Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 359 Going a step further, convincing Song Qiancheng to match

Chapter 359 Going a step further, convincing Song Qiancheng to match

Song Qiancheng looked at He Jincheng, determined in his heart that as long as He Jincheng talked about buying land, he would firmly refuse.

These days, those self-employed people have no time to hide, but now He Jincheng wants to show off, which is really not a wise choice.

"Section Chief Song, I think you should also know that the investigation team has been to our factory to conduct an investigation before. The investigation lasted for seven or eight days, but no problem was found!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Song Qiancheng nodded slightly. More than [-]% of the private companies or self-employed in Nandu have various problems.

For small problems, fines are imposed to suspend business, and rectification within a time limit, such as tax evasion, or bribery, will be directly arrested, prosecuted and sentenced, and imprisoned.

At present, there are not many companies that have any problems. The only one that has reached scale is He Jincheng's He Group.

"Our factory has no problems, and the store is also fully licensed, so we don't worry about being investigated again. But as far as I know, our financial situation in Nandu is not very good!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Where, our finances are running normally, so why is there any problem!"

Song Qiancheng was surprised. He didn't know where He Jincheng learned about it, but he still said with a smile on his face.

"Section Chief Song doesn't need to tell me these things. The salaries of many of your employees can't be guaranteed to be paid in full every month. Although you have closed down some companies and imposed some fines, the money is all paid. It’s going to be archived, and it will be distributed uniformly by the higher authorities, but I don’t know when it will be released, am I right?”

He Jincheng poured another glass of wine for Song Qiancheng and said with a smile.


Song Qiancheng didn't know what to say.

It seems that He Jincheng has some connection with the official side, otherwise, how could it be so clear.

This is because he thought too much, let alone He Jincheng has the memory of the future, knowing the current situation, even if he does not, it is not difficult to guess.

With the deepening of the reform, private enterprises have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, which is a great shock to those state-owned enterprises that live in a corner.

The originally high-ranking state-owned enterprises saw a sharp drop in revenue, and naturally the taxes paid were also reduced.

Therefore, in the past two years, Nandu has been relatively tight financially, and the deficit has reached a certain level.

"We, the He Group, are willing to donate 30 yuan to help Nandu employees improve their working environment. At the same time, we will spend another [-] yuan to buy land. These funds can be included in the local fiscal revenue. I think it should be able to make some contributions to Nandu. !"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Song Qiancheng's eyes lit up.

I didn't expect that He Jincheng would think of this. If this matter can really be facilitated, maybe by the end of the year, Nandu can rely on the 40 yuan to live a good year!
Seeing that Song Qiancheng was still thinking, He Jincheng pushed again.

"I don't know if Section Chief Song is Guigeng this year?"

"Oh, I'm 38 this year, Mr. He asked why?"

Song Qiancheng asked suspiciously.

"My little brother is 23 this year. If Section Chief Song doesn't mind, how about I call Section Chief Song Brother Song?"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Hahaha, Mr. He is being polite, then we will be like brothers, but we don't engage in the trick of begging!"

Song Qiancheng smiled suddenly.

As an official, if it was known that he was in a relationship with the boss of a private company, his future would really be ruined.

"Naturally, we're just friends! Brother Song is 38 now, and he must have been a section chief for a long time. Have you thought about going further?"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Of course, it's just that I don't have anyone above me. Even if I want to be in the top position, it's not my turn!"

Song Qiancheng smiled wryly and shook his head.

I'm 38 years old, I'm going to be 40 years old soon, if I don't make further progress before the age of 40, my career will come to an end.

"So, Brother Song, you have to seize this opportunity. If you help solve the financial problem, I think Brother Song will definitely be seen by many leaders!"

He Jincheng said, and poured another glass of wine for Song Qiancheng.

Hearing this, Song Qiancheng slapped his thigh and was overjoyed.

That's right, if I can facilitate this matter and be seen by the big leaders above, maybe I can go a step further. In this case, I can hit a higher position in the future.

"Brother He, what you said is reasonable, but I am a soft-spoken person, and I am afraid there is no way to facilitate this matter!"

Song Qiancheng was still a little worried.

I am just a small section chief, and there are a lot of leaders such as division chiefs and ministers, who will listen to what I say!
"Brother Song, you don't understand it. You can't take the credit alone. You have to know how to share it. For example, Brother Song, if you agree to my condition, you can report to your superior the next day. If the superior agrees Now, then you are the person who connected me with the Nandu official, and other people can get the credit, and the biggest credit must be the person who connected!"

He Jincheng talked about the pros and cons of this, Song Qiancheng is not a fool, of course he can understand.

That's right, if I didn't say hello to the leader, I would have contributed to this matter. Maybe I would be seen by the big leader at that time, but I would definitely be hostile by the superior!

"Succeed, Owen has agreed to this matter. I think the superiors will definitely agree. By the way, Brother He, if the superiors agree, when do you plan to start?"

Song Qiancheng was very excited in his heart, but since he decided to do this, of course he had to clarify the whole thing, otherwise, when the leader asked himself, he would be a little timid if he couldn't explain clearly.

"The sooner the better, our group account still has a lot of cash, as long as the leader agrees, we can immediately sign the contract and complete the donation at the same time!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, if there is any brother He's words, then this matter must be fine!"

Song Qiancheng was overjoyed, the two chatted very happily, the older they got, the more speculative they became, and in the end they both got drunk, so He Jincheng asked someone to take Song Qiancheng to a nearby guest house to rest, and he came back feeling dizzy Home.

Seeing He Jincheng come back reeking of alcohol, Ye Qingmeng quickly helped him to sit down, poured a glass of water, and fed him with distress.

"Oh, what kind of big business are you talking about, and you drank so much!"

Ye Qingmeng didn't complain about He Jincheng, but felt distressed.

"Hey, this is a big deal, and it will definitely surprise you when the time comes!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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