Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 356 Free Free Clinic, He Jincheng's New Goal

Chapter 356 Free Free Clinic, He Jincheng's New Goal
"Director Zhou, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please look at me as an old employee of the factory, please forgive me this time!"

Cheng Li grabbed Zhou Qingyuan's clothes and begged bitterly.

"Cheng Li, Cheng Li, I really convinced you. After Director He came, our salary and benefits were more than 80% higher than those of our peers. When you were a supervisor, you could have at least 1000 yuan a month. If you don’t cherish such a good job, it’s fine if you don’t cherish such a good job, because your dereliction of duty caused the factory to lose tens of thousands!”

"The director of the factory showed mercy and didn't hold you accountable. He just dismissed you. It's fine for you to be ungrateful and report back against our factory. You, a heartless white-eyed wolf, deserve to be in trouble!"

Zhou Qingyuan pointed at Cheng Li's nose and cursed loudly, feeling extremely happy.

"Yes, yes, I was wrong, I really realized my mistake, Director Zhou, please tell the comrades in the investigation team quickly, I also made an unintentional mistake!"

Cheng Li can't even refute at all now, the facts are like this, it is clearly his fault, and something happened, and he still holds a grudge against He Jincheng, the current situation is all caused by himself!
"It's impossible for me to intercede for you. You'd better confess to the comrades in the investigation team and tell the truth. Maybe you can be punished lightly!"

Zhou Qingyuan flicked his sleeves, turned around and left.

He still has to send the investigation team away, so how can he have the time to take care of Cheng Li.

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan's leaving back, Cheng Li burst into tears, and sat on the ground with a look of lovelessness.

The surrounding workers shook their heads when they saw this scene.

They all knew Cheng Li's character, except for those few cronies, those who were not well-known were not even a star, and no one would sympathize with him.

After a long time, Cheng Li got up from the ground, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurried to chase after the investigation team.

There is no other way, I can only confess my three little brothers first, otherwise, I really have no chance.

After Zhou Qingyuan sent Wang and Zhang away, he came to He Jincheng's office excitedly.

"Director He, your method is really clever. Cheng Li was stunned instantly, and the investigation team was also left in anger. It's wonderful!"

Zhou Qingyuan said excitedly as soon as he came in.

"Well, as long as the matter is resolved, it seems that Cheng Li is hopeless, you can deal with it, this kind of person can only become a disaster for the factory if he stays in the factory!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly. He had expected this result a long time ago. Cheng Li was just a small-hearted person, and he was almost ready to use the investigation team to trouble the factory.

"Okay, last time, Director He, you showed mercy and didn't fire him directly. I didn't expect him to bite back. It's really hopeless. I'll go to the HR side and tell him to fire him later! "

Zhou Qingyuan nodded quickly.

"You can deal with this matter, don't tell me any more! By the way, I looked at our accounts today and found that the recent production capacity still can't keep up. We must find a way to get some more sewing machines! "

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

"That's right. As long as the design drafts you gave are made into clothes, they will sell very well. Now the clothes market in Nandu is almost all occupied by us. Our factory only has more than 50 sewing machines. The production capacity is really a bit low." Can't keep up!"

Zhou Qingyuan nodded repeatedly.

"Well, I heard that the situation of the second garment factory is not very good now. You can contact them to see if they have any intention to sell equipment, or to say, the intention to sell the factory. If we don't increase production capacity, we can't get out Nandu!"

He Jincheng said.

"Okay, I happen to have an acquaintance over there, I'll ask someone to find out for me!"

Zhou Qingyuan said without hesitation that he always obeyed He Jincheng's words [-]%.

"There is one more thing, you need to arrange it as soon as possible. After three days, I will arrange some doctors to give free consultations for everyone. We should not only care about the income of the workers, but also their health. We can't drag down the workers for the sake of making money. body!"

He Jincheng knocked on the table and said.

He is still a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in essence, and he still hopes to be able to engage in this industry many times.

"Free free clinic? That's great. If you have a disease, you can treat it. If you don't, you can protect yourself. I'll let someone notify you today!"

Zhou Qingyuan was stunned for a moment, and then his heart felt warm.

Factory Manager He is really a good factory manager, which factory still cares about the physical condition of workers now.

"Okay, that's all for now, you go down and make arrangements!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

After Zhou Qingyuan left, He Jincheng stared at the stack of financial accounts on the table with a thoughtful look on his face.

He only figured out this account in the past few days. He didn't know it. He was shocked when he saw it. He hadn't managed the garment factory for half a year, and there was already 92 in the account, and it was still after deducting the debt. .

Every month, the clothing store can have more than 20 sales, and sometimes it can even reach more than 30.

This may not be so surprising in the future, but according to the current consumption level, it is definitely the only one.

"Sure enough, it's really an era of picking up money!"

He Jincheng shook his head with a wry smile.

With so much money, he didn't even know what to do with it.

After much deliberation, He Jincheng made a decision, that is to open a pharmaceutical factory.

That's right, a pharmaceutical factory.

As a doctor, He Jincheng is proficient in traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, and he is the most familiar with medicine.

However, in the future, many domestic pharmaceutical factories can only produce some basic medicines, and there are very few truly domestic medicines.

It's no wonder that those pharmaceutical factories are unwilling to develop and produce, mainly in the area of ​​Western medicine, which started much later in China than in foreign countries, and the formulas of many medicines are in the hands of foreigners.

Independent research and development is not so easy. Not only does it need to spend a lot of money, it will take a long time. Maybe ten years, maybe 20 years. After the research and development, in order to recover the cost, the price will be relatively high, and no one is willing To do such a thankless thing.

He Jincheng realized that in this life, it was impossible for him to be a pure doctor.

With so many industries, it is simply inseparable from oneself.

Then where can I contribute to the cause I love? The only choice is to build a pharmaceutical factory.

If I can start an enterprise focusing on the research and development of independent medicines at this time, it will definitely greatly improve the domestic medical level, which is definitely a very meaningful thing.

(End of this chapter)

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