Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 367 At the bidding site, the new factory has strict standards

Chapter 367 At the bidding site, the new factory has strict standards
"Mr. He, I have a question to ask!"

Someone raised his hand and asked.

"Okay, at the beginning, I will give you 10 minutes to ask questions, and you can ask any questions you have!"

He Jincheng nodded and said.

"Because it's the first time for everyone to participate in this kind of provincial bidding, we don't know much about your company's standards, so I hope you can introduce it to everyone."

"Of course we have to make this clear to everyone. Our bidding is not about blindly trying to get the lowest price from the contractor. We mainly consider three points, one is price, the other is quality, and the third is feasibility. None of these three points is very important, and there is no such thing as which point is more important, I think everyone should understand it!"

He Jincheng said.

"In this way, everyone understands, and I have no problem!"

"I have a question, what standard is our construction standard based on, because the standard materials used in different places are not the same now, and this also has a very important impact on our quotation!"

Someone asked this question.

"We will send you a material later, which has a detailed introduction to the construction period, materials, safety measures, etc. You can make a quotation based on the corresponding information, and we will give you two hours Think and calculate, before [-]:[-] noon, everyone will give us the quotation plan, arrange lunch for everyone, and then take a break, at [-]:[-] pm, we will announce the results on time!"

He Jincheng explained.

Then someone asked a few more questions, and He Jincheng answered them all.

The construction of the new factory is very important, and he also attaches great importance to it.

After everyone's questions are over, the bidding will officially begin.

Zhou Qingyuan asked people to distribute the materials, and then followed He Jincheng out of the meeting room.

More than a dozen contractors had heated discussions, some inquiring about each other, and some on guard against each other, the whole thing was a living battlefield!

At ten o'clock at noon, He Jincheng asked people to collect the quotation plan, and then invited the contractors to have lunch, while Zhou Qingyuan took people to make statistics and evaluation of the quotation, and strived to have a preliminary proposal before 01:30 p.m. Results, and then handed over the results to He Jincheng for final review.

After eating, He Jincheng went to the office first.

At the moment, seven or eight people in the office are busy evaluating quotation proposals, and everyone is so motivated that they don't even have time to eat.

"Everyone has worked hard, work harder, and strive to finish on time. After this matter is over, I will give everyone a day off with pay and have a good rest!"

He Jincheng walked into the office with a smile.

When everyone heard the words, they were immediately happy, and they worked harder.

In less than 01:30, the preliminary results of the assessment came out.

He Jincheng took the quotations from various companies and carefully reviewed them.

"This quotation is obviously lower than the market price, and it is impossible to cover their costs. Such a contractor will definitely fail in the future, and we must not accept it!"

He Jincheng directly gave up the quotation plan of the first company.

This is obviously to use a low price to obtain the contracting rights, but a project worth millions of dollars does not earn a penny. Isn’t this a good way to make money? Therefore, such a contractor will definitely do some tricks in the subsequent construction , is not reliable at all.

"There are three companies like this. Since you don't agree with Director He, then give up all of them!"

Zhou Qingyuan said immediately.

This time he can be said to be conscientious and responsible, and he has reviewed each quotation plan by himself, so he is quite familiar with it.

"Okay, this is our experience. There will definitely be various biddings in the future. Everyone can learn from it!"

He Jincheng nodded, quite satisfied with Zhou Qingyuan's work this time.

"Director He, the prices of the other two are too outrageous. All of them are made of the best materials. In fact, there is a fact. I suggest that these two can be ignored!"

The chief of the finance department picked out two quotations and said.

"Well, this is completely flashy, especially in terms of soft decoration, the materials used are too wasteful, so let's skip it!"

He Jincheng nodded in agreement.

In terms of the main materials used in the building, He Jincheng supports the best materials, but for some soft furnishings, such as floor tiles, walls, lighting, etc., there is absolutely no need to use such high-standard materials.

After eliminating the plans of five companies at once, the rest will be much easier.

"Although this company's quotation is suitable, the plan is a bit too traditional. We need a steel structure plus a brick structure. It seems that this contractor has no engineering experience in steel structures!"

He Jincheng shook his head slightly, and gave up his family again.

In this way, after reviewing one by one, He Jincheng finally picked out a relatively satisfactory contractor.

"Sincere Construction Co., Ltd., this one looks good. What's the name of the boss?"

He Jincheng looked at this quotation plan, which was the most sincere one he had seen so far. He could tell at a glance that the owner of this house was a down-to-earth person who worked on his business.

"Oh, the boss of this company is called Zhang Cheng. He is from the province. The company is located in Nanhua City!"

Zhou Qingyuan immediately checked the information.

"Okay, I think this plan is the most suitable for us, what do you think?"

He Jincheng nodded, looked at the crowd and said.

"The quotation of this company is close to 5 yuan more than our plan according to the cost estimate, but this is within our acceptable range. At the same time, the plan is quite satisfactory, and we care more about some practical application issues. I agree with this proposal. plan!"

Zhou Qingyuan was the first to express his opinion.

Everyone also nodded in agreement, just kidding, the boss told the pros and cons one by one, obviously he took a fancy to this family's plan, who would dare to disagree!
"Okay, then let's choose this quotation. In the end, the factory manager Zhou went to be responsible for announcing it, and at the same time, make an appointment with Mr. Zhang, who is sincere in construction, to meet me. It's best to be in my office after the bidding activity is over!"

He Jincheng nodded, since he chose to cooperate, he still needs to meet and have a good chat.

He Jincheng didn't want to meet that kind of rogue boss. He didn't know what troubles would arise.

Zhou Qingyuan took the results to the big conference room. When he announced the results, he immediately caused dissatisfaction among many people.

Some people said that my quotation was even lower than the cost price, so why did the company with the higher quotation win the bid?

Zhou Qingyuan had been prepared for a long time, and explained the advantages and disadvantages of the solutions that He Jincheng mentioned in the office just now.

(End of this chapter)

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