Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 37 Novel plan, successfully persuaded Zhang Junwu

Chapter 37 Novel plan, successfully persuaded Zhang Junwu
"Who are you?"

Zhang Junwu is in a very bad mood now. Seeing the three of them suddenly appearing in his own company, his natural tone is not very good.

Before coming in, He Jincheng sternly warned Ye Chunlin not to talk too much.

Otherwise, according to Ye Chunlin's personality, he must have a few words with the other party now.

"Hello, Director Zhang, we want to talk to you about the sale of this winery."

Xiao Jingran said with a smile, his face full of sincerity.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, just smiled and didn't speak.

"You want to buy a winery?"

Zhang Junwu's eyes lit up, and he stood up immediately.

"Come, come, please sit down, I'll pour water for you!"

Compared with the tone and attitude just now, it is simply a sky and a world.

It's no wonder, Zhang Junwu was worrying about how the factory would sell, Hu Yuejin, that bastard, really suppressed the price too much.

If it is sold at his price, the workers will have nothing after their wages are paid.

After pouring a glass of water for the three of He Jincheng, Zhang Junwu also sat down, with expectations and anxiety in his eyes.

"Since the three of you are here to buy a factory, I will tell you the truth. To tell you the truth, this factory is run by the town. I will take care of it and pay some taxes every year."

"However, it has been more than ten years since the winery opened, and the profit is pitiful. Over the years, many reforms have been made, especially this year, and I have learned management experience from some big factories, and the results are even more unsatisfactory."

"Even so, the scale of our winery is still okay. Look at the warehouse, office building, and cellar lees. To be honest, the county winery may not be as large as ours, but the quality of our wine is poor. A little bit."

Zhang Junwu briefly introduced the situation of the winery to the three of them.

This is similar to what a few people knew before, but it can be seen from here that Zhang Junwu is an open-minded person.

"I seem to have seen people from Daqu Distillery just now. I wonder if you have already negotiated?"

Xiao Jingran asked with a smile.

"Not yet, the price they gave is too low, I really don't want to sell it! At worst, let's go home and farm!"

When Zhang Junwu said the latter, there was already a bit of anger in his tone.

"By the way, if you want to buy it, what price do you expect?"

Xiao Jingran and He Jincheng looked at each other, hesitated for a while, and then stretched out five fingers.

Zhang Junwu's complexion suddenly became ugly.

"Five thousand? You are here to disgust me!"

The corners of his mouth twitched, and a surge of anger welled up in his heart, almost breaking out.

"Director Zhang, don't worry, just listen to our acquisition plan!"

He Jincheng smiled and spoke.

"you say!"

Zhang Junwu snorted coldly, his attitude was not as good as before.

"That's right. To be precise, we are going to buy 5000% of your factory's equity for 90.00 yuan."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Equity? What is this?"

Zhang Junwu was taken aback, he didn't understand.

The concept of equity has not been popularized in this era, so Zhang Junwu doesn't understand what it is.

"Equity can be understood as the distribution of interests and power of the factory. If we acquire 90.00%, we will enjoy 90.00% of the interests and rights, and the remaining [-]% will be kept. In this case, it is equivalent to you and us Let’s continue to manage the factory together in a joint venture!”

He Jincheng explained with a smile.

Zhang Junwu understood that the other party was not going to buy all of them.

However, the price of 90.00 to buy [-]% of the equity is still too low.

"It's true that my factory doesn't make much money, but it can still be sold for 5000 yuan. If you only have this kind of plan, we have nothing to talk about!"

Zhang Junwu said lightly, although his anger has subsided a bit, he still disagrees with this plan.

"While we brought 5000 yuan in funds, we also have new products and sales methods. In fact, these are also funds. After conversion, it is far more than 5000 yuan!"

He Jincheng continued.

"Boss Xiao is a practical philanthropic entrepreneur in Qianwangcun. He is famous for his honesty and fairness. Director Zhang will be able to find out about this as long as he finds someone to check."

"We have more than 3000 bottles of self-brewed lotus wine, and we have not been able to find a good way to sell them. Although your factory is not well managed, it has a national name after all. If this is the case, we can sell it with confidence!"

"In addition, these 90.00% of interests and rights also need to bear 90.00% of debts and responsibilities, that is to say, for example, workers' wages, we will also solve 90.00%!"

Hearing this, Zhang Junwu finally looked much better, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

If calculated in this way, it seems that most of the 5000 yuan will not be used.

Daqu Distillery only pays 7000 yuan, and does not bear any salary debts, etc. This is what Zhang Junwu is most angry about.

Now although the other party only pays 5000 yuan, I still retain 7000% of the equity, and most of the debts will be transferred to the other party. This is indeed much better than the acquisition of [-] yuan.

However, Zhang Junwu really has no confidence in this winery.

"How about this, you contribute [-] yuan, I will pay off the debt, and then hand over the factory to you!"

After thinking about it, Zhang Junwu still felt that this was safer.

"Director Zhang, you have no sincerity, and you seem to have insufficient confidence in us. If this is the case, it will be meaningless for us to buy your factory! Moreover, we also need you to continue to manage the winery. The future development of the winery , I can't live without you!"

Xiao Jingran said with a smile.

Zhang Junwu has worked in Pingyao winery for more than ten years, and his prestige is still very high.

It's just because the winery has been in a state of loss, so it's a mess, and even the official has given up on the winery.

"Then how do you guarantee what you just said!"

Zhang Junwu had no idea, but what He Jincheng said just now was the best plan he had heard so far.

As long as it can be truly implemented, it is actually acceptable.

"In this way, let's sign a letter of intent first, and then hold a staff mobilization meeting. At that time, we will pay half of the wages that were owed to the employees on the spot. After the winery is completely handed over, we will settle the remaining half of the wages. How about it? "

He Jincheng thought for a while and said.

"Okay, as long as you can really keep your promise, let alone give me [-]% of the shares, even if you let me Zhang Junwu work as a small worker in the wine cellar, I have nothing to say!"

Zhang Junwu immediately patted the table and said.

"Director Zhang is refreshing, then let's sign an agreement of intent first!"

He Jincheng nodded and smiled, and Xiao Jingran readily agreed. As for Ye Chunlin, he had nothing to say.

(End of this chapter)

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