Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 362 Unreasonable request, you were the one who joked first

Chapter 362 Unreasonable request, you were the one who joked first

Of course He Jincheng knew what Zhou Qingyuan was worried about, and it was true.

However, if the other party refuses without asking any conditions, I am afraid that this project will not be easy to do.

In the afternoon, Wu Daqiang really brought a middle-aged man with a slightly dark complexion over.

Because it was not time for dinner, He Jincheng ordered tea first, and then had dinner at night.

He Jinshan went back first because he needed to see the factory, so He Jincheng only brought Zhou Qingyuan to meet him.

"Oh, you are He Jincheng, not bad. I heard that Wang Zhang went to your place and stayed there for a week, but found nothing. It means that your company is still very formal!"

When Yang Qishan spoke, he had a condescending tone, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

"Those of us who do business must of course comply with laws and regulations. Everything must be done in accordance with the law, and we will definitely not go wrong!"

He Jincheng nodded with a smile, and didn't care about Yang Qishan's tone. The current high-level state-owned enterprises are all at the administrative level, and they can be regarded as half officials.

There are even many people who have jumped from the enterprise to the ranks of leaders. When they speak, they have a high-ranking leadership tone.

"That's right, as long as it is legal and compliant, the country will not treat you badly! By the way, Manager Wu should have told you this morning, the factory you are going to build is not small, and it happens that we will take care of it from Sanjian Let's talk about your He Group, so, let us build your new factory!"

Yang Qishan said with a smile that he is still very satisfied with He Jincheng's current attitude.

"Haha, Director He, I told you this morning, how are you thinking now?"

Wu Daqiang said with a smile.

"Of course there is no problem in handing over to Sanjian, but I want to know, what conditions does Sanjian have? Everyone can figure things out, so we can work together in the future!"

He Jincheng nodded and asked.

If the other party only offered a reasonable or slightly higher quotation to contract the construction of the new factory, He Jincheng would never hesitate to hand it over to Sanjian Group directly.

"The condition is very simple. It is the money that needs to be transferred to our group's account at one time. You also know that those of us who do projects are very short of money. We can't let the problem of funds delay our progress. The progress of the project, are you right, Director He?"

Yang Qishan lit a cigarette and said with a smile.

"One-time payment? We only have more than 20 yuan in our account now, and we still need to borrow from Manager Wu. I don't know the progress of this loan, how long it will be!"

He Jincheng probably knew what the other party's condition was, and he snorted coldly in his heart.

Sure enough, I saw Yang Qishan waving his hand with an indifferent look on his face.

"It's like this. Your project is estimated to cost about 100 million. You first transfer the 20 in the account to our group, and then the loan from Manager Wu's side is also directly placed in our group's account. In fact, with a guarantee of 100 million, there will definitely be no problems with the progress of the project, if there is less by then, you are making up for it!"

Yang Qishan said.

Hearing this condition, He Jincheng almost wanted to take the teacup and slam it in Yang Qishan's face.

This is so purely deceitful, do you think you are a second fool?

He Jincheng actually belongs to Party A now. If Sanjian contracted the construction of He's new factory, it would be equivalent to Party B.

Party B's project quality, progress, etc., all need to be done according to Party A's standards.

Party A does not need to hire personnel, but it needs to follow up on Party B's progress and check the construction quality at all times.

The most restrictive way for Party B is to firmly hold the finances in their own hands, and transfer the corresponding funds when the project reaches a certain level.

If it is all in one mind, it will be given to Party B.

How can Party B, who got the money, guarantee a [-]% settlement?
Not to mention, Party A's loan directly allows the bank to transfer to Party B's account, which is even more of a joke.

This Sanjian Group really regards itself as the only contractor of the He Group, it seems that he hasn't agreed yet!

"How about it, Director He thinks this condition is acceptable!"

Yang Qishan asked with a smile.

"Oh, that's it. I want to ask Mr. Yang a question. What do you think of our Nandu No. [-] Garment Factory?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

This made Yang Qishan somewhat puzzled by Zhanger Monk. This is talking about the issue of contracting. How did it get involved in the No. [-] Garment Factory?
"The No. [-] Garment Factory is the largest garment factory in Southern Metropolis, of course it's not bad!"

Yang Qishan couldn't guess what He Jincheng wanted to say, so he said it truthfully.

"That's great. I think Mr. Yang's energy is not small. Why don't you let the first garment factory lend us for half a year, and then you three constructions will start building our new factory at the same time. After the project is over, we will then How about moving to the new factory and paying all the construction costs of Sanjian Group at the same time?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"Director He, are you kidding me?"

Yang Qishan and Wu Daqiang's expressions turned a little ugly.

The No. [-] Garment Factory is not inferior to Sanjian and the Bank in terms of level. How can they have such a lot of energy!

"Haha, Mr. Yang, didn't you joke with me first?"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Director He, what do you mean?"

Yang Qishan was very displeased, this He Jincheng, did he really take himself seriously?

"Our company's loan is directly transferred to your Sanjian account. I don't know if this idea is yours, Mr. Yang, or your leader, but I can be sure that this is completely a joke to amuse me! "

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"The reputation of our third construction is still very guaranteed. At the same time, we have also taken over a lot of factory construction projects. All of them are done in this way. Does your garment factory want to be special?"

Yang Qishan frowned and said.

"Of course not. Our He Group is just a small company, and we can't make much money all year round. However, our company's control over the funds is relatively strict. If we do it according to Mr. Yang's conditions, then It is equivalent to our loan of 80, and another 20, which will be directly given to Sanjian, then how can our company check and balance you?"

He Jincheng said slowly, his tone was also a bit uncomfortable.

"Checks and balances? Isn't your He's just a few shops, an old factory? What qualifications do you have to tell me about checks and balances?"

Yang Qishan patted the table and said very displeased.

"Hehe, since that's the case, let the two leaders eat and drink well, and we'll leave first!"

He Jincheng got up and was about to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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