Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 355 Investigate Cheng Li, the investigation team ends the investigation

Chapter 355 Investigate Cheng Li, the investigation team ends the investigation
"Did you make a mistake? What mistake did you make? Tell me carefully!"

Wang Zhang was overjoyed immediately, thinking that he had finally found a breakthrough.

It is said that Cheng Li used to be the warehouse supervisor, but now he has been demoted to become a porter, so he must be resentful. If this is the case, he will definitely say something bad about the garment factory!
It doesn't need to be too much, if there is a small mistake, they can do something, such as fine a fine, or suspend business for a few days for rectification, which can be regarded as a performance boost.

"Uh, this...that..."

Cheng Li hesitated, looking at Zhou Qingyuan from time to time.

Wang Zhang was a little unhappy, clapped the notebook in his hand, and said very displeased.

"Cheng Li, just say what you want. Even if you have a grievance, I believe Team Leader Wang will find justice for you!"

Zhou Qingyuan said gloatingly from the side.

This Cheng Li really doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, he's been pushed to the end, and he's still playing tricks behind his back.

Report it and find a working group to investigate, can the factory be brought down?
Well now, the fire in the warehouse is due to your dereliction of duty, it depends on how you tell the people in the working group.

"I, I made a mistake and mismanaged my subordinates, so I was dismissed!"

Cheng Li stammered and said something.

There's no way, the working group has already said so, so why can't he say nothing?
"If you don't manage properly, you will be dismissed directly, and you will be slapped to the end. Director Zhou, this is not appropriate!"

Wang Zhang felt that he had finally caught the loophole of He's Garment Factory. Because of such a small mistake of improper management, he directly drove him to the end and changed from a supervisor to a porter.

This punishment is too much, it is simply capitalist oppression of the working class!

"Hehe, Team Leader Wang, why don't you ask him about the consequences of his improper management? Everyone in the factory knows about this matter. In fact, you can just ask anyone and you will know!"

Zhou Qingyuan said with a smile.

"Huh? What's going on? Cheng Li, I'm warning you. If you don't cooperate with our investigation, you are obstructing law enforcement. We have the right to take you back. We will talk about it later, but it will be too late!"

Wang Zhang stared, and his tone became a little more serious.


Cheng Li, I've been talking for a long time, but I really can't open my mouth.

"Team leader, stop talking nonsense with him, just take him away!"

Li Hai and Li Yan were on the sidelines, scaring Cheng Li at once.

"I said, I said, because I mismanaged my subordinates, a few employees were on duty... smoking and drinking, and finally caused the warehouse to catch fire!"

After Cheng Li spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller.

Wang Zhang was stunned for a moment.

fire?This is a clothing factory, how could he not know the seriousness of the fire?

"There was a fire, how much loss did the factory have? If the loss is not serious, then it should be fine!"

Wang Zhang still has some fluke mentality.

"Group leader Wang, under the leadership of Cheng Li, our warehouse caught fire and lost almost half of the fabric, which was worth tens of thousands. Our factory manager was soft-hearted, thinking that Cheng Li also had seniors and juniors, and it was gone. Work, the whole family will starve, so he was given such a chance, I think it is just dismissal, this punishment is not very serious!"

Zhou Qingyuan also said with a smile at this time.

That Wang Zhang's face sank immediately, as ugly as if he had eaten a dead fly.

I lost tens of thousands, Ma De, how much is this? I have worked hard all my life, and now it is less than 1000 yuan a year. Tens of thousands are enough for me to work for decades.

"Cheng Li, is it like this!"

Wang Zhang said bitterly.


Cheng Li was completely speechless.

If this kind of thing is in a state-owned enterprise factory, let alone being demoted, it will cause huge losses of state-owned assets, and it will take at least three to five years to do it.

Wang Zhang was completely angry. This useless thing finally found a breakthrough, and it just disappeared.

You have caused the factory to lose tens of thousands of dollars. If you are not arrested and sent to jail, it will be fine. If you can continue to work in the factory, then you really met a good person!

"Okay, I see, you go back!"

Wang Zhang's face was very ugly, and he dismissed Cheng Li impatiently.

"Ahem, don't worry, Team Leader Wang, isn't someone reporting our factory? If I'm not wrong, it should be our former warehouse supervisor, Supervisor Cheng, who reported it. Don't you think so, Supervisor Cheng!"

Zhou Qingyuan said with a smile.

"Uh... yes, ah, no!"

Cheng Li said it fluently, and nodded subconsciously, and then suddenly realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly shook his head to deny it.

Wang Zhang's face became even darker. It turned out that it was you, the bastard, who made us run for nothing, and we were still scared, and we would be scolded by the leader when we turned back.

"Cheng Li, you are so brave. You dare to report maliciously and waste national resources. Do you know what you are doing? It is a good factory, but you report maliciously, causing such an excellent company to be wronged. You have to do this Take full responsibility!"

Wang Zhang scolded angrily.

"Ah, I didn't, it wasn't me..."

Cheng Li panicked immediately. If he knew this was the case, he shouldn't have reported it. Isn't this shooting himself in the foot?

"Is there any? This matter will be investigated clearly. You just wait for the investigation! Director Zhou, I think this investigation of your factory can be over. We will go back and report today. Don't worry, we will report to you truthfully. The superior explained this!"

Wang Zhang snorted coldly, and then led the people away.

"Oh, Cheng Li, I advise you to turn yourself in as soon as possible. If you confess, you will be lenient, and if you resist, you will be strict!"

Zhou Qingyuan said with a smile, his mood at the moment, not to mention how proud he is.

Someone from above came to investigate the factory, and the deputy director of the factory, who ran before and after, also nodded and bowed to the members of the investigation team, bowing his knees, like a grandson, now it’s all right, you know who will be unlucky in the end!

"Ah, Director Zhou, you can't leave me alone, please help me, I'm a bastard, I'm confused, and I've been bewitched too!"

Cheng Li was really scared now. Although it is said that the management and control of private enterprises is a bit tight, He's Garment Factory did not deduct wages at all, squeezed workers, and paid a lot of money to the local officials. Taxation, there is no problem to investigate at all.

In fact, I didn't want to close the factory when I reported this time. I just wanted to cause some trouble for He Jincheng. How could I have imagined that it would become like this, and I would get angry!

"Hmph, if I knew now, why did I do it at the beginning?"

Zhou Qingyuan snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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