Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 352 Reception as usual, the food in the cafeteria is a bit better

Chapter 352 Reception as usual, the food in the cafeteria is a bit better
Who would make a report like this?

He Jincheng thought about it.

Since it is a report, it must be a complaint against the factory.

It must be impossible for ordinary employees. Now the factory pays them [-]% more wages than their peers, and the benefits during the holidays are also extremely generous. As long as you go to work honestly and work hard, the benefits will definitely be indispensable.

Therefore, these workers have no reason to report the factory. In case the factory shuts down due to the investigation, those employees who are paid on a piece rate will lose their income.

Since it wasn't them, it was the ones dealt with recently.

Zhou Qingyuan is unlikely. This guy is relatively honest. Although he has stepped down from the position of factory director, he is still the deputy factory director, and his benefits are not much less. In addition, the relationship between the two is still very good, so he will definitely not report it.

Then, apart from Zhou Qingyuan, it might be the other employees who were punished.

Cheng Li is very likely to do such a thing. After all, he was directly promoted from a supervisor to a porter, and he has a lot of resentment in his heart, so it is still possible.

In addition, the three of Er Gouzi who were expelled, these people are not good people, and it is not impossible for them to do such a thing.

"It seems that Cheng Li is the one who took the lead! Hmph, I gave you mercy and let you work in the factory. I didn't expect that I would do something behind the scenes. If I don't clean up you, my surname will not be He!"

He Jincheng slapped the table and said coldly.

He used to do things more casually, and he didn't pay too much attention to these things. He was very easy-going, especially to the employees.

But this time when the warehouse caught fire, He Jincheng realized that being too easy-going is not a good thing. You don't have any airs, and the employees don't have awe, and they do things more casually.

Therefore, He Jincheng's reform this time can be said to be vigorous and resolute, and no one will give him any favor.

After putting away the investigation paper, He Jincheng asked Zhou Qingyuan to be called over.

"Director, what are your orders?"

It can be said that Zhou Qingyuan is busy these days and keeps his feet on the ground.

He Jincheng is here, but as the director of the factory, he can only issue orders, and it is Zhou Qingyuan who actually implements them.

"Tomorrow, people from the investigation team will come into the factory to investigate, saying that someone has reported that we have deducted workers' wages and maliciously fired employees. What do you think of this matter?"

He Jincheng asked.

"What? Which bastard? Oh, I see, it must be Er Gouzi and those bastards. They are taking revenge on us!"

Zhou Qingyuan was furious when he heard the words, and cursed directly angrily.

He Jincheng nodded slightly. Zhou Qingyuan was quite smart, and he guessed who did it right away.

"That's right, I guess it's their fault, but we are not afraid. Although the current policy is a bit strict, we are not afraid of the shadows. Even if they come, they will not be able to find anything!"

He Jincheng said.

"Director, this matter is not necessarily so simple, I'm afraid they will give us an unwarranted charge!"

Zhou Qingyuan said anxiously.

He Jincheng also knew this.

In 83, due to the rapid development of private enterprises, the development of state-owned enterprises was squeezed in the eyes. Many state-owned enterprises could not compete with private enterprises, and the reform was not very smooth. This greatly touched the interests of many people.

Therefore, there is an investigation to strictly investigate private enterprises and guard against the signs of capitalism.

These investigation teams basically have task indicators. Even if everything is compliant and legal, they can find a problem for you and charge you with an unwarranted charge. Good luck.

There are so-called eight heavenly kings in the south, all of whom are bigwigs in the business world, and all of them are unlucky, and some people are even imprisoned, causing people to panic.

However, He Jincheng didn't pay much attention to it before. His management of the factory was a bit chaotic, but he definitely gave preferential treatment to the workers, and they couldn't find anything.

However, hearing what Zhou Qingyuan said, He Jincheng also felt a bit of a headache.

"No way, try to accompany those investigators tomorrow, try not to suspend work, even if it is a suspend, try to shorten the time as much as possible! But there is one thing, I need to make it clear to you that you must not bribe them. Kay, kick me out directly, at worst, we will stop production for rectification!"

He Jincheng thought for a while and said in a deep voice.

This is how the times are, and it is not at all that you can get a fair trial if you are justified.

"Good factory manager, I will definitely manage it well. By the way, what about those people? Should I find some people to clean them up? It's too much. I can't swallow this without breaking a leg. Tone!"

Zhou Qingyuan nodded again and again, and then asked how to marry those bastards that were dealt with.

"Don't worry, wait for the investigation team to pass this test. The few of them, as well as that Cheng Li, need to have a longer memory!"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice, with a bit of anger in his tone.

Zhou Qingyuan saw that He Jincheng knew what was in his mind, so he didn't say anything more.

The next day, a total of three people from the investigation team came. The deputy factory director Zhou Qingyuan brought the heads of various departments to greet him, and took them to check one by one.

As a result, after watching for a whole day, the investigation team did not find out what was mentioned in the report.

The enthusiasm of the workers is very high, and the whole factory is in good order, which is even worse than many large domestic enterprises!

They also asked a few people to ask questions, probably asking if their factory exploited them, and what happened to the dismissal of employees.

The workers told the truth and said a lot of good things for the factory, but the investigation team didn't get any useful information, and they felt even more upset.

Their missions also have indicators, and nothing has been found out, so how can they go back to work!
"Several leaders have worked hard today. We have prepared light meals for the leaders. They are all made by master chefs in our cafeteria. The taste is even better than that of restaurants outside. Please honor the leaders and let us have more friendship with the landlords! "

Zhou Qingyuan's posture was very low, and he said in a good voice.

"Well, the cafeteria is delicious, be diligent and thrifty, and avoid waste. Your factory as a whole looks good!"

The leader of the investigation team, Wang Chao, nodded.

"Haha, then invite some leaders to come with me, let's go eat!"

Zhou Qingyuan was also relieved to hear that Wang Chao approved of the factory.

The three members of the investigation team came to the cafeteria together.

There are also several boxes in the cafeteria, which are specially used to receive guests. Usually, no one comes, and the employees can also eat in the boxes.

Pushing open the box door and looking inside, the three members of the investigation team were a little stunned!
Good guy, a table of chicken, duck and fish looks mouth-watering. The food in this cafeteria must be too good!
(End of this chapter)

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