Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 353 Receiving the banquet, each family has its own hardship

Chapter 353 Receiving the banquet, each family has its own hardship
Among the three members of the investigation team, the leader is Wang Zhang, and the other two are Li Hai and Li Yan.

The three of them are running errands in the work unit. They usually do hard work and offend others. They themselves know the hard work.

When they came to He's Garment Factory, they thought they would be looked down upon, but they didn't expect the other party to be so cooperative and polite, and even prepared such a sumptuous reception banquet.

You know, their salary is only 60 to [-] yuan, and it is not bad to eat meat twice a month.

"Several leaders, please take your seats. Our factory manager said that the leaders must accompany them when they come, and cooperate with the investigation in everything, and there will be absolutely no concealment!"

Zhou Qingyuan said with a smile, and warmly invited the three of them to sit down.

"Hehe, your factory is really too polite, so let's sit down and talk first?"

Wang Zhang sat down with a smile. Only then did he feel that he was really a leader.

I usually give others a smile by myself, but I didn't expect that I could enjoy it once.

"Come, come, leaders, this is a good wine collected by our factory manager, and I brought it here for the three of you to taste today!"

Zhou Qingyuan took out a bottle of wine and poured it for several people with a smile.

When they saw the wine that Zhou Qingyuan brought out, the eyes of the three of them went straight.

This is an expensive 52° Feitian wine. It seems that a bottle costs 50 yuan, which is my monthly salary!

Originally, they wanted to say that they had to work in the afternoon and could not drink, but when the bottle of wine was brought out, they didn't know what to say.

Usually, they can afford Erguotou, which costs two yuan a bottle. They can't afford such a good wine!
"Oh, how good is this, Director Zhou, the specifications of your reception are a bit beyond the standard!"

Wang Zhang was surprised, but on the surface he still had to be calm.

"No, no, it's just a small thought. As long as the three leaders eat and drink well, and treat our factory's investigation in a realistic manner, we will be satisfied!"

Zhou Qingyuan said with a smile, and then raised his glass to toast the three of them.

This wine has a soft mouth and a slender throat. It is so much better than the gasoline-flavored Erguotou. It made the eyes of the three of them glisten.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, a few people can talk.

The three of them complained that their job was thankless, and it was okay to find out some problems in the company. The leaders would not blame anything, and it didn't matter if they offended the company.

But once nothing is found out, they will definitely be punished when they go back.

All in all, they are doing their best, and they don't even want to do it.

Zhou Qingyuan said with a smile that the company is not so easy to do. A few days ago, a few employees neglected their duties and burned the warehouse, and the factory lost tens of thousands at once. , is even worse.

"Ah? There is such a thing! Oh, my brother, to tell you the truth, I have visited eighty if not a hundred factories in the past two years, and most of them are factories of state-owned enterprises. These state-owned enterprise employees , whether it is a leader or an ordinary worker, in fact, I feel a little spoiled. I don’t have any self-motivation at work, and I am too loose! But today when I arrived at your factory, I really shined!"

Wang Zhang was a little drunk, so the conversation started.

This is what he said in his heart. Grassroots investigators like them are not welcome when they go to any state-owned enterprise's factory. Sometimes they don't even give them a meal, so they can't say anything.

After an investigation, it's a miserable word if you can't get any benefits, and you have to spend your own money, suffer from cold and starvation.

"But today I saw the mental outlook of the employees in your factory, which really surprised me. The workers here have light in their eyes, and it can be seen that they are working hard for their own future. The whole work The atmosphere here is very good, to be honest, I have the urge to resign and work in your factory!"

Wang Zhang said with a wry smile.

"Hahaha, Team Leader Wang, do you know why?"

Zhou Qingyuan laughed out loud when he heard this.


Wang, Zhang, Li Hai, and Li Yan all looked at Zhou Qingyuan. This was the biggest doubt in their hearts.

"Because our factory pursues more pay for more work. In our factory, as long as you are willing to work and work hard, you will definitely be rewarded! You also know that the average salary of garment factory workers in the same industry is about 40 to [-] yuan. Do you know how much the average salary of workers in our factory is?"

Zhou Qingyuan said proudly.

Wang and Zhang shook their heads one after another, their eyes full of curiosity.

"Let's put it this way, the average salary of the workers in the workshop last month was 82 yuan!"

Zhou Qingyuan said.

As soon as these words came out, the three of Wang and Zhang gasped.

82 yuan, is this still a factory worker?Are you sure it's not the leader's salary?
"God, my team leader, plus the job subsidy, is only 55 yuan a month. Your factory's salary is so high!"

Wang Zhang said incredulously that he was really shocked.

"Note, I'm talking about the average salary. Our factory manager put forward a one-to-one principle, saying that in the factory, there must be some excellent employees, a large number of ordinary employees, and some who are just waiting to die. Employees, and the first one is the best employees. Through their own efforts, their average monthly salary is more than 100 yuan, while 60% of the workers are paid a basic salary of 40 yuan. What about the last [-]% of workers who don’t want to make progress and can only get [-] yuan, and they will also face the danger of being eliminated!”

Zhou Qingyuan said with a smile.

He didn't tell Wang Zhang the salary of his deputy factory manager, otherwise, it would definitely make their shocked mouths open a little bit more.

In Wang Zhang's unit, the biggest leader's salary is only 150 yuan a month, while Zhou Qingyuan's salary is 220 yuan!

The few people chatted happily, told each other about their difficulties, and drank two bottles of wine without knowing it. In the end, they were all dizzy. Zhou Qingyuan found a few people to help the members of the investigation team to the special Give them a rest in the staff quarters vacated.

After sending the three of them back to the dormitory, the drunkenness of Zhou Qingyuan, who was still dazed and dazed, disappeared.

There was a look of thought on his face, and then he turned and walked towards He Jincheng's office.

He knocked on the door, and after hearing He Jincheng's voice from inside, Zhou Qingyuan pushed the door open and entered.

"Boss, the leaders of the three investigation teams have already sent them to the staff dormitory to rest!"

(End of this chapter)

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