Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 360 Reviewing Layers of Layers, Obtaining a Certificate of Birth as One Wishes

Chapter 360 Reviewing Layers of Layers, Obtaining a Certificate of Birth as One Wishes
"Well, actually we don't need so much money, it's enough for our family to eat and drink. Why bother?"

Ye Qingmeng sighed, and took a hot towel to He Jincheng to wipe it off.

"I know, it's just that you don't know many things. Inflation has already begun. With the development of the economy, this trend will only increase. The ten yuan we have now may only be equivalent to [-] yuan in the future. It’s less than one yuan, so, if you just look at the current income, it’s not enough at all!”

He Jincheng explained with a smile.

"I know, I just feel sorry for you!"

Ye Qingmeng hugged He Jincheng, with her head pressed against his chest.

With a warm heart, He Jincheng gently stroked Ye Qingmeng's long hair.

"It's okay, I'm tired now, and it will be easier in the future. When the time comes, I will let my elder brother and sister-in-law accept these industries, and I will still treat people in the hospital. It will be much easier!"

That's right, in He Jincheng's view, it is easier to see a doctor.

Even if he is asked to sit in the clinic non-stop from morning to night, he will not feel tired.

"Okay, I will graduate as soon as possible, and I can help you share some of it then!"

Ye Qingmeng nodded.

After waking up for a while, He Jincheng went to take a shower. When the two arrived in the room, they immediately lit up.

Fortunately, this home is big enough, which is more convenient.

The next day, when I went to work in the factory, before I sat down, an assistant notified someone to look for him, and it was Song Qiancheng.

He Jincheng was overjoyed, it seemed that there was an explanation for the land purchase.

"Brother Song, there must be good news for coming so early, come and sit down, and try the Pu'er tea I just bought!"

He Jincheng smiled and let Song Qiancheng in.

"When I went back yesterday, I couldn't sleep in bed, so I went to the leader and told what we said yesterday. The leader was overjoyed and immediately expressed his support. We don't have many other things in the Southern Capital, and we definitely have enough land. , according to the leader's intention, I am willing to plan [-] acres of land for you, but the land payment should be more!"

Song Qiancheng said with a smile.

"Really? That's great. It doesn't matter how much money you have. I'm willing to spend 20 yuan to buy this fifty acres of land!"

He Jincheng was overjoyed and agreed without hesitation.

Fifty acres of land, even in the suburbs of Nandu, will definitely be worth a lot in the future.

Buying 20 acres of land for only [-] yuan is definitely a bloody profit.

"Okay, then I won't delay anymore, I'll go and talk to the leader now, as long as the above agrees, our process can be speeded up!"

Song Qiancheng was in high spirits now, as if he had seen himself rising step by step.

After leaving the garment factory, Song Qiancheng came to the Land Bureau and conveyed He Jincheng's attitude to his leader.

Song Qiancheng's leader is Wang Kemei, a square-faced man in his 40s. He was overjoyed when he heard Song Qiancheng's report.

"Very good, Xiao Song, you have done a good job. I will report the application to my superiors now. As long as the superiors nod, you will immediately contact Mr. He. Let's make this happen as soon as possible! In addition, the deputy director Elder Meng is about to retire, as long as this matter can be successfully negotiated, there is a high probability of you being the top!"

Wang Kemei patted Song Qiancheng on the shoulder and smiled.

This time, Song Qiancheng was in a daze. He didn't expect that happiness came so suddenly. Before the matter was completed, he got a promise from a deputy director.

"Leader, don't worry, Mr. He made it clear to me that the funds in the account are definitely sufficient. If it wasn't because of the construction of the factory, they would have given some more!"

Song Qiancheng said excitedly.

"That's good, with this 50, we can finally have a good year this year!"

Wang Kemei sighed with emotion, and then hurried to report the matter to the leader.

His leader is Sheng Yu, the fourth in command of Nandu, in charge of town planning.

After listening to Wang Kemei's report, Sheng Yu was not as excited as Song Qiancheng and Wang Kemei, but frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing the leader like this, Wang Kemei felt very nervous. Could it be that the leader disagrees?

After thinking for a long time, Sheng Yu spoke slowly.

"Your idea is indeed good, but I think He Jincheng's goal is not that simple. Now that the economy is developing more and more rapidly, it is not a small matter to get [-] acres of land!"

Sheng Yu is worthy of being the fourth in command, but the depth of thinking about the problem is different.

"The leader is worried about this. In fact, I have also thought of this. He Jincheng is so anxious to get the land, there must be demand. We can raise the price a little bit more, but we can't mention too much, so as not to make He Jincheng feel that we are in the land. Squeeze his wool, and at the same time choose the land, the initiative should still be in our hands, we can select a few peripheral lands for him, as long as it does not affect the development of our urban area, we can even choose him in blocks.”

Wang Kemei quickly expressed her thoughts.

Hearing what Wang Kemei said, Sheng Yu's eyes lit up.

This idea is not bad. In this case, not only will the financial revenue be secured, but it will not affect the urban construction of the southern capital. It is the best of both worlds!
As for what He Jincheng bought so much land for, that was not what he considered. It couldn't be buying a piece of land specifically to do illegal things, right?
If it is to build a factory, it can just provide more jobs. Now that the state-owned enterprises are reforming, many employees are forced to be laid off, and the jobs of a lot of laid-off workers in the city need to be solved.

"Your idea is good. You can try to talk to He Jincheng, and then give me a written material, including clearly marking the land blocks that can be provided!"

Sheng Yu nodded slightly.

This made Wang Kemei overjoyed, and did not expect the leader to be so supportive.

Judging from He Jincheng's attitude, he definitely wanted to buy the land, just to see if he could accept the price increase.

After going back, Wang Kemei asked Song Qiancheng to discuss with him again.

In the end, He Jincheng was willing to spend 25 yuan for the purchase of land, and 30 yuan to donate to the Nandu government. He even took the initiative to add a set of clothes to each employee.

Everything went smoothly, and finally after almost half a month of negotiations, the two parties finally reached a consensus.

After signing the contract, He Jincheng got the land certificate as he wished.

With this thing, it will be much more convenient for me in the future. When the project project is confirmed, I can start working directly.

Of course, there are still factories in the existing market, and continuous production is still required. Otherwise, the remaining 20 million yuan is not enough to build our own factories and houses.

(End of this chapter)

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