Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 358 Unexpected surprise, He Jincheng invites the leader

Chapter 358 Unexpected surprise, He Jincheng invites the leader

"It's like this. We are going to buy a piece of land first. In the future, it will be more convenient to set up a factory or something."

He Jincheng didn't hide it either, after all, he planned to finish this matter within a year.

"Buy land and build a factory? Where do you need 80!"

Unexpectedly, Ai Changlin shook his head and said.

"I read some news, it is said that it is about 200 yuan per square meter, and if you buy ten acres of land, isn't it 80 yuan?"

He Jincheng said with some puzzlement.

"It seems that Director He still doesn't know much about our current policies. Now that the country is focusing on the economy, the local government must also focus on political achievements. Although it is said that the control of private companies has been relatively strict recently, I think it is only temporary. Reform and opening up The spring breeze in the land must be more and more vigorous, so the local government has a lot of preferential policies for entrepreneurs to buy land, and this cost can be reduced by half at least!"

Ai Changlin said with a smile.

Hearing this, He Jincheng was overjoyed.

If this is the case, then I can buy [-] acres. If I really build a pharmaceutical factory, I can also build staff dormitories and even office buildings later.

100 yuan per square meter, and now there is no distinction between commercial land and residential land, as long as it is built, it is an industry!

"Great, how difficult is this application?"

He Jincheng clapped his hands and said excitedly.

"It was easier half a year ago, but now the control is a bit strict, so it may not be easy, but driven by the general trend, it will definitely be released soon!"

Ai Changlin said in a deep voice.

"Okay, okay, sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot. Manager Ai, with your proposal, you can help me save 40 yuan. Thank you so much!"

He Jincheng laughed out loud.

"This is what I should do. By the way, I also know a person from the Planning Bureau. He is an old colleague of mine. He is currently the section chief of the Planning Bureau. You can try to contact him and mediate from him. I believe it will be better. Make it easy!"

Ai Changlin thought for a while, and then told He Jincheng about one of his connections.

This made He Jincheng even more overjoyed. In this way, he would be able to save trouble.

The two chatted for a while, and then He Jincheng walked Ai Changlin out.

Looking at the phone number on the note, He Jincheng thought about it and dialed.

"Hello, who is it?"

On the other end of the phone, there was a thick voice, judging from the voice, he was not too young.

"Hello, my name is He Jincheng. Mr. Ai Changlin gave me my contact information. I want to find Section Chief Song of the Planning Bureau!"

He Jincheng said politely.

The acquaintance Ai Changlin introduced was named Song Qiancheng, who was Section Chief Song.

"Oh, Lao Ai's friend, hello, I'm Song Qiancheng, what's the matter?"

On the other end of the phone, Song Qiancheng asked with a smile.

"It turns out that you are Section Chief Song. This is Section Chief Song. We, the He Group, want to buy a piece of land to build a factory. I don't know about it..."

"Buying land, I advise you to forget it. Now the policy is very strict. All the land close to the city cannot be sold. It is useless for you to find me!"

Song Qiancheng didn't hide anything, he could only tell the truth.

"Haha, Section Chief Song, don't misunderstand me. I don't want to buy it now. I just have such an intention. I will buy it when the policy becomes looser in the future. Make preparations in advance!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Oh, well, that's fine."

Only then did Song Qiancheng heave a sigh of relief. He had a good relationship with Ai Changlin. Since this person was recommended by Ai Changlin, if he didn't agree to help, he would somewhat disrespect Ai Changlin.

"If Section Chief Song has time, I will treat you tonight. I have a lot of questions that I would like to ask Section Chief. Is it possible?"

He Jincheng sent out an invitation.

Well, this network needs to be cultivated.

"Well, yes, I just have time tonight."

Song Qiancheng nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then let's meet at Nandu Hotel tonight. I'll wait for Section Chief Song there, so don't bother Section Chief Song for now!"

After hanging up the phone, He Jincheng called Nandu Hotel again and booked a nice box.

This Section Chief Song is in charge of material approval, and building a good relationship with him will at least save a lot of trouble in the process of buying land in the future.

In the afternoon, after He Jincheng walked around the factory, he rushed to Nandu Hotel.

He Jincheng took a taxi. After all, there is only a van now, and it is somewhat inappropriate to drive to a restaurant like Nandu Hotel.

"Oh, it seems that I have to find a way to buy a car!"

He Jincheng thought to himself.

There must be enough money to buy a car now, but there is no industrial coupon, so I can't buy it even if I want to.

In the era when the average salary was only in the [-]s and [-]s, the cheapest car cost more than [-] yuan, which was unthinkable for ordinary families.

Arriving at the restaurant in advance, He Jincheng first ordered food and wine, both of which are the signature dishes here, and the wine is Feimao, which is definitely of sufficient quality.

When it was around six o'clock, a man with a tall and straight figure, a square face, and black and white hair came in.

"You must be Section Chief Song!"

He Jincheng hurriedly got up to greet him.

"Director He, I have admired your name for a long time. You, the He clothing factory, what happened two days ago, we are all clear about it!"

Song Qiancheng laughed and said.

"Ashamed, I was just lucky!"

He Jincheng quickly waved his hands,
"Haha, Director He has this qualification!"

Song Qiancheng complimented again.

In fact, when he saw He Jincheng, he was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that this person who made everyone in the investigation team dizzy was so young. It was really surprising.

"Section Chief Song, sit down quickly. I'm holding back a lot of questions, and I want to ask you for advice!"

He Jincheng pulled Section Chief Song to sit down, and then asked the waiter to serve the food.

He opened the wine and poured a glass. He Jincheng raised his glass and looked at Section Chief Song.

"Section Chief Song is very happy to be here today. I respect you with this cup!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Chief Song also nodded with a smile and drank a whole cup.

Both of them were very happy, and their impression of each other improved a little.

"This is the second cup, I wish us a happy future cooperation!"

He Jincheng smiled and picked up the second cup.

It's just that Section Chief Song didn't lift it up.

"Director He, we haven't talked about anything, how can we have a happy future cooperation?"

Section Chief Song said with a wry smile, this guy is really familiar.

"Section Chief Song, don't worry, just listen to me, and then decide whether to cooperate or not!"

He Jincheng waved his hand slightly and said.

(End of this chapter)

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