Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 354 Countermeasures, Why Go to the Warehouse to Investigate

Chapter 354 Countermeasures, Why Go to the Warehouse to Investigate
He Jincheng was looking at the accounts of the factory, nodded without looking up, and asked, "How is it? To what extent are they going to investigate?"

"Oh, I don't think it's easy to handle. They also told me frankly, saying that if nothing is investigated, it will be difficult to explain when I go back. Of course, I had a good chat with them throughout the reception banquet. , They seem to have some affection for me!"

Zhou Qingyuan said.

"You mean, if they don't find out something, they're not going to leave?"

He Jincheng frowned slightly, and looked up at Zhou Qingyuan.

"That's what they mean. They all have missions on their backs. I've said it several times, but they just don't want to let go. I think they will continue to investigate after they sober up!"

Zhou Qingyuan said with a wry smile.

"Let's check, anyway, there is no fundamental problem in our factory, what can they find out?"

He Jincheng shook his head slightly. He really has no interest in the matter of superiors oppressing subordinates, and subordinates oppressing subordinates. If you find out anything, I, He Jincheng, will recognize it.

"Director, I have an idea, but I don't know if it will work..."

Zhou Qingyuan thought for a while and said.

He knew that He Jincheng was not afraid of being investigated. He was mainly worried that if the investigation continued like this, the factory would not be able to start work, and the workers would not be able to make money.

"What are you talking about, why are you still hiding it from me?"

He Jincheng looked at Zhou Qingyuan, wondering what this old Zhou would do.

"This is what I think, why don't we just suspend work and let them investigate. As long as the work is suspended, the workers will not be able to make any money, and there will definitely be troubles. Then we will stand up and explain the reason, so the anger of the workers will definitely They will vent their anger towards the investigation team, and by then, even if they want to continue the investigation, they will not be able to stay any longer!"

Zhou Qingyuan said cautiously.

"This method is feasible, but I think we can adjust it a little..."

He Jincheng thought about it and said.

Immediately, the two began to adjust their response plan this time.

The next day, when Wang and Zhang got up early to continue their investigation, they found that the entire factory had shut down.

Wang Zhang hurriedly found Zhou Qingyuan, wanting to ask what was going on.

"Hey, leader, it's not that we don't want to start work. The key is that you have been investigating so much, and the employees are panicked, so they all asked for leave and couldn't come. Our factory manager saw that so many people didn't come, so he simply let the workers go. I'm on leave, and we'll resume work after your investigation is over!"

Zhou Qingyuan said with a smile.

"Ah, an empty factory, what else are we investigating?"

Wang Zhang said in astonishment that they brought a rectification notice and wanted to close the factory for a few days.

But this order is wrong. They want the factory to shut down, but they don't want Terman to shut down on his own initiative.

If after their investigation, the factory needs to stop work and make corrections, then their task this time has been completed, but now the factory workers are the first to stop work. Not only can they not investigate, but they have not completed the task.

"I can't help it. The workers are afraid that you will investigate them. You know that our factory has no official background. It is just a private enterprise. What we are most afraid of is the people you come to investigate. Stop working and stop production. We have to do it every day. Losing tens of thousands, if there is no other way, no one wants to stop working!"

Zhou Qingyuan had a bitter look on his face.

"However, we haven't officially issued a work stoppage adjustment. Besides, where else can we go to investigate?"

Li Hai stood up and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Yes, although we have shut down, the workshops are all shut down, and there are still people working in the warehouse. We might as well go to the warehouse to investigate today. I believe the three of you have some understanding of our factory. We definitely don't What kind of unconscionable things would be done to exploit the working class!"

Zhou Qingyuan said with a smile.

"Warehouse? How many workers are there in your warehouse?"

Wang Zhang asked in a deep voice.

"We mainly have a warehouse management team, a warehouse-in team, and a warehouse-out team. Each team has about fifteen people. Each team is divided into three groups, and each three teams are on duty in turns. Today, there should be some people in the warehouse. There are more than 40 people!"

Zhou Qingyuan said, and brought Wang and Zhang to the warehouse.

Today, there are three groups on duty, and among the three groups in storage, there is Cheng Li, the instigator of this investigation.

And the method He Jincheng provided Zhou Qingyuan was to let the three of them investigate Cheng Li.

"Okay then, let's go to the warehouse to have a look!"

Wang Zhang had no choice but to nod in agreement.

A few people came directly to the warehouse.

The old horse led the people into the warehouse very hard, but there was another person sitting on the steps at the moment, basking in the sun with a branch in his mouth.

"Oh, let me introduce to you, this one is Cheng Li, the supervisor of our former warehouse. Although he is only a porter now, he is also a veteran of our factory. You can learn about the situation from him!"

Zhou Qingyuan brought him in front of Cheng Li with a smile and said.

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan coming, Cheng Li still sat still.

He hated Zhou Qingyuan, so when he saw him coming, Cheng Li ignored him at all.

"Old Cheng, what are you doing? This is the investigation team from above. I want to learn something from you. You should cooperate well. You can say whatever you want, and you don't need to hide it!"

Zhou Qingyuan said with a smile.

"Investigation team?"

When Zhou Qingyuan heard this, he immediately stood up.

He was so excited, the investigation team could be said to have been attracted by his anonymous report. He heard that the investigation team had arrived yesterday, but he was just a small porter now and had no chance to get in touch with the investigation team.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, this idiot Zhou Qingyuan brought people from the investigation team to find him.

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you can't miss it!

"Hello leaders, my name is Cheng Li!"

Cheng Li hurriedly introduced himself first.

"Oh, you are Cheng Li. I heard that you were the supervisor of the warehouse before, so why did you become a porter?"

Wang Zhang said very seriously, and Li Hai and Li Yan next to him also took out a notebook and pen, ready to record at any time.

Cheng Li was immediately stopped by this question.

How should I answer this?Could it be that because of his own negligence, he took the lead in smoking and drinking in the warehouse, which indirectly caused a fire in the warehouse and caused huge losses to the company, so he was demoted to a porter by the factory manager.

"Well, I... I made a mistake, that's why I was demoted!"

It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, Zhou Qingyuan is watching with a smile on the side, and Lao Ma and the others also come over to watch the excitement, he really has no way to call white into black.

(End of this chapter)

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