Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 364 The bidding is confirmed, He Jincheng visits the Liu family

Chapter 364 The bidding is confirmed, He Jincheng visits the Liu family
"Of course it is for the whole province. In Nandu City, there are only three companies, the first construction, the second construction and the third construction. The first construction and the second construction do not like our small projects. The third construction is aggressive, so we need to face more construction company to bid!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

If it is only in the city, then there is no need for bidding at all.

"Isn't it a bit sensitive in this period, after all, the higher ups are strictly controlling our private companies!"

Cheng Lu said with some worry.

"There is no need to worry about this matter. Our company has been investigated. We operate normally without any mistakes. Even if the higher-ups want to trouble us, they have to find out our problems!"

He Jincheng nodded, feeling relieved that Cheng Lu was aware of this problem.

"Okay, I agree with Director He's point of view. Since we are going to do it, we should just make it bigger. You don't know. Before, Director He and I went to find that person from Sanjian for dinner, but I It’s so disgusting that you actually want us to borrow money from the bank, and then the loan funds will be directly transferred to their account. You say that Sanjian has such an attitude, can we rest assured to cooperate with them?”

Of course Zhou Qingyuan strongly supported He Jincheng's decision.

"I also agree with Director He's decision. I know some friends who are engaged in engineering, and I can ask them to help promote it!"

Li Fei nodded.

"Okay, then we have passed the unanimous vote. Next, I will assign the characters. Director Zhou is responsible for publishing the advertisement, and he will find a well-known newspaper in our province to publish it. If it can be broadcast, you can also try it. The cost is about it. , look at it yourself, the time is tentatively set for seven days!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, seven days of publicity time is basically enough.

"Okay, Director He, I will tell the people in the newspaper office today!"

Zhou Qingyuan said immediately.

"Section Chief Li, you are in charge of notifying the friends you know. If possible, ask your friends to help spread the word. The more people who come, the better!"

"Okay, Director He!"

Li Fei said in response.

"Cheng Lu, you are in charge of arranging the bidding venue. The location is in the cafeteria of our factory. Remember to make some snacks and fruits, and you must do a good job in reception!"

"Alright Director He, promise to complete the task!"

Cheng Lu is the soldier king who has retired, and he still maintains his previous habits.

"Director He, you are responsible for the accommodation of the guests. We still have some unoccupied workers' dormitories, which can be temporarily vacated. If there is not enough, you can choose a guest house nearby. It doesn't need to be particularly good, as long as it is clean and tidy!"

He Jincheng looked at He Jinshan and said.

"Okay, Director He!"

He Jinshan nodded slightly, and wrote down his task seriously in his notebook.

Now he can be considered to have adapted to the relationship with his brother inside and outside the factory.

As long as they are working hours, they will call each other by their official titles, and they are brothers at home.

"By the way, we still need some employees who can read and write. You can choose from your respective departments. Let's temporarily designate one person in each department. We will need to help count the bidding information at that time! There are only so many for the time being. Thank you for your hard work. We have one Weeks to prepare, I hope we can succeed in one fell swoop this time!"

He Jincheng smiled and ended the meeting.

After leaving the conference room, He Jincheng called Liu Lisheng.

"Uncle Liu, my little He!"

Counting the time, it seems that I haven't called Uncle Liu for a long time. I didn't expect this call to ask for help. I'm really embarrassed.

"Xiao He, I just wanted to find you these two days, but I didn't expect you to call!"

Liu Lisheng said with a bit of surprise in his voice with a smile.

"Then I'll visit Uncle Liu this afternoon. I'm a little busy here, and I need Uncle Liu's help!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, remember to bring a medical kit with you. The old man has not been in a good mood recently. I want you to take a look at it!"

Liu Lisheng readily agreed.

The two talked again and hung up the phone.

He Jincheng went home for dinner at noon, then drove the van to the medical clinic, took the medical kit and some pills he had prepared, and drove directly towards Liu Lisheng's mansion.

When he arrived at Liu's house, He Jincheng was stopped by someone.

Because He Jincheng was driving an ordinary-looking van, this made the guard suspicious.

The people who came to Liu's house to visit were basically driving cars now, and this was the first time I saw someone driving a van, so the guard immediately regarded He Jincheng as a maintenance worker.

"What are you here to fix? Do you have an appointment?"

The guard didn't make things difficult for He Jincheng, but just asked him routinely.

"I made an appointment with Liu Lisheng, and I'm here to give the old man a follow-up visit. I'm a doctor!"

He Jincheng picked up the medical practice box in his hand and let the guard look at it.

"Wait a minute, let me confirm!"

The guard looked surprised, and then went back to the concierge to call to confirm He Jincheng's authenticity.

After a while, the guard came out with a puzzled expression on his face.

"You are Dr. He, Mr. Liu and the old man are both at home, you can just go there!"

The guard let He Jincheng go, but the van could only be parked outside.

As soon as he walked in, he saw Liu Lisheng coming towards him from afar.

"Hahaha, Xiao He, why don't you tell me, so I can pick you up!"

Liu Lisheng was very happy to see He Jincheng coming, and he laughed and shouted from afar.

"Uncle Liu, this is not the first time I've come here. If I know the door, I don't need to bother Uncle Liu!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Oh? You kid also drives a van? I heard that you opened a clothing factory, right? There are also four clothing stores. The business is very good. It seems that you have made a lot of money!"

Liu Lisheng said with a smile, he also saw the van parked outside the door.

"I'm just fooling around. If it weren't for the fact that I don't have much money, I wouldn't be bothered to do business!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"You say you are too. You know that your medical skills are superb, so you should focus on your medical skills. If you are short of money, just tell me and I will give it to you!"

Liu Lisheng laughed.

"It's absolutely impossible. Ask Uncle Liu for money once or twice. I still have this face. I can't keep asking Uncle Liu for money. I'd better rely on my own ability to make money!"

He Jincheng laughed.

He could tell that Liu Lisheng wanted to get closer to him.

There is no other reason, but it is because of my status as a genius doctor!
If a big family wants to prosper forever, it must live a long life.

Many people have earned a fortune at a young age, but they haven't enjoyed it for two days, and they died early because of overwork when they were young.

And the existence of a genius doctor can completely avoid this kind of untimely death as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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