Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 365 The Liu Family Becomes a Shareholder, The Family Prepares to Hire a Nanny

Chapter 365 The Liu Family Becomes a Shareholder, The Family Prepares to Hire a Nanny
"Just treat it as my loan to you. If it doesn't work, then it's fine for me to become a shareholder of your factory. Just give me some shares. How about it?"

Why couldn't Liu Lisheng see that He Jincheng was really short of money? He didn't care about the share in the garment factory, but he was mainly worried that He Jincheng would not accept it.

"That's it, then I would like to thank Uncle Liu, this share..."

He Jincheng couldn't hold back any more, he was indeed short of money, but at first he wanted Liu Lisheng to guarantee him, and then to find a bank for a loan, but Liu Lisheng was about to invest directly.

That's fine, these days, if it's a sole proprietorship, sometimes it will be a little troublesome.

The Liu family's background is not shallow, and they still have enough funds. It would definitely be a good thing if Liu Lisheng came to invest.

However, how much this share should be given to him is debatable.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, the He Group is just a small company with an unclear future, and it is hard to say exactly how much money it can make.

However, in He Jincheng's view, his factory will definitely make money in the future, and it is absolutely indispensable.

In addition to the garment factory, he has to make other investments, after all, there are still three lands waiting to be developed.

"That's it, I won't make it difficult for you. I believe in your ability. What you do will definitely make money. I will invest 100 million in you and ask for 5.00% of your shares. It's not too much!"

Liu Lisheng lit a cigarette, looked at He Jincheng with a smile and said.

"5.00%? Isn't that too little, Uncle Liu, I can give you [-]%!"

He Jincheng said quickly.

"Hahaha, forget it, 5.00% is pretty good, why do I have to rely on you, a great doctor?"

Liu Lisheng laughed out loud.

He Jincheng is still very grateful to Liu Lisheng. The current 100 million will be equivalent to more than 1000 million in the future, and as long as he only needs 5.00% of the shares, it is definitely enough for righteousness.

"Okay, then I won't say anything more, the 5.00% stake will definitely not let Uncle Liu lose money!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Okay, then I'll wait at home to count the money! Let's go, let's go and show the old man first. He's been coughing a lot lately, and I'm a little worried!"

Liu Lisheng stubbed out the cigarette, stood up and led He Jincheng inside.

The two came to the old man's bedroom. The old man was sitting at the desk reading a book. When he saw He Jincheng coming, a smile appeared on his face.

"Xiao He is here, please sit down quickly and take a look at the handwriting of my Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, how is it doing!"

Old Liu smiled and beckoned He Jincheng to sit down.

"Old Liu, you are studying the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine, which really surprises me!"

He Jincheng was really surprised. He didn't expect Mr. Liu to be so old and still studying Chinese medicine.

"Hahaha, since you saw me last time, I feel that Chinese medicine is very magical, so I want to learn it. I am so old, I am definitely not qualified to be a doctor, but it is still possible to understand the theory of Chinese medicine Well! Quickly help me to see how my handwriting is doing, is it still in good shape?"

Old Liu handed over his handwriting to He Jincheng and said with a smile.

"Okay, let me see then!"

He Jincheng took the note, opened it and looked at it carefully, he was very surprised. Mr. Liu must have never studied Chinese medicine, but many important points have been summed up, especially for each paragraph, there is still some own understanding , although not very mature, but it can be seen that Mr. Liu is very hardworking.

"Mr. Liu, your summary is really good. If you had studied Chinese medicine 20 years earlier, you would definitely be able to become a famous doctor of the generation!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hahaha, you know what to say, kid. I'm already quite old, and I'm still a famous doctor. I just need to understand a little bit about health care!"

Old Liu laughed.

Next, He Jincheng took Lao Liu's pulse. Basically, there was nothing wrong, but the weather turned cold in autumn, which caused the cough.

He Jincheng prescribed a prescription for Mr. Liu, told him how to cook it and how to take it, and then left Liu's house.

Back home, Ye Shanhe and He Qingsong were playing chess, while Guo Lan and Wang Huixin were knitting sweaters and watching the children.

Ye Qingmeng also came back and was teaching Tingting some basic knowledge.

"Dad, you're back!"

Seeing He Jincheng's return, Tingting happily ran over and saved He Jincheng's thigh.

"Hey, what's the matter, does Tingting miss her father?"

He Jincheng held Tingting in his arms and rubbed her little head.

"Well, I miss Dad. I learned pinyin from my mother today. May I read it to you?"

Tingting said very obediently.

"Of course, let me see how much my Tingting has learned!"

He Jincheng sat on the sofa with Tingting in his arms, and sat her upright, as if listening carefully.

"Mom taught me abcdefg! A has to open your mouth wide, ah..."

Tingting spoke seriously, making the whole family laugh.

Erbao was lying on the crib, wondering if he was also infected by the crowd, giggling and laughing non-stop.

In the evening, Guo Lan and Wang Huixin cook, and the whole family eats together.

He Jincheng didn't want his parents to be so tired, so he proposed to hire a nanny for the family.

"Hey, what kind of babysitter are you hiring? We can all run and move, so what are we doing with that wasted money!"

Guo Lan loves money and is unwilling.

"That's right, do you think our cooking is not delicious? You child, I cooked for you since you were a child. Now that I'm old, I start to dislike me?"

Wang Huixin and Guo Lan were on the same front, so of course they talked about He Jincheng together.

"Mom, I don't mean it. It's not that our house is too big. Please ask someone to come over and help. This will also save you from doing some work!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"Yes, Mom, Jincheng and I are not at home often, and there are two children at home, I think it's better to hire a nanny!"

Ye Qingmeng is more supportive of He Jincheng's approach, after all, the family is relatively well-off now, not short of this little money.

After discussing this topic for a while, several old people nodded in agreement.

"That's fine, but if you want to invite someone, you must invite someone who is diligent and smart!"

Wang Huixin said.

"Of course, I'll go and have a look tomorrow, and I'm sure to invite someone who can do the work!"

He Jincheng Cableway.

The next day, He Jincheng sent Ye Qingmeng to school, and instead of going to the factory, he went directly to the labor agency.

He is here in Nandu. Although he knows some people, he can't be careless about hiring a nanny.

Professional things should be left to professional people, which can save yourself a lot of time.

(End of this chapter)

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