Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 366 Hiring a Nanny, the Bidding Finally Begins

Chapter 366 Hiring a Nanny, the Bidding Finally Begins

Qinglan Intermediary is a labor intermediary company just opened in Southern Metropolis.

With the advancement of the reform, many people now come to the city to work, but most of the rural people have no contacts and resources. If they want to find a job quickly, they can only come to an intermediary company.

Therefore, the labor intermediary industry is now considered a relatively fast-growing industry.

When he came to Qinglan's agency, someone immediately stepped forward to receive He Jincheng.

"Hello, sir, are you here to find a job or hire someone?"

The attitude of the service staff is very good, unlike many state-owned companies, they don't care about you when they come, and they don't care about attitude or attitude at all.

"Hello, I want to hire a nanny who can do housework and look after the children!"

He Jincheng directly stated his intention.

"Okay sir, please follow me, I will find someone who is in charge of this for you!"

The waiter led He Jincheng to a relatively quiet conference room.

People like He Jincheng who are willing to hire a nanny are either rich or have status.

After all, a nanny costs at least 50 yuan a month, where can ordinary people afford it.

The person who received He Jincheng was a middle-aged woman named Qin Chunzhi.

This Qin Chunzhi looked a little rich, but as a doctor, He Jincheng liked to look at people's complexion first. With such a large number, he felt that Qin Chunzhi came to work with a disease.

"Mr. He, right? Hello, please sit down, let me introduce you to the situation of our nanny!"

When Qin Chunzhi saw someone coming, he showed a smiling face and warmly entertained He Jincheng.

"Thank you. I came here today just to hire a nanny. See if there is any suitable one."

He Jincheng nodded and sat down.

"I don't know what standard Mr. He wants. The nannies here are also determined according to their age and assessment rating. All the staff have passed the company's training and guidance, and there is absolutely no business problem."

Qin Chunzhi introduced with a smile.

"What's the price? I think it's divided into grades."

He Jincheng asked.

"Yes sir, our nannies are graded according to experience, age, educational background, etc., from level one to level five. Level five is the best nannies here. Of course, the cost will be higher. It costs 500 yuan, and for the first level, it only costs 100 yuan!"

Qin Chunzhi introduced.

"The starting price is 100 yuan. Your price is a bit high. Now the workers in the factory are only 50 yuan per month on average!"

It's not that He Jincheng can't afford to spend the money, the key is that no matter how rich he is, he can't spend it for no reason, so it's still necessary to ask clearly.

"That's right, sir. Our nannies have all received professional training and are guaranteed to be better than the usual aunts. You can try it out for a while. If you feel unsatisfied, we can refund you directly!"

Qin Chunzhi was obviously very familiar with the business and explained it very clearly.

That is to say, there is a reason why we are expensive. Although it is a bit more expensive, it is definitely worth the money.

"Okay, let me have a look first, I'll pick one!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, thinking that this was also the case.

The reason for inviting a nanny is to save some time. If you invite a person who does not pay attention to hygiene and works frizzy, then you have invited a Lafayette, which is too tortured.

"Okay sir, here is our roster, with the nanny's level and related introductions on it!"

Qin Chunzhi took out a notebook, on which were densely written the information of dozens of nannies.

In the end, He Jincheng chose a woman in her early twenties with a high school education.

The woman's name is Zhang Xiaomei, and she belongs to the fourth-level nanny, with a monthly salary of 400 yuan.

"Xiaomei is a very good employee of ours. The last time someone gave birth to a baby, I asked Xiaomei to take care of it. When the owner's family gave birth, if the family couldn't afford it, everyone I can't bear to let Xiaomei go!"

Qin Chunzhi was very happy to see that He Jincheng had chosen a fourth-level nanny.

Their intermediaries provide people with job opportunities, which can be drawn from the salary. A fourth-level nanny like Zhang Xiaomei can draw 30.00% of the salary every month, which is 120 yuan, for six consecutive months. There will be no further commission after one month.

If this family ends and you need to continue looking for a job, you will start over again.

This percentage is really not low. Fortunately, the wages released by the intermediary are not low, so many people are still willing to hang with the intermediary.

"That's right, she's the only one. This is three months' salary. I'll pay it in advance. Let her come to work at my house tomorrow. I can provide board and lodging!"

He Jincheng nodded, and then took out twelve bundles of Great Unity from his handbag.

The face value of this great unity is only ten yuan, and the salary of 400 yuan per month is [-] yuan in three months. Why not take out twelve bundles of great unity!
"Thank you Mr. He for your recognition of us, we still need to sign an agreement, please take a look!"

Qin Chunzhi was very happy. He didn't expect that when he came to work today, he encountered a big order.

1000 two hundred is fast, and she can get almost 50 yuan, how can she not be happy!

"Then please, this is my home address!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, and wrote the address of his home.

"Hey, Mr. He, you live in a small mansion. I heard that it was recently changed to He's mansion. Are you the owner of the mansion?"

Qin Chunzhi asked in great surprise.

She worked here and met many wealthy people in the southern capital. Naturally, she had heard of the small mansion, and immediately became more respectful to He Jincheng.

"Yeah, the house is a bit big, that's why I hired a nanny!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly.

The process on the agency's side is relatively fast, and it can be regarded as a small problem solved.

After leaving the agency, He Jincheng went directly to the garment factory.

Because the investment given by Liu Lisheng has already been transferred to the company's account, and now that the funds are available, it depends on whether a very suitable construction company can be selected in the next bidding meeting.

In a blink of an eye, seven days passed, and the bidding for He's Garment No. [-] Factory finally started.

This time, many people came from all over the world, and even He Jincheng felt a little surprised. He didn't expect that such a small project bidding of his own would attract so many people, almost a dozen companies participated!
"Everyone, please be quiet. We are conducting the first round of bidding. Please write down your quotations on paper and mark which company you belong to."

He Jincheng shouted loudly, which made the lively bidding scene quiet down.

(End of this chapter)

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