu smiled smugly, and continued to stand aside on duty.

Cheng Li wrote down his name in humiliation, but the security guard in charge of the registration said another sentence.

"The factory manager said that half a day's wages will be deducted for being late once, one day's wages will be deducted for being late twice, three days' wages will be deducted for being late three times, and those who are late four times or more in a month will be demoted by one level, and ordinary employees will be suspended without pay. Those above will be expelled directly!"

Cheng Liqi almost made a move, but he was no match for these security guards, he could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

He thought in his heart, you are all waiting for me, the factory will stop working soon, and there will be no wages. I wonder if you will be so loyal to that bastard He Jincheng.

On the third day, He Jincheng received a notice that the investigation team would enter the factory for investigation.

Looking at the big bright red chapter, Zhao Dabao frowned. Obviously, someone reported him!

(End of this chapter)

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